Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Price You Pay For Partying Like A Rockstar

I have had to cancel two dates this weekend. I was supposed to hang out with the Mechanic last night but was not able to stand at all. On top of that, I had (what I think was to be) a date with another unnamed suitor (still trying to create one for mr. unknown) and had to cancel that as well. I am in no shape to haul myself back in to Manhattan for another late night when rooms are still spinning for me.

And, the theme song for my week is JT's "What Goes Around" since Cowboy has called me Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday to talk. The GF/fiance has totally called off everything because an old boyfriend is back & she's interested in him. Plus he has money & Cowboy doesn't. Didn't I call it back in December? Oh yeah. Talking to him feels beyond natural to me, but at the same time, hearing his desperation is turning me off. Not to mention the fact that all of these others are turning me on anyway.

I hope I didn't blow the two 'toys' I could have played with this weekend. Prayers for me that they understand the 'life of a rockstar' is a difficult one to live!

Some Key Elements For 'Partying Like A Rockstar'

1. suffer from some form of depression/frustration for a lengthy period

2. exhaust yourself from too many activities from the week

3. go to a club on an empty stomach

4. drink 4+ martinis (with an alcohol that you will have a negative reaction to)

5. flirt with random men (who will buy you a couple of the drinks)

6. be sure to make out with the cutest/youngest in the group

7. black out

8. be escorted outside to chilly air to revive (sort of)

9. have a (great) friend who will hold your hair back

10. throw up

You, too, can party like a rockstar if you follow these basic steps!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Nightmare Becomes Reality

(ignore the ramblings of a crying, scorned woman)

Cowboy called me today. I fell off of the chair.

He started with the "Hi. How are you?" and moved into "So I heard you had a conversation with someone on Saturday." I said yes I did. He apologized for her getting involved and wanted to know if it was the first time she had ever contacted me. I said "In all fariness, I did call & leave you a message. She didn't contact me out of the blue, she must have seen my number." He said that she had no right to contact me at all.....and that I must have figured out that she has his password and all pertinent information. I said Yes & that it didn't make sense, as they are dating for 5 months and we dated for over 4 years and never exchanged such things, out of trust and for no other reason. So I couldn't figure out if they had moved that fast or if there were trust issues. It's a combination of both. They moved fast & she did not trust him completely, yet it is she who seems to not be trustowrthy.

I congratulated him on the engagement and he said I shouldn't as it was called off yesterday. She broke it off for now because she, all of a sudden, isn't ready. She has not worked since she was fired in November & he got her job............see the November/December posts....... and he has been doing everything for the two of them. They do not live together, as she & her 2 kids live with her parents. He is not allowed to live there as her parents do not want her younger brother influenced in any way. Ummmmmm a little late for that?

She has, however, been working for free promoting clubs & alcoholic beverages and she gets in & drinks for free for her & any friends. So, he is now an admitted AA candidate & will be doing that soon.

He found a text from me in his phone on Monday & confronted her about it & she told him the whole story. They fought. He said she had no right to do this. She turned it around on him & broke off the engagement. She called him yesterday to tell him to come pick up all of his things, including the ring. He pointed out that she just 'came in to some money' three days ago. Coincidence? Makes you wonder.

I, like fool, told him that this will all blow over and they will be back together soon. She is just angry that she got caught. I pointed out that he better not take her back if she is still putting the blame on him and he needs to be treated with respect by the person he is going to marry.

I am dizzy and nauseus over that last senence.

He said he misses talking to me. He misses our friendship. I said I miss talking, too, as we used to talk every day and have not spoken since Dec 30th. It kills me to go to bed at night & not talk to him. And what was so great was talking to him today was like never missing a step. It was so natural & confortable, as if the last three months didn't even happen.

He wants me to call every now and then. I said I can't because it will hurt too much. I want it one way & it will never be so why bother. He did promise me my money & I said send it in one-lump sum when you can & I will send my last text letting you know I got it.

He said he probably deserved this: her breaking it off with him. He said he knows how I felt. He has no idea howI felt or feel as I suffer every day that he is not here. His pain is over a 5 month relationship. Mine is over 4 1/2 years & expectations for a future. If she found someone else & cashed him in for another guy & then tells him about it, then maybe he'll begin to understand.

I ended the conversation telling him that this will work out. They will be together. He'll get help. His parents will talk to him again. He'll find friends who aren't into hard drugs. Things will be okay.

There better be a seat in Heaven for me after this.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Convo With LCT

I told LCT to call me today to 'firm things up' for a coffee date over the weekend. He called while I was getting ready to go out. So I called back & left a message. He called while I was at dinner and I asked him if I could call him in 2 hours. That was fine. But, for some reason, he called me twice about an hour and a half later. I don't know why because I ignored it and enjoyed my meal.

