Monday, April 28, 2008


At least I do right now if what I think is happening really is................

Back in March, the Dept. sat together to create our summer schedules. We've done this for years. And whatever's left goes to the adjuncts. This summer, not much is running. And there may not be any classes for adjuncts.

Until now.

We had to "put in our wish list" to see if the dean would approve it. The decree came this evening. Of the four (minimum) I need (for financial purposes), I got two.

This is not acceptable. I need the classes for money. I need the classes so I do not go broke. I didn't take them for the fun of it. I took them because I need to live. And what they pay me as a full-timer is criminal. Forcing me to work in the summer.

Ummmm...........that's every summer until now.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Disturbing.....................On So Many Levels

The President's Correspondants' Dinner was held this weekend. In attendance were many politicians, hollywood stars & starlets, press, and "The Hills"?

Oh yes. Heidi & Spencer. And Lauren. This irks me.

These are people who have no clue as to what goes on beyond fashion, bickering over who leaked what lies to which paper/blog site, clubbing it & parties, and MTV. And here they were--hobnobbing it with some of the Nation's most powerful and influential people.

Something is definitely wrong with this country.

Defeating the Purpose

The geniuses-that-be have done it again. It was registration time and that is always a nightmare from which one can barely recover. We have, for the last nine years, done what is called "mass registration" where we sit like targets behind a long row of tables and wait for the student to approach.

Now, normal schools would have students show up with degree maps filled out, a selection of classes and codes that they need and are running at times that they have chosen, and financial aide papers completed.

Notice the use of the word "normal".

Our students have shown up, year after year, with none of the aforementioned papers. They sit down with the papers handed to the by the Regsitrar and then push the papers across the table to the poor advisor and say "Uh....Here". Many just take the papers and hand-hold the student, asking them how classes are going, what they think they need, if they want this class or that, and what days & times they'd like to attend. So many times, I would say "Hey! Why haven't you done this? Why am I supposed to be more interested in your future (and finances) than you are?" and I would slide the papers back to them and tell them to go pick out what they need and I would double-check it to see if they did it correctly.

Many many (many) schools have moved to phone-in or online proccesses and yet we still do it with face-to-face meetings and hand-holding. This semester, the College decided to divide up all of the students by the number of faculty and assign us each a group. We were given the list of names March 7th. Registration was to now work as follows: Email the students that registration has begun, they need to print their own degree map and fill it in, and then select classes. They were to email back and set up a time to meet so that I could verify that all papers are correct. They had from March 13th until April 10th to do this. I had 31 students which whom I had to meet.

I heard from five and met with three. What happened to the others? I don't know. I sent out three emails detailing times, dates, and procedure to expedite the whole thing and I got NOTHING in return.

What were we told last Monday? Take all remaining students who had not registered from our groups, fill in the degree map for them, look at their previous schedules to see if they have taken summer classes or not, and then register them for summer and fall classes, respectively.

So we just took all ownership out of their hands completely? They had to do NOTHING to continue their future as I had to be considerate of it for them? Are you kidding? And we had until that Friday to submit all of the papers. It took me ten........................yes 10.............hours to do all of them by myself.

So much for making the students responsible. I guess we showed them!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Stop Me Before I Do It

All I can think of lately is Cowboy. I wake up to thoughts about him. I listen to songs on the radio and immediately relate them to him. I hear something funny and think of how he'd appreciate it. All I want to do is call him.

And I have been so tempted to all week. Our last contact was March 17th when I texted him that I want my money. That was it.

I haven't contacted him. I probably won't. Because he wasn't a good friend to me when I needed it. And hte last thing I said tohim (his voicemail) wasn't very nice. And he's probably engaged to the latest girl in his life and I just can't hear about it.

I do believe that he will be back in my life one day. I'm not sure how, but he and I did have a connection that is rare and should not be tossed aside.

And I am not sure a relationship, in general, would solve my cravings to call him. Its beyond that. I just feel so icky going as long as I have without contact. Why did he have to be so lousy.

Greatest Line Of The Week


That is a quote about "The HIlls" Heidi Montag's new fashion line. What that girl knows about fashion, I have no idea. She attended FIDM for one day. Yes. One day. And that was to go into Public Relations work. Not fashion. And yet, here she has clothes that look as if they came from an old '80s hair band video shoot.

Who in the world would actually buy the pieces? Unless it was Halloween, I don't know. Heidi should stick to what she knows: falling for loser guys and screwing over the people she calls her friends all for the sake of a few dollars.

Big Money No Whammies!

Crak and I have yet to settle our TN plans and need to get moving on that train before the Chattanooga Choochoo leaves without us. I found myself heading out there Tuesday afternoon so that we could sit and look up sites, airfare, and hotels together. Again, hard to do this now that she had to go off and get a real job ............... I may survive. We'll see.

We made some plans..........nothing written in stone yet...............and then we drove over to the Franklin Square Theater for a free showing of "21". Free because she has that cable pass and gets two tickets on Tuesdays. I loved this. Money is tight and free is good.

I loved the movie. I am not going to break down the details of the film but would love to go to Vegas. And I'd love to learn how to count cards. They had such a cool system going.....with their "sweet", "paycheck", "paper" and other code words to tell how high the deck count was when the ringer came in to gamble.

The main character, Ben (played by Jim Sturgess), was not only sweet and likeable, but very goodlooking to watch on screen. I didn't get how the girl he had a crush on, Jill (Kate Bosworth) could tell him she wasn't interested, then all-of-a-sudden like him enough to seduce him and invite him to her comped suite, and then when things get rough, disappear and hold it against him for not contacting her sooner. It lost me there. But the movie was GREAT!

The theater, however, was not. It was hot. I don't mean warm and a bit uncomfortable. I mean "Welcome to the Equator in June" hot. I thought I'd pass out and told Crak that if I happened to fall out of my seat, it wasn't because I was sleeping. It'd be heat stroke.

Top the heat off with the senior group that invaded the theater. They can't see, can't hear, and bring their own snacks in a ginormous bag. In our aisle, a husband had to tell his wife what was happening in the film. It was cute. It was comical. And it was predictable to the point that, at the end, I said practically the same thing to Crak. We laughed.

As we left the theater, we talked about counting cards & how we may not be able to work out such a system and revisited the discussion about blowing on people's dice. We'll have to try and put that plan into action this summer.

Would You Care For A Spot Of Tea?


I found myself in the back of dad's car with KDP, on our way to the NYC's Third Annual Coffee & Tea Festival. I'm lovin' these festivals and want to go to as many as I can (at least that my wallet will allow). I enjoy tea. I like sampling flavors of tea. I am not a fan of drinking a full cup of it hot, but can sip it. And, many of them make great iced teas when the warm weather comes around.

I have attended the Chocolate Show for the last few years at the Metropolitan Pavilion and know the space they have and the amount of vendors and patrons they can handle, so I was looking for row after row of teas & coffees that are available to both the public and to restaurant establishments.

We got there around 11:30 and found no line outside. Weird. There's usually a line for anything you do in the city. We walked in and got our goody bags which were filled with coupons and bags of samples. I am looking forward to trying them later on this weekend.

We enterd the main room and found.....................maybe 30 people and thirty vendors. What? This is not what it sounded like on the site at all!

Anyways, we made the best of it. Because there were so few people milling around, it was easy to get a sample..........or four.............and speak with ease to the vendors. The first lady we spoke with was from Harrisons & Crossfields and she was extremely interesting! I learned a lot about teas, styles, and even how to brew the proper pot of tea.

We had liquid chocolate............mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. D. Licious.

I had espresso from three different companies. I found that I do not like espresso and it took me two hours to blink again.

We sat through a seminar about "cupping" and how to tell the difference between quality of fresh leaves. Needless to say............we left wenty minutes into the hour-long session.

Now I have a mission to go to Alice's Teacup as soon as possible!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Day Three: The Wind Has Yet To Subside

It rained. Again. Why? Because we were traveling today. And we had to walk -- originally -- four blocks to the subway & go down a set of scary-slippery stairs to the Red Line. We got there.....wet......and found yellow police tape at the entrance. All it siad ws to "Catch The Shuttle". But where was the shuttle? There were no signs anywhere!

We met a man who was almost as disgruntled as we were who told us to walk six block further and pick up the Purple Line. We had no other choice. Well, we did. But it would have been a $40 cab ride. $2 a person sounded better. And we left with time for errors to occur. Still raining and cold, we hauled it the six lengthy blocks. Where we had to climb three flights of stairs......slippery and suitcases........and the phrase "out of breath" doesn't begin to explain the feeling. The Purple line came, finally, and we got on with way too many other people. Flashbacks to Crak & me holding the doors to the metro open while pitching our way-too-bulky/heavy suitcases into a crowded car where nobody would help came to mind......and we now had to figure out where this would link to the Orange Line to head back to Midway.

Becasue it was Saturday, fewer trains were running and there really wasn't a time schedule to follow. We got out at a station, hurriedly took the elevator (first one I saw at a station this whole time) and went down one level to hop in another and ride it back up to the platfrom on the other side. 15 minutes later, the Orange Train arrived and we began the run back to the airport.

We made it with a half hour before boarding. Not much time but enough to get on line and have our bags checked. We hustled it to the gate & hopped on the plane.

Take-off was a bit rough with the.........don't make me say it...........wind and rain, but the pilot did just fine. We were back to ISP in no time at all.

I was so tired & all I wanted to do was go home and crash. Fat chance. Dad, who met us at the airport, was hungry, as it was 6:00, and wanted to go get dinner. He went to Chilis on Rte. 110. We had a 45-minute wait. While sitting there, I noticed a student waiting tables in the bar section. So I scurried out of sight because I was tired, cold, and had just gotten off a plane. I was in no mood to see a student. We were seated and our waitress came over to take our orders.