I decided to call him on my ride home & we chatted. He didn't have much to say, but I asked him a few questions anyway. Turns out he has a bs in HIstory & an ms in Public Administration. He would like to go into politics one day. Maybe, but not if he talks to any other woman the way he talked to me.

It was as painful as having teeth pulled. and then he said "So, teach, I could teach you a thing or two." I said "Oh yeah? Like what?" And he said "I'd have to show you. It's nothing I can do over the phone." So I said "I'd really like to know." He just kept saying "yeah I could teach you something. Yeah. I walk softly but carry a big stick (oh so sad history reference)." I finally said "If this is your idea of flirting, it isn't working." So he replied "Oh are you geting all 'teacher' on me now?" I said "No. But can we move on?" And he kept it up. Hello? I am not 16 with ADD. Grow up. So, after him rambling on again (and again and again) about how he thinks I am getting all tough on him now & he could teach me something, I said "Well, its been nice talking but I am hanging up. Bye." And he said "Wait! What? So what do you want to know?" I said "Nothing. You didn't want to move the conversation on. You didn't answer questions I asked. Forget it. Good luck. Don't call." I heard him say "I won't call you. You will be calling me." I said "Okay. whatever." And hung up.

He called twice in the last 1/2 hour. I am going to pick up? I figure if he calls me by the weekend I will answer to tell him to stop. But, right now its just panic on his part. He'll get over it.

And now I am crying because she is holding he man I want to be held by. And what am I doing? Talking to idiots that I met in a bar who believe they can 'teach me a thing or two'. That'll be the day. ugh.......................this is sucky.

Monday, March 26, 2007

We Have Contact

The Professor called me last night for the first time. This is the upgrde from our email relationship that has been going on for two weeks now. We talked. For two hours. About everything. I equate it to the 'Seinfeld' episode where Jerry dates Jeanne (the Jeanine Garofalo character) and says he now knows what he has been searching for this whole time: himself. Talking to the Professor is like having a conversation with myself---in a good way. We go to the same places, have many of the same interests, and enjoy similar values. So far, so good. If anything, I hope to be friends with this guy because he seems so nice! funny. Interesting. So, if a friend is what I get out of this, I will be pleased.

We plan to meet next week some time. I'll update this to see if that happens.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

UGH! The Low/Close Talker Called

So LCT called today. Three times. He called twice & then sent a text that said "please call". He called 2 hours later & left a message: "Hi KG. This is LCT from Mulcaheys. Just calling to say hi and see what you are doing and to say that it was nice meeting you the other night. So give me a call & I'll talk to you soon."


So I figured I'd better call back before he sends out the National Guard looking to see if I really do exist or something. Our conversation was just as painful this afternoon as it was Friday night. He doesn't have much to say. It took him 15 minutes of babbling and silence to finally ask if I wanted to grab a coffee or something. I told him that I would but I am not free until next weekend. I (stupidly) mentioned that I am going to the city Thursday with Crak (whom he says hello to) and he said "Oh! I wish I could go!" I said "yeha, well, so many wish they could but aren't." And I left it at that. I had to instruct him to call me mid-week. Not before and not after, as I will not be available and do not want endless messages on my cell. He said okay.

So now I am going to have to figure out how to go & politely let down this guy who took such a chance on coming over the other night. Why couldn't he be normal?

Enter--Cowboy's Girlfriend

Cowboy sent me that text last Sunday about "no money....disaster life". It set my world into a spin that I was not ready to handle. especially not knowing the week I was about to deal with. So Tuesday, I sent the one back about him having friends/girlfriend/parents to give him the money to pay me or forget it as it is costing me $$$ to have him out of my life for good.

Well, Friday night, having a few rum&cokes inme, I called him saying "I wnt my money. I thought about it & that is my hard-earned money & I am not letting youoff the hook with it. If I let it go, it is me bailing you out again. I am guessing you lost your job, can't pay rent, and she is pregnant. whatever, I want my money."

I felt bad & figured it'd be best if we talk & clear this up. So, I calle dhis cell yesterday........expecting him to pick up because it is his day off. He didn't. However, after leaving a message saying we need to clear htis up & finish it, I get a text back. His cell number....but not him doing the texting. The conversation proceeds as follows:

Girlfriend: "You need to stop. I am not pregnant and he will give you the money soon back off this is insane how you are being he has no home right now"

I am not being insane. It's mine. And I have not spoken to him since Dec. 30th. The first text I sent was Feb 14 and then called Feb. 21 and left a message. I then contacted him March 5th when he decided to respond and upset me more than he ever will understand. He also said he wanted to wish me a happy bday. Does she know that? Because GF is making it as if I am constantly calling and texting him and he has never replied.