I sat there in our section and watched another waitress who looked awfully familiar. But, I couldn't place her. All of a sudden, it hit me: she was the evil woman from the fall who was furious over her grade and literally went screaming up and down the halls until someone would listen. Drat! I can't stand her. Thankfully, it didn't seem as if she saw me, so I ate & told my parents to hustle it up a bit.

I went home tired but happy that my stealth moves kept me off the radar. I'd go back to Chicago in a New York minute, but only if it is after Memorial Day.

"Stormy, Husky, Brawling, City of the Big Shoulders"

Sandburg's poem makes somuch more sense now.

Day Two in CHi-town was proving to be much better than Day One.

It was almost 60degrees and sunny! Hurray! We were planning on visiting the Sears Tower and thought it best to take one of those trolley/double-decker bus tours to see the city & be able to get on and off as we like. We hopped the first bus at 9:30 and were whiksed all the way to the opposite end of the city for that first stop. Which would be The Sears Tower.

On the way, we saw all sorts of sites pointed out by the guide. I convinced Mom to sit up top for just this portion of the trip so we could see things better. They were predicting rain for later and I wanted to do this once while we had the opportunity. I had a great ime up there & loved ducking so that I wouldn't lose my head on the traffic light fixtures. OUr guide, Brad, was so funny. He told us such interesting facts & really bad corny jokes. But he kept it interesting.

We hopped off at the Sears Tower at 9:50 and went inside. The first run up to the 103 floor was at 10 and my mom thoguth we may be too early, as the lobby of the building was empty. But we took an elevator down two floors to go through security and begin the tour and were met with a line of 100+ people. Still, we didn't stand long and got to see a movie about the building's hostiry and how, when finished, the Sears Corp. was only in there 14 years before they had to sell it off. So sad!

We got in the elevator and were delivered to the top in no time flat. My ears popped only three times on the way up. When we exited the elevator, I was expecting to be inside but have the opportunity to walk outside too. Nope. The entire viewing floor is indoors. Here I was thinking Eiffel Tower and Empire State Building but this is nothing like those. It is 100% enclosed.

Because it was a clear day, we could see up to 50 miles away. So cool! And the Chicago River and Lake Michigan were right there, too. Loved it.

We went back down and waited for a bus to continue the tour. This next bus we caught was not as intersting as our first host. This guy told us some facts, but he was so flat about it that I didn't find them interesting. Stop 2, for us, was Millenium Park, where we saw the Amphitheater and "The BIg Bean". "The Bean" is a silver, massive sculpture that reminds me of a kidney bean. But HUGE. I took some cool pictures of it and the city and blue sky reflect off of it into the shot that it is so pretty. I even took a picture of it with my mom & me in the reflection. Nice!

We hopped onto another bus and somehow got our original host back! Yippee! He took us past the Museum of Modren Art, where he said its better known as "I could have done that". I laughed so hard when he said "They paint three lollipop sticks orange, glue them into the shape of a tirangle on a big white board, and then hang it up. When I ask 'What's teh meaning of this?' hey sao 'Oh. It's too deep to explain.'" He was hysterical.

We drove past the Chicago river....which flows backwards. Apparently, they used to dump waste into the river....................all waste..............and never thought twice of it, even though the river was their water supply and drank from it. When people began to get sick, they decided that they had to build dams and levvies (spelling?) and were sending he water into the Mississippi to St. Louis. St. Louis tried to block the movement, but didn't do it in time and Chicago scored one. St. Louis got them back. According to the guide, they bottled that water at their Budweiser plant and sent it right back to Chicago. Nice!

On to Navy Pier. It was so cold walking down by the Lake and we tried to stay inside as best as possible. Here's where I had my first taste of Chicago's famous barbeque. I had a pulled pork sandwich that was pretty darn good. And I don't even like pulled pork. Go figure!

We grabbed a trolley from there to finish our tour at the opposite end of the MAg. Mile from where we werestaying. We passed the Wrigley Building along the way and heard even more cool facts from our new driver/guide. We got off and began the walk. The architecture of the buildings was so pretty and classic. I enjoyed the detail and how it varied from one structure to another. They ahd a sculpture of a moose on the street that was made from the bumpers of cars in accidents in that area from last year. Cool moose!

We wanderd back to the hotel around 7 and went to dinner. I had the classic Chicago Pie (pizza). I also had the fresh berry crepe with hazelnut chocolate (nutella...but they didn't say that on the menu).

It was a bit windy out but not yet raining so we took a walk to the stores on the Mag. Mile and got some souveniers for people. I really couldn't find much but I did find this great chocolate shoppe in the middle of the 900 Shops. It's called Ethels and they sell chocolate pieces and even make desserts, coffee drinks,chocolate drinks, and fresh fondue right there. Like a chocolate Starbucks. I bought chocolates for everyone! The pieces were a bit pricey, but I got each person 2-pieces. They were from the cocktail collection and are to die for. I already ate my two and if I don't give the others their pieces, I may eat them as well.

Day Two ended with another run for a cup of tea and collapsing.

They Don't Call It The "Windy City" For Nothing

My mom got it in her head that she wanted to go away for a couple of days. That's fine with me. But it's where she wanted to go that bothered me. Last year & two years prior, we went to Minneapolis, MN and I had thought we learned our lesson about going west before winter is actually over. Apparently not.

We left Thursday morning for Islip Airport. We had no trouble taking off, despite the American Air cancellations....that's why I fly Southwest! The 2 1/2 hour trip was quick and painless, but it was the holding pattern that lasted almost an hour that got to me. O'Hare was backed up with traffic (how I don't know if AA was groubding all of their flights) and the overload jammed their radar system, which affected Midway.....where we were to land. Eventually.

When we landed, we found it to be raining. I wasn't prepared for rain. I brought an umbrella, but my 'brella for one' would not withstand five minutes with the wind that they have. We found our luggage easily and started walking for the metro platform. It would cost only $2 to get from the airport to the actual city of Chicago. Nice! But it did mean transferring from one train to another. In the rain. And, I know, you'd think it was indoors, underground, or on platforms. Nope. We had to get off at one station, go down two flights of slippery stairs (wet from the rain), cross the street, and walk down two more flights to get to the next subway we needed. All this and carrying suitcases.

We took the red line to our stop and had to walk four blocks to our hotel. Again, this would be fine if it wasn't raining!

We got to our beautiful hotel and found out that we had been upgraded! Sweet! We were a half of a block from Michigan Avenue...............the Magnificent Mile.................and in the heart of everything a tourist would want. Our room was one of them on the top floors (19th out of 20) and it came with fresh chocolate covered strawberries as a welcome and a window with shutters that, when opened, looked out onto the city and a clear view of Lake Michigan a block and a half away. Stunning! We also were a part of the "Winter Warm-Up" package that gave us a $100 credit to their restaurant for anything (including the tip). So our breakfasts and one evening's dinner would be paid for. I'm all for the free meals.

Because we are in the city location, most of the sites would close by 8pm. It was already 3pm.............and raining....................and we didn't know where to go or what to do. We hadn't eaten lunch and didn't want to eat dinner too early because we'd be hungry later & it would throw things off.

We grabbed the humongous umbrella (that comes standard with each room and can fit three comfortably) and took off to see what was out there. The problem is that darn wind! I thought that, at any moment, I'd become Mary Poppins and take off. So we ducked into a building that was a 7-floor shopping mecca. I was not in the mood to shop, but I can browse. We looked at all of the pretty things and then decided to find a place to eat.

The Cheesecake Factory was right across the street and they have a special that runs during the week. For two hours each night, they have a bar menu that is all of their best appetizers, salads, and three dinners, and they are smaller portions and all range from $4 to $7. Nice! We got fun drinks and each orderd two small plaes to share. Yum.

We left there around 6pm and tried to (unsuccessfully) walk some of the Mag. Mile. Not much was open and it was still raining. So we grabbed tea from Starbucks and headed back to the room to crash.

Day One done. Let's hope Day 2 isn't as rainy.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Skippin' School

Last Tuesday was an emotional day for me. I had "had it up to here" with a student and it escalated (on her side) to the point that I just walked out on her to keep my own sanity..........and job.

Wednesday rolled around & I love love love the Farm kids, but I just couldn't do it. And I had found out days earlier that my mother wanted to 'get away' and had booked a trip to Chicago for that Thursday to Saturday for the two of us. So I called in. And I went to the ft job to take care of some loose ends. While there, Crak texted. Weird! She never texts me that time of day..... and asked if I was at Briar..................and I was! She was in the area & I suggested lunch.

We met up a half hour later at Ruby Tuesdays, hoping to try their lunch menu. We got there, sat in the booth, wondered why it was as busy as it was and why it seems as if nobody works anymore, and began to look for the lunch section.

And you know what? There isn't one! How can that be? All restaurants, like RT, have a lunch section with smaller portions and prices. Drat. Ah we had to peruse the menu to see what was lunchy-style.

It felt so good to not be working. It felt even better to be hanging out on a whim with Crak & talking about all of the nonsense that goes on and we never get to share..............because she had to go off and work for a real school. Nope. No bitterness. But I will say that not being under the same roof with computer access on company time is not helping our travels! ;)

I have to figure out a way to make money and have an even more flexible schedule than I already do. Because, as I have been saying, working is getting in the way of living.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Neuroses on DVD

I was trying to fall asleep last night and just couldn't do it. So I popped in a dvd that I had bought ages ago for $5. "Because I Said So" almost drove me to a therapy session. It was just the oddest thing I ever tried to sit through! Basic plot is single mother with three daughters. Two daughters get married and she is worried about that last one because she can't pick the right men. So, meddling mother goes to the internet and screens potential men for her hopeless daughter and ofcourse does not tell her.

The daughers and mother have an odd relationship. They talk about kissing "down there" on a conference call, go to a naked massage parlor (with Piper Perabo in a thong), and a sort of discussion about the "Big O" between the mother and hopeless daughter.

There are some cute parts and there are plenty of parts that mothers and daughters can relate and see themselves.

But all I felt was a slip in my IQ and a taste of what ADD is like.

Mission Accomplished

I emailed the beerfest guy. Why? I don't know. I feel bad because I only did it yesterday. Almost a full week after he gave me his card. If I were him and a guy did that to me, I would be less than thrilled and not too eager to go out with him. I didn't wait that long deliberately, but I have been the proverbial hamster on the wheel and only found the card yesterday.

Let's see if he responds.

Or even remembers.

It's Hard To Say It, Time To Say It

Little brother left yesterday to begin a new chapter in his life. And, while he does this, it kicks off a new one for the family left behind. I am not sure what will come of this or how we will learn to deal.

Wish him luck, success, and that he wakes up and dumps the gargantuan.

Belated Is Better Than Never

Happy Birthday Mom!

Wishing you all that is wonderful and beautiful.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Awkward Encounters of the Hopefully Never Again Kind

I got hit on today. By a student. Blatently and obviously hit on.

Now I have been hit on before by students. I have had numbers flirt with me thinking that this will do something for them..................I guess.

But this was the oddest one yet.

He always hangs around after class to chat. To 'find out' my 'real' thoughts on subjects. To bounce things off of me. It's all harmless and innocent. But it can be annoying.

Anyway, he has the final project coming up soon and it requires that they do something new. Something that they have never done before. And they have to take a picture of themselves doing whatever it is that they choose. So he asked me if he could ask a girl out. I said, "Sure. If you have never done this before." He replied "well, I have, technically, but not like this. So would you like to go on a strictly platonic, non-sexual date with me next week?" To which I burst out laughing. I said "I don't think that counts, but thank you for asking. And, you have to take a picture of the action.......facial reactions..........responses............and I can not be in a picture for a project that I have to grade. It'd be a poor grade then!"

He laughed and said "Well, okay. But at least you know I have good taste." And he walked away.

I left laughing and shaking my head........................but then I felt bad. I hope he didn't think I was laughing AT him. I was laughing out of shock, discomfort, and denial. So now I have felt bad all afternoon.


I Met HIm On A Monday And My Heart Stood Still

Okay. So I actually met him on a Saturday and I wouldn't have even noticed him, let alone stopped to talk had he not engaged me in conversation. And its not because he was good looking or ugly.........he was nondescript and I just didn't even see him. But I heard that song on the radio and it was in my head so I figured I'd use it.

Saturday I went to the Nassau Coliseum Beer Fest. KDP & I had gone to Beertopia at Pourhouse and then I attended that wine fest at Javits, so why not go to the local one? My brother went last year and said he had a great time. I had asked about the men/women ratio thing and he said there were very few women. So I had made it a point then to go. I may as well up my odds of meeting someone.

We drove to the Coliseum and found a LONG line to try and get in. When I say long, I mean that we stood on line for 20 minutes. It. Was. Freezing! The wind just kept blowing and I wondered why I had bothered to brush my hair in the first place.

The guy who matched our names on our tickets to our ID looked at me and said "Okay. I don't believe it, but okay". Hey! Thanks Buddy! Feelin' good now & going into a room of men. Not too bad.

The fest was set up on the two long outer walls of the room. Not what I pictured at all. I thought there'd be aisles and rows and stuff. Nope. All tables were on those two walls and the event space between was just empty and HUGE. They need help planning and recruiting next time.

The men and the setting you ask? Picture every hole-in-the-wall LI bar............Jackie Reilly's, Mulcahys, McCanns, Meehans..................and all of the others and put every tacky guy in the same room. Quality. Yeah.

Well, we had worked our way through all but two of the microbreweries and were headed back to try out those last two. As we walked, a guy said "Hey! Where ya' going?" I said "This way". He said "Me too. Have you tried Hoegaarten yet?" I said I had and he began to say how that is his favorite and was so happy that they were at the fest. He then grabbed my wrist and asked if I wanted to try ..............some other beer that escapes my mind. So, off we went. He talked and gabbed for quite awhile. He works in the city as some 'global something-or-other manager' and travels a lot for his job. He lives in ?W. Babylon? and commutes. He had lived in the city for awhile and never said why he moved.

With that, we were surrounded by a group of guys. One leans in and says "So, you picked up a stray"............referring to me. I glared at this young guy and said "What?" and he said "Oh, I mean lady". I looked at him and said "You don't speak anymore" and turned away. Global guy said "Yeah. That's my brother." Brother leaned in and said "Do we even look alike?" and I said "Yes, in the eyes and the shape of your mouth" and he used a vulgar comment to describe his mouth and lips back to me. I nodded and said "Well, that's my cue to go" and walked away. Seconds later, Global guy was right behind me talking again.

He went on about the countries he's traveled to and how he loves Disney and fantasy football. I stood there and nodded.

Finally I said that I had to go meet my friends and he said "Well, I don't have my phone with me because I came light. But I really want to talk to you again so if I give you my business card, will you email me and we can continue?" I said "We'll see" and he put his hand out to shake mine and said "Well, it was really nice talking with you Melinda".

I said ......................'who is Melinda'.................................and he said "You" I said, "My name is Grotter". "Are you sure?" "I think I know my name." "Then why did I think that it was Melinda?" "That was the girl you were talking to before me." "I wasn't talking to a girl before you." "Sure. On the other side. You gave her your card." "What are you, stalking me? Hahaha. I didn't talk to any girl but you. Nice try. But, seriously. I hope you don't hold it against me. I mean, this is a beerfest and I have been drinking. I hope you do email me."

And I shook his hand and walked away.

I did not find him attractive. Don't get me's not that he isn't goodlooking for some. But................He is younger. 4 years to be exact. And I said I swore off younger. Done. Finito.

So I have not emailed yet. KDP, Blonde, Sassy, and Crak told me to email him. This is '08 the year of the date...........and only one of us has had any dates in the three months. I am supposed to go just to live up to the slogan.

I don't know. We'll see.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Four for Four

I had gotten an email from Four Studio to attend a corporate happy hour. I emailed the gals and KDP, Blonde, and Sassy replied a resounding YES to the idea. Free drinks and apps. for an hour at a swanky/trendy LI hot spot? Why not?

We piled in to my car and drove on over.

The place was pretty crowded and the people gathered there were quite a bit older than our group. So, no hook-ups, no numbers. But, free drinks and an exchange of stories since I have not seen Blonde since late January and Sassy since late December. We talked, laughed, and,best of all, got to enjoy top-shelf cocktails!

Honu was doing something similar that same night. Blonde wanted to head on over but Sassy vetoed it and decided on Jackie Reilly's instead. So we went there for another hour and hung out while they grabbed another beer.

What came of the night? I figured out that we haul it over to Honu......20 minutes further north than Four and it is really the same crowd. What is the major difference between the two? Honu has access to other bars in the area but horrible parking while Four has complimentary valet but nothing else to go to when the crowd is not so hot.

I am opting for Four this summer...................especially when they open up for outside entertaining. Save the gas, go to Four.

CAT astrophe

I moved recently and am in the process of figuring out what is where and living out of bags, boxes, and piles. I am okay with it, but I am so lonely. And I figured it was time to bring along the cat. Sunny, my 27 lb shadow, was to have become "Commuter Kitty". He loves me dearly, but adores the family, too. So I wanted to do what all of those dog people do....have him go back-n-forth with me from the little house to my parents for dinner, tea, visits, etc.

I can not put him in a carrier, as he is too big and way too heavy for me to lift in one. So I bought him a harness and planned on walking him like one of those little dogs out to the car & then into the house. I bought a cat harness. Too small. So I exchanged it for a small dog collar. Still too small. That chunky needed a medium dog harness. Oh no!

I found him sleeping on his favorite blanket and thought it best to slip the harness on him at that moment. I then clipped on the leash and tried to make him get up and walk. Nope. I picked him up and put him on the floor. Where he rolled over like a huge water balloon. He reminded me of the little kids who you are holding and when you try to put them down they pick up their feet and its as if they have no legs. I tried for 5 minutes to get him up and walking. Nothing. He is the 300lb gorilla in the room.

I had to pick him up and carry him to the passenger seat. I put him in the car and ran around to the other side to get in. I started up the car and the wailing began. He cried all the way there & it was if someone was beating him to death. He looked out the passenger side window and panicked. He tried to jump onto the dashboard and hit his head, landing back into the seat. He scrambled over onto me and tried to go up and onto the dash that way. I had to stop the car, put him on my lap, and then firmly hold him in place the rest of the way.

We arrived at the house and I, again, had to carry him in. When I put him down and spread the blanket that he loves so much onto the couch, he jumped right up and wouldn't move. I tried to coax him with food. Nothing. I tried a bowl of water. Nope. I wanted to give him kitten cookies. He wouldn't get up for them but yelled into the kitchen from where he was on the couch as if he wanted me to bring them in. So he ate them on the couch.

We settled in for the evening. If I got up....he got up. If I rolled over, he rolled with me. It was pitiful.

I had to leave him for 4 hours the next day to go to work............see how work is getting in the way?..............and I felt so guilty. I told my mom and she said he should come home. So I had to swing by to get her and driv eon over to the house. We went in and could not find him. He was under the bed and would not come out until he saw both of us and recognized the faces & voices. Oh so sad! Back on went the harness and mom had to carry him out..............for, once again, he acted as if he had no legs.

He rode on her lap all the way back and now won't leave her side. This is odd, as he usually does that with me. But, momis now the savior who brough him abck home from that wrethced palce where I had taken him.

So I am down one cat & rambling by myself now. Is there a lesosn in this Cat-astrophe? I am not sure yet. I'll fill you in if I find one.

Crak, Coffee, and KDP......a winning combination

So Wednesday night was when Crak and I were meeting for coffee. KDP had texted me asking what I was doing and I told her so she said she'd meet up with us later on.

I got to Starbucks and found Crak inside with her hot beverage and a bag of goodies. So I grabbed my usual and wanted to see what was in that bag. Yippee! TN stuff! Plans are in the works, but we have not discussed ANYTHING and plan on going in June. I don't think we have ever been this late with plans before.

She heard about my move & I heard about her dates. My only dating life. I am living vicariously through her right now when it comes to dating. Any advice for this part of my life? I was planning on signing up for Match........again.........after hearing that 60% of couples currently dating who are over the age of 25 have met via the internet. But then I heard (on the John Tesh program) that 35% of the people on dating sites currently, with pictures, are married and --- technically ---- looking to cheat. Great.

KDP arrived and the stories of skiing came out. We laughed. As always. That's why I hang out with these great women. I am always guaranteed to laugh. And, when it comes down to it, isn't that all we need?

See? Who needs to blow on dice when the odds of me having fun with friends over a simple cup of coffee is a guaranteed win every time!

Blowin' Dice

If you read Crak's entry, then you understand why I am posting this. I wasn't planning on it, but I have been thrust into the situation.

Crak & I have not seen eachother nor have we really chatted much lately due to schedules. I called her on my way to the Farm on Wednesday to confirm for coffee later on that evening. I was five minutes behind schedule and racing like a madwoman to the campus. While we chatted, I made the comment that I am finding this whole "work thing" to be getting in the way of me living. You know, truly living. Getting ready to go, taking books and papers, finding parking (in Guam I might add), and then schlepping all the way in to a classroom to discuss poetry is just not doing it for me right now. Don't get me wrong: I LUV my Farm kids. They are great. I enjoy talking with them, discussing poems with them, and having random tangents as a group. But I have no energy for it anymore.

I am not sure what I want to be when I grow up.

So it went from there. I said something about winning the lottery. And then I think it went to becoming a personal shopper for someone......because I like shopping and I would have no trouble using someone else's money to assist them in buying the right presents for friends, famly, and special persons. Crak pointed out that they may even throw something my way every now and then. Nice!

And then it segwayed to going to Vegas or AC and trying to attach myself to a high roller/whale and asking if I could be the girl who blows on their dice before rolling it in a craps game (or any game that involves dice). And it went down from there......the conversation....PERVS! How? I am not sure. How well would it work for me to stand on the LVB with a sandwich board that says "I'll blow on your dice for ya". Yeah. Needs work. Lots of work.

Any advice? Suggestions? About the job thing..........not the dice or the blowing on them.

Friday, March 21, 2008


I bought a bottle of a sparkling strawberry wine a few weeks ago & was saving it for a special occassion. I'm not sure, anymore, what constitutes a 'special occassion' and found myself wanting to open it today for no other reason that I wanted to.

Oh. My. Goodness.

It was soooooooooooo yummy. A chilled wine that is gorgeous in color and in aroma, this bottle had sold itself. The packaging alone is festive. It was a frosted bittle lottle with pretty reddish liquid inside and red foil covering the top. The minute I opened it, I was hit with a fragrance of fresh-picked strawberries.

It bubbles and fizzes and those bubbles release more of the fresh summertime scent.

I enjoyed it in a little aperitif glass and now I yearn for the long, warm, endless days that will soon lay ahead with me sipping this chilled wine of choice.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fear & Loathing In L.I.

Have I mentioned how much I despise my students? I received email afer scathing email this past week from those who "were not satisfied" with their grades and how they "already contacted the dean because she will do the right thing".

Was 'doing the right thing' doing the work that had been assigned at a collegiate level?
Was 'doing the right thing' keeping up with posts that would be worth 40% of your final grade? Would 'doing the right thing' be having read the syllabus and knowing fully the responsibilities to earn the grade of your desire?
Would 'doing the right thing' include reading the seven announcements, the two extra ones strictly for posting, and the two emails that told you as a class that you were not even close to earning the 40%?
Would 'doing the right thing' be contacting me when your midterm eval was an "F"?
Would 'doing the right thing' maybe be contacting me with an appropriate worded email as opposed to the nasty ones I received?
Would 'doing the right thing' be the dean not entertaining the students (I use that term-students- VERY loosely) and sending the students back to me to discuss the situation first?

I have been summoned to the provost's office at 11:30 Monday morning. This doens't look well for me.....I did my job, have copies of the announcements, emails I sent, and the syllabus that was posted the first week. I have copies of the students' emails. I did my job and I did it well. Yet it will be me who pays a huge price tomorrow. I may be jumping the gun. They may just warn me to not have such high standards next time. They may pressure me to change the grades. That isn't good in that it undermines me completely as a professional. I'd be sunk each semester simply because people would be able to say "Oh, you don't like it that you did not do any work and she had the nerve to fail you? Take it to the provost...he'll do the right thing". They may remove me at the end of the semester. They may remove me now.

The waiting game is taking its toll on my sanity.

Ever want to just run away? Wanna come with me?

Is She Kidding?

So the prostitute at the center for the Spitzer scandal is upset that her Myspace photos were published in newspapers? Is she for real?

And the media is making repeated statements how she "stands to make a fortune over this whole incident". The one being that she is the 'girl who brought down the governor'. everyone forgetting that what she was doing while she 'brought him down' was, and still is, illegal? Should she be able to make more than she already has from her....cough

I am not passing comments on her looks, as so many have.

But I am going to say that it is pathetic when a 22-year old can make such a life choice, roll the way she did, get upset over the media attention , and then laugh all the way to the bank while two of her songs get air play & are being downloaded at alarming rates. She is making $.70 off of each $1.00 song purchase, by the way.

Side note: I have to stop listening to Z100 now because of their lack of morals/common sense in this situation.

Go home, little girl, to your well-to-do family life. Put your clothes on. Find some morals. And stop whining about the media when you made it clear to many who knew you that you wanted to be famous anyway. Well, sweetie, you got it!

Doin' Fine at 29!

Happy Birthday little brother!

Monday, March 10, 2008


Session I ended this past week. I stayed up Friday night when I got home and Saturday night, too, to grade finals and post grades. And now the bombardment of emails has arrived. The online class required 3 posts per week. My students did not do that. That portion was worth 40% of their grade. It was in the syllabus, announced each week, and two major emails had been sent out. I am now getting "YOU should have told me", "YOU never said anything to me", "as the instructor, you should have reminded me", and tons of "This is being forwarded to ________" you name it they are sending it.

I hate it. I am worth more than this job. I just don't know what I want to be when I grow up so I am stuck.

No Word From

I have not spoken with Cowboy since January. I did, however, hear from him on Valentine's Day when he sent me a text wishing me a happy one. I had sent it back saying the same.

I thought, for sure, I'd get one for my birthday. Nope. Not one. No email. No text. Nothing.

I found that strange. I am not sure why. I didn't want to hear from him but I was upset that I didn't. I am so confused.

I don't think that I'd feel any different even if I were involved with someone. He is a person I thought I'd have in my life some capacity. I was wrong.

It's sad when you finally know that it is the end.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

NYC WIne Expo -- In Attendance (if I remember correctly)

170 wineries.
600 wines.

So. Many. Samples.

Having volunteered the night before gave me two free tickets to attend the wine expo. My dad makes his own wine and would want to go. My mom can not be left out, so they bought one ticket and happily staked claim to my other ticket. $90 per ticket is too rich for their blood, too.

We caught a 12:20 train into the city.......ugh day 3......and the ticket guy came around to punch our tickets. He did so and then looks at me and says "I know you". I am learning to despise those words. I looked up & sure enough, it was a student I had in 2001-02. Wow. So old am I.

He asked me how I was, introduced himself to my parents, and sat down to ask me what I thought about grad. schools and which would I reccommend. He would get up at each station, peak out the door, as per job responsibility, and then punch tickets quickly and sit back down to chat. I had him for two semesters and could barely get a word out of him. He chatted all the way to Jamaica! I was dying a thousand deaths inside.

When we arrived at Penn, we decided to take a cab to the Javits Center due to all of that rain we had teeming down. My mother has never taken a NYC taxi in her life. Doesn't it just sound fitting that we were only two blocks away from Penn when a cabbie flies up next to our driver and starts cursing him out? Our cabbie responds and the other driver threw something hard out of his window and into the face of our guy! Our driver yells "I will punish you now!" and begins to speed. We thought, for sure, that we were going to be in some insane cabbie chase, but it was coincidence that we were headed the same direction. It's only four majoy blocks to the J.C. Why can't it be uneventful?

Anyway, we got there at 1:45 for the 2:00 start. We were ready with a bottle of water, a notepad and pen and knew to start on the right side. They let us in and we grabbed our complimentary wine glasses and headed off to the first aisle.

I won't go into details, but I sampled approximately 100 of the wines. I found some amazing dessert wines and even a red that will go great with anything from steak (if I ate it) to pizza (if I ate that).

We left when the event ended.....6:00. There were so many adults tripping, stumbling, vomiting, and holding onto walls/chairs/tables that it wasn't funny. These are adults! I can understand if it was the combination of wine made them ill, but if it was just the consumption of wine....which for most it was.....that is so sad.

We walked back to Penn and stopped in at Kabooz..............a fitting name for this day......and grabbed dinner. Our train was at 7:20 and we got home some time after 8p.m. I was exhausted. Did I have to tell you that? I am already on the list to be notified to sign up for a coveted spot among the 19 volunteers next year!

I hear that the J.C. does a food expo in June or July. I wonder if they need any help for that.

NYC WIne Expo--Volunteer Night

It was Friday night and I had to hop a train back into the city at 3:22 to make it to the Javits Center by 4:30. It was the First Wine Expo being held there & I was dying to attend. I had looked at the webiste and found that tickets were $90 a piece. Too rich for my blood. But then I saw this tiny link at the bottom that asked for volunteers. What was the reward? Two tickets to the event for the next day. Yippee! So I signed up to work the will-call booth.

I got there a few minutes early and thank goodness I did. That place is so huge & it's even bigger when you do not know any more than the name of the person you must check in with. I found her in under 10 minutes and was escorted to my spot. At 4:45, another woman came over with the two boxes of envelopes/tickets that I was to distribute as people checked in. She then gave me another 100 that had to be added to the boxes last name. She explained this so slowly and carefully to me. I was laughing so hard inside but just nodded eagerly so that she knew I understood. I wanted to say "Hey. I teach English at the college level" but know that she must get some real winners when they host this in Boston and D.C. I didn't take offense to it in the least, but she looked so concerned that the directions may be too hard for me to grasp. Heeheehee. Her other concern was that I complete this task by 6:00. It was 4:45. Yeah. I think I can handle it.

I was left alone at the booth to do this. Ten minutes later, some woman comes up and says "I need to leave these here for my friend". I was a bit confused, as I was placed here to hand OUT tickets.....not take. And I had no place to put extra envelopes in which to store them. So I said "Well, I'm not sure. Let me just check with....." and that is when Samantha, from Wine Spectator magazine, said "Is everybody here an idiot?". Okay okay. Normal Grotter reaction would be to blow this woman out of the water. But, Volunteer Grotter said "Hi. I'm a volunteer and have only been here 10 minutes. Let me see what I can do". So I went & found the woman who seated me earlier and she gave me extra envelopes so that I could hold stupid Samantha Wine Spectator's tickets.

Less than twenty minutes later, a man from one of the wineries comes up and says "Do you have the tickets Tracy so-n-so promised me?" Huh? I asked him if he had checked in with the Trade side. He, very rudely, grunted that he had and they sent him to me. I asked for his name and did not find tickets there. I asked for the names of the people he was bringing as guests and there were no tickets under those names either. So I took him to another woman. She had a laptop & could look at the list of comp. tickets. She asked him what day were they for...Friday or Saturday. He looked at me and said "Consumer tickets." I then explained to him that "We have tickets for Friday or for Saturday. Which day did you reserve?" He yelled, threw up his hands, and stormed off. EEK! A guy trying to scam free tickets!!! Evil!

Things were pretty slow until close to 7. That is when the line formed at my booth and I was ransacking those boxes like a mad woman. I greeted each person & smiled.....chatted a moment and sent them on their happy, soon to be drunk, way. So many men. Oh so many. And many asking if I'd be in there with them. I had to (sadly) decline and point out that I'd be attending the next day. There were some skeevy old guys, too, who asked the same question. I happily told them I was going the next day....when they wouldn't be there.

Speaking of skeevy old guys, I had a break and walked in to plan my method of attack for the next day. While I was in there, a scary old guy stops me and says "Hey Grotter" (I hate nametags). I smiled back and said hi. He said "How's it going?" I said "fine". He said "I remember you. You gave me my tickets." I said "Yes. I did". He said "Wow! You did a really good job with that, too." I gave him two thumbs-up and said "I'm going to get some cheese & crackers now" and quickly walked away.

The evening went fast and smooth. Until Samantha Wine Spectator came back. She holds up two more tickets and says "I'm leaving these". I gave her an envelope and asked her to write on it last name, first name. She writes it first name, last name and then underlines....five times.....the initial in the last name. I was dying to look at her and say "Who is the idiot?" but I didn't.

I was released from my duties at 10:00 and made the walk back to Penn. I waited until 11:00 for my parents to meet me there. They had seen "Mary Poppins" and I figured it'd be best to grab a ride home on the train & then car with them.

I rolled in after midnight exhausted and wondering just how people who do this whole commute to the city thing every day for work survive? Granted, I worked both days and then went in, but my trips were for fun! Not work & stress. So I still can't wrap my brain around it.

Sheckys. That's All I Have To Say.

Tuesday and Wednesday were blurs with work & meetings and grades because Session I was ending Thursday night. And I wouldn't be there. I would be on my way to the Puck Building to enjoy a Girls' Night Out with ..........none other than Mom. She has watched me empty out bag after bag from Sheckys and Rooftop parties and wanted a bag of her own. So I got the two-for-one deal and it was one of her Christmas presents.

We headed in on a 5:25 train and got to Sheckys close to 6:30. UGH! Only three and a half hours of drinking time? I told mom we'd have to catch up to the others. I shuffled her through and around to get to the elevator so that we'd be whisked up to the 7th floor to get our goody bags as soon as possible. I have seen that they run out of things that were in the early bags and I would like to get as much free stuff as I can.....for pass on...whatever.

NEW BAGS! They billed this Shecky's as the one to have new bags. We have three of the old white one and did not need any more of that. Crak had attended on Tues. night and she texted me that she had received, yet again, the old white bag. No new bag & no clue as to whether or not it would look like the advertisement. I got there and saw them putting the old bag....filled with lots of stuff......into the brand new brown bags. So we got two bags, one filled with stuff. Mom had a ball. She had her bags and then began to try the dirnks. She is a lot like me. She wants to try new things and know what she's doing when she orders things out. And, yet, does not want to pay for something she isn't sure she will like or something that will taste really bad. That is why this event is so fun. You can try drinks you have never had & see if you like them....all for one price. She started with a Chambord Margarita. She said it was good but sipped my chambord martini and liked it a lot better. The Lion, whom Crak has been following at these events, was the one mixing and making and pouring. So I got a glimpse of him, too. Meh--he's okay. Not my type. But it's nice to see that he's now a staple at these events.

We walked down an aisle, finished the chambord and moved on to Bacardi. I had their strawberry mix while mom had the mojito. Mmmmm........aisle two and three done.

We then went downstairs and went to the smaller room. There we were able to get a seat at the Bud/Michelob tasting and had their new raspberry pomogranite beer, with fresh raspberries to add to the taste, their grapefruit beer with a chunk of brie, a light beer with a sharp white cheddar, and an amber (too strong for me) with a mild swiss. All were so good.

Mom and I moved on to the Finlandia set-up and had a good time there.

We left around 9:30 to catch a train home. We got in around 11:30 and collapsed. She commented on not knowing how we (meaning me & friends) do this whole commute thing after working & then go to work the next day. Hmmm.....she had no trouble getting up & out before 7am to be on time.

Looks like mom is one of the 'girls' after all.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Happy 33 to me!

This post has taken forever to write & you will read why later on in the others.

Okay......on the road at 9:30 to head over to pick up KDP & begin the 3 hour drive down to AC. I got to her by 10 & she threw her stuff in the car & off we went. The drive was simple and incidents, traffic, or stops along the way. Except for Tom's River so that we could go to Build a Bear. Bearamy does not have a NJ shirt & needed one for his collection and KDP was dying to stuff the Lucky Clovers bear for St. Patrick's Day. The mall was located right off of the GSP and we jetted in for 20 minutes.

We got to AC at 1:30 and headed straight for the Tropicana. We were meeting my parents there, who wanted to go to AC for the day & would wander around with us until after dinner.

We parked in the first garage we found for the hotel and went inside. Hmmmm........we saw a beautiful atrium, a staircase & escalators, and restauratns & bars galore. But no Reception area to check in. We spun around for a few minutes and then just decided to walk through the mall that lay ahead. We passed stores galore and the into the casino. Still no Registration. And no parents.

We finally found it and them and checked in. I thought it would be dead, but I was so wrong. There had to be 15 groups/families checking in infront of us. And the line only got longer as we stood there. We didn't wait long, though, as they had plenty of people on staff to handle the crowd. But who in the world goes to AC on a Sunday in March? Apparently, everyone does.

We checked in, met my parents, and checked out the hotel a little bit. But it was soooooo nice outside that we thought it best to walk the Boardwalk while it was still light out & comfortable enough to without being bundled up.

We headed down to Trump's and Caesars (another Trump place) and the new Caesar's (very upscale) Mall. They have cleaned it up so nice! The last time I was there it was sticky, creepy, and trashy. Now it is a touch of Vegas here on the East Coast. We window-shopped for awhile and then decided it would be best to eat an early dinner, as mom & dad had to drive home that same evening.

We sat & chatted & they caught up with KDP about her niece, her new home, and her job with her 'babies'. She told such funny stories and had them laughing the entire time.

Close to 6:30 they were ready to head home. I love the fact that they came & had fun with us & were willing to drive all the way home that same night. My parents are troopers.

KDP & I went back to the mall to shop a bit. We wandered through the casino, too, and saw multitudes of men. And then we saw how dark it was & realized how far of a walk we had by 8:30 we were going back to the Tropicana. We still had't taken our luggage out of the car & to the room so we had to walk the entire way through the hotel and the garage and now balance all that we had back to the room.

We crashed in our very nice.....very spacious room......for a half hour. Then it was time to get ready, drink in the room, and head out to the bars & casino floor.

We checked out a few bars & settled on a karoake bar that had a few people hanging out in there. I had a Hot Tub Martini, which consisted of chambord, champagne, and stoli vodka. It went down very easy. People sang anything in this animal print, chaos pattern room from "I Wanna Come Over" to "Tan Shoes with Pink Shoelaces". Sad to say, I knew them all & sang along from my stool. KDP thinks I am crazy, but I always point out that if I had as much knowledge stored in my head as I do nonsense, I'd be scary--mensa smart. Too bad it's 1960s lyrics.

Around midnight we hit the game floor. We wandered all around....seeing lots of cute....but very Lots of wedding rings all over the place. We gambled on the slots until 2. I broke even. Yippee! That's a lot better than losing....which I was until I found my all-time favorite machine. It helped me win back all I had (cough cough) invested.

We then headed over to this 24-hour shop in the hotel that had AMAZING desserts. I got a cup of tea and this chocolate raspberry pyramid. It was a chocolate shell with raspberry mousse inside. Oh I could have eaten a dozen, it was that good.

We finally went back to the room & crashed. I was beyond tired that I was awake again & watched 30 minutes of "8mm". I seriously hope that movie has a NC-17 rating. It was atrocious! I can not believe that they'd make such a movie. I know that it probably mirrors what people go through and deal with on a daily basis, but let's not have Hollywood expose a whole new crop to it that may never have known such sick material existed or what to do with it.

We ate a late breakfast & headed out to the outlets. There, KDP bought shoes & we burned off calories from the dessert the night before so we could have crepes for lunch. Cavo Crepe is in the middle of the outlet complex & has breakfast, lunch, and dessert crepes. I had a southwest chicken and cheese crepe that made me melt. It was so good and so filling that I didn't have room for a dessert one.

We jumped in the car at 2:30 and hit the road. With little traffic to slow us down, we made it to Garden City at 5:15. I dropped off KDP & raced home, making it there by 6:00pm. Not too bad!

I had a fun birthday dinner with my family and then...............get this.............this is how dedicated a professor I am to my students: I went in at 8:00 and taught until 10:45pm. Yes I did.

I went home and crashed. The 3's were pretty good to me this year.

It's My Party & I'll

Crak had said to me earlier in the week that we had to go out for drinks for my birthday. That would be fine. I am not a birthday person when it comes to my own & prefer the low-key (practically non-existent) type of acknowledgement. So the two of us grabbing a drink at the bar would be perfect.

Ealier in the day, JW had texted me. It was the usual "what are you up to?" that leads back & forth before he finally asks me whatever it is he wants to ask. He wanted to know if I wanted to go to the Isles game at 2pm. I couldn't go......and was so mad because I would like to go to a game one of these days.......and told him I appreciated that he kept me in mind for it & to consider me another time. He asked what I was doing later on that day. Big mouth that I have said I was grabbing drinks with Crak. He said "Oh, I can do that. I'll come too."

When did I invite him? I'm not sure. So I couldn't back out now & told him I'd text him later with the info. I didn't think he'd show up as he forgets things and lots of stuff "pops up" for him anyway.

I texted him and never heard a word.

Crak & I decided on Main Event. We'd meet around 8:30 and have a drink and catch up on some stuff. On my way there, I had a phone call. It's JW asking if I was there yet. Huh? He's coming? UGH! I forgot to tell Crak. Who immediately texts me "Thanks for the heads up". Ooooooooooooooooooooo.................they are there & I am not and I didn't know I'd have to give a 'heads up' because I didn't know he'd actually go & I didn't think it would be an issue and ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Not to say that it was an 'issue', per se, but he & Crak are a bit of oil & water. Heck....he & I are oil and water many times. The two of them had not seen nor spoken to each other in a year and a half and she asked him how he's was and his reply? Typical JW with a "Horrible". Okay then! So she hustled him inside & I got there just as she (unknowingly would have to) graciously bought him a drink.

I walked in & saw the look on her face. Huh....five minutes and she's already met her limit. I think that is a new record for him. The two of us chatted while he chimed in with random items to direct the conversation into pity his way. Yeah--that didn't happen. Does he forget who he is dealing with? Crak has a pretty strong personality (in a good way) and so do I. Put us together and some people can't handle it. Again....not in a bad way, but we know how to deal with people & are not afraid to call them on their idiocy(ies).

As we were talking about our days, he drops in "I might go to Hawaii next week". Yeah, sure. So we look up at him (as we are short and he is quite tall) and I start in with "Ah! Hawaii." and sigh. And the two of us begin with how pretty it was & where to go or not go & wanting to go back....but made sure it revolved around us so that he couldn't get a word in edgewise. I feel bad (sometimes) but that is how he has to be dealt with.

I was a bit disappointed in Crak, though, in that I didn't get my "Good morning! Inside outside? Mango smoothies!" announcement that I long to hear.

We were there until 10:45 and decided it was time to head out. I headed home, talking to KDP on the phone, and realized I still had laundry to do for the next day........we were going to AC.

AC Baby!

How Do I

I was online Friday night (my lame night of being happy to stay in) and I received an odd instant message. It was from the Military Man. I have not heard from him in ages. That was fine with me. I did not like him & he was so rude.

He starts out the iming vague and curious about what I was doing that night. Then, out of nowhere, he hits me with news. That I'd have to pass on because what I was informed of was something that would be more meaningful.......and sad........for someone else.

Great. How do I do this? Tell this person the news that I have? When is a good time? Never. How do I say it tactfully? I don't know if there is/was a way.

I called the cell. Went right to voicemail. Drat. This is not something to leave on a cell. I would not want an accident to occur from having picked up the message while driving....or while out having fun.

I called the house. No answer. The machine picked up. Now what? I had to leave a message. But it was the somber "call me when you can" type. No good either, but it was all I knew to do.

I got the call the next morning and relayed the message. Silence. The recipient stated a line of concern and then said it again three times. UGH! I was so uncomfortable doing this on the phone but didn't want to wait to do it in public.........sitting on it would be more awkward.

I still do not know if what I did was right. I run it in my brain over & over because I can't believe it myself.

It makes you wonder. It makes you really consider.

Friday, February 29, 2008

You Know You Are Old When.......

I am so happy that I am in tonight! This is my first night home since Sunday. I have not eaten a normal dinner all week. I have not had time to just relax and do whatever I wanted to do. So I am elated that I am sitting here for the last 2 hours in my pajamas catching up on all that I need and want to.

Hurray for being old(er)!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Whooooo Hoooooo! Beertopia!

KDP is such a trooper. Not only did she leave at 6:50 am in the morning to go from LB to da' Bronx, but she hopped the #2 subway to meet me at Penn at 4:30. The woman has some energy level, let me tell you!

We were on our way to the Pourhouse to join in for the 2nd Annual Beertopia. Fifty beers on hand. We bought tickets to try 12 and then purchased pints as well. The bar is surprisingly big. Well, its small in the front and then leasd down a hallway to a back area that has another section at the back of that. Don't ask. Just go see for yourself.

We got there at 6pm. When it was supposed to start. The place was pretty empty. There was no signage up. Hmmmm.....did I get the date wrong? Well, we had hauled it all the way there so we may as well have a pint. I ordered the Sam Adams Winter White ltd. It was pretty good~~as far as beers go. KDP had a Goose IPA. Absolutely terrible! Needless to say, she drank less than half of it.

At about 6:30, there is an announcement: "Join us for Beertopia at the back bar!". Huh? Why weren't there signs? Where was the crowd? Oh stop asking questions & just go to the back bar!

So we walk to the back & see that there are a number of seats. We grab two and the flier that has the listing of 50 beers, both bottled and draught, and ask how it works. The bartender points me to Stanley, the guy at the other door. He has the tickets. I got tickets for us and went back to begin the tasting.

Here's what I sampled:

Purple Haze......raspberry beer....good but nothing like frambois
Amarit...............a beer from Thailand that smelled a whole lot worse than
it tasted. I could actually order it and drink it.
Asahi.................japanese beer that tasted like (what I imagine) urine.

Blue Point good!
Blue Point Toasted Lager..........okay but a bit too bitter for me
Brooklyn Pennant...........yuck
Carib Lager.......................a caribbean beer that reminded me of Corona without the after-taste bad ginger ale
Hitacho Ginger.................if you enjoy ginger, this is one for you
Kona Fire Ale...................ah...Kona.....good but a bit 'hoppy' for me
Magners............................more of a hard cider & went down very easily
Pacifico.............................very lime-y

We left at 8:15 in hopes of having KDP on her 8:56 train home. We ran to the subway station and flew down the stairs (all in my cute red suede boots, mind you) and made it on to the R. We stood there for two minutes & then heard "This train will not be moving any time soon. There is debris on the tracks past Lex. Station. Please cross the track & wait for the next train." Uh-oh. I said that 'debris' is code word for 'body'. Just a guess.

We cross the track & wait. For a it. And at 8:40 the Q arrives & we're saved. Or so we thought. We hop on and it sits there. For a bit. And then it finally moves. I said to KDP "Go on without me. Catch your train. I'll talk to you later." I have trains that run all of the time. If she didn't make her 8:56, the next was at 9:56. Just as the words leave my mouth, we stop. In the tunnel. We haven't even hit 23rd street. Why are we stopping? Oh wait......we moved. A little. And now we crawl. All the way to the 34th & Herald Square station. The train pulls in at 8:58. She missed her's.

We strolled back to Penn & grabbed coffee at Starbucks. While sitting there, this so-not-goodlooking guy sits down & is on his phone. He sees us looking at the newspaper & asks "What are you reading?" So we respond. He then goes on to ignore his cellphone....with the call still in action....and have a conversation with us. There as a cute picture of a pink & white beanie baby on the page & he asked what it was. I told him it was a bb and he said "Ugh. Waste of money." I said "I want it. I love pink things". He asked "Where would you put it?" I said "In my car". His reply? "I won't allow you to buy that. It's stupid." I said back "Well, thank goodness you do not control my money." He didn't seem too thrilled by this, but whatever. He wasn't remotely attractive anyway. He finally left & I ran across to my train....leaving KDP to wait 7 minutes by herself.

My ride home was uneventful. But, I was in the 5-seat spot with a mother & daughter.....the daughter was close to my age.....and the mother fell asleep with her head on the window. When we pulled in to the Westbury station, a guy, about 30-ish, walks past our window & punches the glass where this woman's head is! The daughter looks at me and says "Did you see that?!?" I said that I had & we commisserated about 30-yr old losers for the next couple of minutes until my stop came up. I can't believe the nerve of some people.

Cozy Mel's.......the only guy with whom I am currently cozy

I haven't seen Crak in ages! So it was only a matter of time until we managed to match up our busy schedules & grab dinner. Wednesday found us meeting up at Cozymels. Or Cozy Mel's as some of the waitstaff like to say it.

We met in the powdered sugar snow parking lot at 5:00 and went in to the oh so empty restaurant. We snagged a booth (that could have fit six easy & also would have allowed us to take naps while a family of 4 sat & ate) and began the two hour gabfest.

She gave me my first birthday present for '08. Sweet! I got a Prada Nursery Rhyme book, a shopaholic drinking glass, something that I can not remember at the moment, and maui mint gum. I love how she remembers that I get hooked on our travel themes & they stay with me. Right down to my candy.

We ordered & ate. And ate. And ate. My meal was huge! Yummy chicken enchiladas. And a salad. And that good rice that they have. I was stuffed.

And tired from laughing. And talking. And laughing some more.

We were there until 7 when I had to leave & go to work. Blah.

I love how an afternoon or evening out with one of my friends makes my jaw and stomach hurt from all of the laughing & talking. That's why these people are my friends!

Working Women's Luncheon.....I Am In LOVE With The View (Lounge that is)

Codegirl had this bright idea to go in to the Marriot Marquis to a luncheon for 'working women'. I am not the Gloria Steinem....NOW type, but I am up for a day off of work & trapsing around the city for a lunch & lecture. And I enjoy adventures with Codegirl. She is hysterical on a regular basis so I wanted to see her in action in the city.

We met up at her house at 9:30ish and she wanted to drive in. I have driven with her before and usually she is pretty good. But--put her in the city & it's a whole other story. The cab drivers have got NOTHING on her. I saw my short life pass before my eyes a few times.

We managed to make it into Midtown without too many close calls and found AMAZING parking. Right across from the Marquis. For $20 for the day. Seriously? It must have been marked wrong but who cares?

We went inside & called her sister, Jerseygirl. She came in for the luncheon & shopping, too. I have met her before & we hit it off immediately. The three of us headed up to the 6th floor to sign in and get our goody bag. That really is the only reason to attend some of these events....the food & the goody bag. In the bag was a package of 100-calorie bagels, mints, perugina chocolate, a notepad, a coupon to test drive a Lexus &, if you do, you get a $100 amex card. I have to remember to sign up & go do that.

There were over 40 tables with ten people at each one. Pretty crowded and yet it didn't feel that way. We sat & they began the program immediately by bringing out the host & the quicky introduced Katie Couric, the guest speaker. I am not a Katie fan. However, she took me by surprise. She was witty, sarcastic, and very into anecdotes. I was torn between my chicken & risotto and listening to her. I am still not a fan, but I have a whole new sense of respect for her.

The program ended promptly at 12:00 and we went out & mingled some more. We then decided that we wanted to check out the revolving lounge that they have on the 43rd floor and it didn't open until 5:30--that meant killing time in the area. Easy to do on a dry day in the proper attire. Not so easy to do in business attire, heels, and rain. But we came up with a plan.

We took a cab to Sax 5th Ave. and did some shoe shopping. Well, Codegirl & I browsed while Jerseygirl shopped. She bought an adorable pair of Burberry galoshes. She immediately put them on because her cute shoes were hindering her ability to walk. Ah! Another woman willing to suffer for fashion just like me.

We got tired of that and headed back out on to the street. Where the rain had picked up. We wandered a bit further up (10 blocks to be exact) and found the Disney Store. It was raining, we had no umbrellas, and my shoes didn't want to go further. So we popped in. And found out that it was the release party for the Broadway show "The Little Mermaid". They had the leads for Ariel, Sebastian, and Ursula there singing the songs. It turns out that the three of us are HUGE fans of 'TLM' (ooh! I just realized that my initials and my fave disney movie are identical!) and wanted to stay and listen. We also stuck around for the q&a but decided to skip the signing portion and see if we could get a cab (in the rain mind you) back to the Marquis. We walked a few blocks before Codegirl could hail one & had it take us back to where we began our day.

We were hungry, wet, and tired and figured it'd be easier to eat at the hotel. So we went up to the 8th floor and ate at one of their diner-type places. We laughed & talked more & Codegirl began grilling me about every aspect of my life. Her sister joined in and I kept laughing & telling them to stop interrogating me. They'd laugh to and go right back to it.

We laughed a lot & waited until 6:00 to take the quick ride up to the 48h floor to -----Tada! --- The View Lounge. I was so giddy, I could barely contain myself.

We were seated & ordered. I had a caribbean rum hot chocolate. It was three types of liquor, hot chocolate, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and coconut shavings. Delicious & delirium. That's how I describe it. It was so pretty, so tranquil, and so romantic up there. Making me pine away for a guy who'd want to go and spend an evening doing something like that with me. The view? Loved it! I want to inquire about moving in up there for a week. That's all I want. Just a week. You know, like the guy who moved into Ikea? I want to go and say up there all day. And watch the city go by. Too cool.

It was well after 8 when we began our trek home. Oh no...........more zany driving a-la Codegirl. I was scared but too tired to hang on for dear life. I finally rolled in close to 10. The plans are in the works for the next luncheon. I don't know why I have to state the obvious. Who wouldn't want to do this all over again?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Deep in the Heartland

I grabbed a bite at the Heartland Brewery today. Crak & I were supposed to eat there way back (two years ago to be exact). When we attempted to eat at the one in TS, they had a private event taking place & we were quickly escorted over to their sister restaurant, Spanky's.

That's where "Backpack Boy" ate all of our sourcream.

I digress.

I had been planning on going to Heartland one day & figured today was the day. I am on this beer & wine tasting kick........dreams of becoming a sommelier. So I went and sampled a glass of their Harvest Wheat & an order of their bbq quesadillas. I don't know what they use for the wrap. It wasn't a tortilla. It was all light & flaky & yummy and not heavy like so many can be.

Mmmmmmmmm....................yummy goodness. My goal is to go to each one in the city, sample a different brew each time, & see what the difference is between the restaurant offerings. I may gain a few pounds, but it's all in the name of research.

I'd Like To Thank The Academy.......

I wrapped up at work as fast as I could today so that I could go in to see the Oscars exhibit at the GMA Studio in Times Square. The Oscar statues arrived last Friday and will be on display until tomorrow. I wanted to know just what an 8 lb. award of gold feels like in my hands since I am not in a field that hands those out to the best & brightest.

I hopped the train in and hauled it up the 10 blocks in the cold, anticipating a line a city block long. I got there & found nobody. How is that possible? It's the week that all of the children are off from school. It's the week that many parents take the vacation & head into Manhattan to entertain themselves and their kids. When everything else is packed, why isn't this? I was soooooooooooo happy!

I walked right in & up to the statue and asked the person behind me to take my picture. There were two HUGE guards on either side of the tethered little man and a woman who wouldn't assist with photos.

This was tighter security than the airports. No kidding.

But what a great exhibit. Not only did they have this one to stand with & simulate what the Academy winners get to experience, but they had two cases with statues. One case was the process of how it is covered.....the different layers that make this man so valuable ($$-wise) and so weighty. The second case had fifty on display and those will be given out at the '09 awards.

And yet another bit of history has been explored. I'd like to thank GMA for opening their doors, the Academy for allowing "regular people like me" to hold such a prestigious award in my untalented hands, and to Oscar.....the man of the hour. Without all of you, I would have had a mundane afternoon.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Love the Dress......All 27 of them!

I am adding another movie to the list that will have to be purchased on it's release day & will spend many a day playing in the dvd player. "27 Dresses" was such an adorable flick. James Marsden..............I can't get enough of him. "The Bella Mafia" was my first encounter with him and while he scared me with his twisted mind, he intrigued me and has stuck with me ever since. Seeing him recently in "Enchaned" was great! He was so corny and while his Jim Carey-esque facial movements irked me (can not stand JC) I noticed that I was still hooked on this talented individual. And now, just a few weeks later, here he is again.

The movie? Adorable. The cast? Great. The dresses? Like backstage at a dance recital with ruffles and lace and head pieces and colors....and more ruffles but typical of a local production. Their karoake rendition of "Benny and the Jets"? Like so many weekends out at dive bars.....too many to count. Making this film easy to relate to and one to go see.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Forward of a Forward of a Forward (that I had forwarded to me from my mom)

When you have a "I Hate My Job" day

Try this:

On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to the thermometer section and purchase a rectal thermometer made by Johnson&Johnson. Be very sure to get that brand.

Change into very comfortable clothing and sit in your favorite chair.

Open the package and remove the thermometer.

Now, carefully place it on a table or a surface so that it will not become chipped or broken.

Now the fun part begins.

Take out the literature from the box and read it carefully.

You will notice that, in small print, there is a statement:
'Every Rectal Thermometer made by Johnson&Johnson is personally tested and then sanitized.'

Now, close your eyes and repeat out loud five times "I am so glad I do not work in the thermometer quality control department at Johnson&Johnson."

Have a nice day and remember, there is always someone with a job that is more of a pain in the ass than yours!

Happy Valentine's Day

While I do not have a special someone to call my own, I do have many valentines this year.
To my family: Thank you for your love, support, nurturing, and patience. Without all of you, I would not be the individual I am today. For that, you are all special and I love you.
To my friends: Thank you for the great times, memories, commiserating, rebel-rousing, amazing stories, cocktails and nonsense that keep me coming back for more. KDP, Crak, Blonde, Codegirl, LTN, Ultimate Shopper, MIU, even JW & Cowboy(who I have not spoken to in 3 weeks but still deserves).................all of you are the best group a gal could associate with & I am beyond lucky.
With love to you all on this hallmark-y romantic day. Know that you are special to me!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

On The "I Hate Them" Kick

This semester, it has been student after student challenging me on what I do and why they don't think I am fair. One was ill and could not submit work to the online class. They had a week and did not do it. Five questions and three posts to a discussion board. But they had time for lengthy emails.

The next one couldn't do the work because their child was sick all week.

A third said it wasn't their fault that they couldn't buy the book the first week and that it wasn't their fault that they waited until the last minute to try and complete/submit the work when they had six days and then found it a bit difficult and missed the cut-off. That was my fault, I was told.

It wasn't her fault that she has family problems and can attend her traditional classes but can't do the minimal work for my online class. And when I did not give the extension she thought she should have, she went over my head to the provost. Who never asked her if she met with me face-to-face.

I had one who was mad that he failed a test so when I went to collect it, he shoved it to the floor. I stepped over it and he asked me, infront of the class, "Aren't you going to pick that up?" I said "No" and kept on going. He won't return until I explain to him why I didn't pick up his (shoved to the floor) paper.

The last one is one who refused to turn in a test when I said the time was up. He waved me off and told me to go teach my lesson and that he'd submit it when he was ready. I said "Forget it" and then taught my lesson. I took the paper with me and tried to tell him that I had to speak with the provost to find out if I'd be supported in not grading it (sick I know) and when I got that support, I sent the email a stating just that.

The student found out tonight, a week later, because he doesn't read his emails and received his ungraded test back. Doesn't he send me an email telling me that I am not resolving his issue so he's going over my head to the dean?

Why is my job being threatened? I always say that if I wasn't a woman, I wouldn't have half of these problems. And I am not one of those gloria steinem/NOW totin' people. But when I discuss these students with their male professors, they do not have any issues with them. When I discuss it with female professors, they are hitting that same wall I am.

Well, dean or no dean, provost or not, I am not budging. Call me Gibraltar.

TCA Continues..........but can I go?

I received an email from the TCA saying that we can apply to be considered to attend another workshop. In Australia. Or South Africa. Or Thailand. I can do the first two.....I'd actually be thrilled to go to S. Africa with a group and a purpose.

However, I am not skilled. At. All. I can take any other person who picks up a camera. You know, soccer mom style. I have learned how to upload it, edit it, add tracking, and I learned so much. As I keep saying, I survived. But I am not on the level that so many of my classmates were attaining and could pull of some great footage if and when they go on this next excursion. I'd give my right arm to go. Heck, I'd give anybody's right arm to go. But I have to be realistic. I need to practice. A lot. And have feedback and criticism before I could even think of filling out such an application to go on such a life-changing trip.

I have a goal now for the next year. I just hope they still have such an offer and an extension to those of us left in the dust!

If any TCA people are reading, let me know who is going so I know who to bug for a souvenier and pictures!

Where's My Winter Wonderland?

I LOVED last night's snow. It was absolutely exquisite! And I mean that. It was the first real snow we had...............even though it was only an inch. But, I love that snow. The texture. The chill it creates. The way that everything becomes pretty and peaceful.

I was actually running errands in it last ngith. It was an adventure, to say the least. But it is so much easier to go out when everyone else is now staying in. Things are accomplished much more quickly. And I'd go out on a snowy day over a rainy one any time.

I went to bed with that tranquil blanket outside....and got up to the teeming rain and flood that is now taking over. EW! Tell me I actually have to go to work in this? Can you say jeans and sneakers? There is no way I am getting all dolled up to go out in this. Betcha less than half of my classes show up. And who is the foolish one then? ME! For not staying in.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Grammys? Shammies? What Was That Last Night?

What in the world has happened to the Grammy's? I must admit that I only caught the end of it, but what I saw was head-shaking nonsense. I saw Kanye West win & give some arrogant speech. He glared (through sunglasses) at the camera and said "You gonna play the music on me?"...because he was not finished giving his speech. Everyone gets an allotted timeframe for their speech. Why should he get any longer than everyone else? It's not like he won Album of the Year. Had he taken the top category, then fine. But he didn't.

The Foo Fighters? They won, too? Over Daughtry? Who has had an amazing run this year? And what was with the Foo guy in the jeans & tshirt sitting with his feet all curled up on the seat? Grow up, buddy! You are at the awards show of the year for your industry! Act like you know how to conduct yourself in public.

Poor Amy Winehouse. While performing, she looked terrified & drugged up. Her dancing? Looked like a little girl wearing mommy's heels for the first time as she shuffles down the hall to show off her (lack of) balance. And what does it say about an industry & society when they vote for best record as that of one about rehab.? Doesn't that warrant worry and cause for concern rather than a grammy and glorification?

"Prof." Will. I. Am.? He's a professor? I didn't know. And I couldn't follow his "S to the P to the E to the E to the C to the H". It lost me.

I LOVED LOVED LOVED Kid Rock with Keely Smith. They were too cute together. And her voice is still AMAZING! Aretha Franklin is gorgeous yellow. She always pulls off class and elegance. Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, and John Foggerty.......fabulous. Andrea Bocelli and Josh Groban. Okay...anything with those two names is going to be impressive and bring tears to one's eyes. Tina Turner..........nothing else to say. She performs to the utmost every single time & never misses.

But, for a 3 1/2 hour show.....this was just a small chunk that adds up to a few "hits" with a TON of misses. Alas, the remainder of the show was not one that impressed.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

"She's Just The Flavor Of The Week"

So the mystery of 30-something (well now we have to add 40-something) men continues. I mean, I have had NO luck with any of the ones I had met. single status. I think about the Blonde & her rude little Pocket Cop that we had met way back in Huntington. And his friend, The Infiltrator. He & Crak tried a go at it a couple of times, but , alas, he turned, too.

This weekend it was KDP's turn. She has a ski share and met the guy who owns it last year. Random flirting occurred over the summer. Nothing came of it. She was all set to go up to the ski house two weeks ago and the flirting began. Yippee! She had a fun weekend with Ski Guy. And then? Nothing.

Any emails he sent her way were all business. She went back up this weekend & it was the same business-like treatment. As if nothing had happened two weeks ago and they weren't even back at "Square One". They may as never have flirted at all.

What is going on here? Four single, professional, good-natured, good looking women who are looking for some sanity in just one man and we can't find anybody? Why are 30-something men (and those in their 40's) trying so hard to extend their youth? What is so bad about growing up? Behaving responsibly? Moving forward with life? Why the constant games, deceit, nastiness, and immaturity? And it isn't just chance encounters. This is every time.

People need to get over themselves. They need to stop being so insecure, realize that they are not as special as their mothers told them, and grow up. It isn't such a bad thing. It's actually rather nice!

"Lipstick Jungle" or "Glossy Urban"?

I was anticipating the first episode of the latest Candace Bushnell book to be aired on t.v. this past week. "Lipstick Jungle", starring Brooke Shields, reminded me a lot of where "Sex & the City" left off. We have two women who are married, kids, big salaries, and high living. The marriages are not going so well, the kids are reasons for them to not "have that drive" any longer (as stated by a male boss in that first episode), and the jobs afford them luxuries and lunches with friends....but not much time to work on anything else. The third character is a single gal who is a fashion designer. She had a rough show at Fashion Week in Bryant Park, cried to her friends, drank, and then got a random call from an obscenely wealthy man who happened to be in the audience that night and thought she was attractive. So she goes to lunch with him, to bed with him on the second date, and then has to fly to Tokyo for a business meeting that doesn't go too well & cries to this stranger on the phone who sends a private jet to bring her back. Right into his arms.

Yeah. Believable.

While the show has fantasty-life potential, it's just another glossy fashionista facade that most women can not even begin to emulate without putting their grandchildren in debt.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Crunching Duff

I have the BIGGEST school girl crush on the "Ace of Cakes" guy....Duff Goldman. I am finding myself scheduling activities around his show. Sad, I know. But true.

I like everything about him..........his sense of humor, his laugh, his wit, his talent, and his friends. He has his friends working with/for him at his establishment down in Baltimore. They strike me as the kind of people who would just hang out with anybody who has a good heart. They all have skilled hands and an eye for crazy detail.

But Duff................ah Duff. He just seems like such a sweetie. A total "Ace" in my book.

Loving Lunch Dates

Two weeks ago, I was so lucky & so happy to have a lunch date with Crak. Like real professionals get to do! The bonus was that Codegirl was randomly passing by & saw us in the window & then she joined us.

This past week, I lunched out with The Brown Rose. She & I have similar schedules on Tuesdays & Thursdays and can now go out & get away from it all, even if it is just an hour. And lunching with fellow coworkers is always fun because they are so different outside of the corporate walls.

This week, JMayo and I have one set up. I didn't see much of him in the fall and really haven't had a decent conversation with him in over three months. He ran our fac. development on Friday and, infront of everyone, says "Hey Grotter! I have some news for you! When are you free?" great...........I sink as all heads turn in my direction and Codegirl made some heinous noise that she makes whenever she sees him. It's all in good fun & an inside kind of thing, but had me rolling and some raising eyebrows.

But I am so looking forward to lunch this week, too! I feel like such a grown-up!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

The List...a work in progress

1. sweet
2. thougthful
3. kind
4. witty
5. gentle
6. easy to laugh with
7. good-natured
8. intelligent
9. patient
10. good listener
11. good relationship with family
12. has interests/hobbies
13. open to new ideas
14. calm/relaxed
15. loves animals
16. loves travel
17. enjoys and appreciates the 'little things in life'
18. good with money/budgets
19. wants to give and receive 100%
20. at least 5'7''
21. adores/wants children
22. wants to be an active role in a child's life
23. has some religious belief
24. wants to grow as a person & as a couple
25. has good friends/old friends....courtesy of Crak
26. is not easily influenced by his friends......courtesy of MIU
27. can hold a conversation......courtesy of the Elementary Fireman
28. enjoys spending time with his famil/my family/me!.......courtes of the Elementary Fireman
29. can cook (gourmet would be nice)......again....the ElFireman....who put a lot of thought into
this for me
30. what I truly want is a best friend

Hmmm.............I've come up with 24 (now 30) things that I want. A hundred? I'll have to think about this. What did I miss? Give ideas/suggestions if you have any!