Me: "I didn't call you I replied to him. Let him speak for himself"

She then sent "He is not taking to you so try again he is with me when he is not at work. You have no idea what he has been going thru and I have been there."

At this point, I called and said "Hi Cowboy. Hi GF. GF, I know you are there for him now and that is great. He needs someone there for him. But I was there for him for 4 1/2 years and this is between him and me. Cowboy, you need to be mature and call me and deal with this yourself".

She then texts back "He knows he owes you and will pay when he can im in this and speaking up cuz you upset him and its makin me mad".

I sent back "He makes me angry contacting me and now you get involved? he has no reason to not talk to me. I didn't do this. he did"

She sent back "Whatever. he doesnt contact you cuz hes gonna marry me so back off"

I finished with "This is so immature. He can call me. Congrats on the engagement."

Does she know he wanted to contact me for my birthday? Does she know he sent that text? Why is she allowed to have contact with me when this is between him and me? I get it. He moved on. She is the one he love & that's great that she is there for him But I do not deserve to be treated like this by his girlfriend. I have not done anything to him. I havent done anything to her. The fact is that she cares for him and is trying to protect him, but he & I need to discuss this once and for all. Him and me. Not him, me and GF. He can talk to me. I upset him? How about he has now insulted me by passing me off like I am some irate client calling the center & just got handed off to the manager? I don't deserve this treatement and he knows it.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

An Evening With Crazy Joe Divola & The Low, Close-Talker

Friday night brought about an interesting turn of events. Crak & I had been chatting up the new librarian, "Crazy Joe" and thought it'd be fun to ask him to hang out. So, Crazy Joe, Crak & I all met up at Mulcahey's for the last part of Happy Hour, some drinks, and some 'getting to know you' time. We had so much fun talking & laughing & sort of learning about the new young edition to the happy family that is Briar.

Then, Crazy Joe goes up to get us all drinks &, while he's at the bar,m this shy, low, close-talkiner slides over to the table and asks if he could buy Crak & me a drink. We politely declined & said that our friend was getting us drinks. Low/Close Talker (LCT) now tries to begin a conversation that neither of us could hear. Crazy Joe comes back, introduces himself &, thank goodness, for the first few minutes LCT was chatting up Crak. Crazy Joe & I flirted, as he admitted to being a HUGE flirt & if we are going to hang with him, we need to expect it. Then, somehow, LCT managed to work his way over to my side of the table. Great. I have this thing where I can't be men to someone who is trying to take a big step and approach someone. So, polite stupid me, I tlak with him. Sort of. I can't hear anything he is saying & he wasn't saying much. He told me five times how my eyes are so beautiful. Yeah. The first time it was sweet. The second time was nice beacuse he had something to focus on, I guess. But after that, come on. There has to be more to it than that. Weird. I mentioned that his friends seemed to disappear. He said they were waiting for a 4th to show & he'll be right back. With that, a girl shows up and is talking with LCT & the other 2 friends. I was releievd, thinking that his friend set him up on a blind date. Nope. LCT & the girl come back by me and she begins talking. She did most of the tlaking, as a matter of fact, and she was talking-up LCT. So when I said "Aren't youguys on a date or something?" she said "NO! We're cousins!". WEIRD!

So she went back to their table, LCT stayed by us a bit more.

Crazy Joe had enough of the noise & wanted to grab a bite to eat. I was fine with that & as we were leaving, LCT asked for my number. Thankfully, Crak & I have an arrangement like that on the episode of 'Friends' where Monica makes all of Rachel's dating decisions. I didn't have to be the one to say 'no'. Apparently, Crak didn't have to say no either. After a bit of persuading, he managed to wrangle my number from her. Drat! He called my cell right there, but I couldn't hear it, and she pointed this out to him. I guess he was checking to see if it was really mine.

Well, he called again about an hour later but I was busy. He left some random message saying how it was nice meeting me & he wants to get to know me better. Yeah. Fine. So I sent back a polite text the next morning saying "It was nice having met you, too. Hope you enjoyed the rest of your evening." That was it.

Isn't it odd that after all of his pursuing he did not call me yesterday? I mean, I am happy he didn't but after all of that hassle & trouble, you think he would have, right?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Punch In The Head

I came home from dinner at my grandmother's house tonight to find a text message on my cell phone. It's Cowboy: "I do not have any/all of the money I owe you. My life is a disaster. I will send you some soon."

I have not contacted him in two weeks because when I did he sent back texts about his life being 'all kinds of different now'. It practically destroyed me. Now? This is eating at me like you can not believe. I want to call him so badly. The problem? Is that it would be me there to listen to his problems all over again. Where was he with mine these last few months? Not to mention, isn't that why you left me for her? Shouldn't she be helping you so that life isn't a disaster? Or maybe she is what made it a disaster? OMG! My mind is racing.

I keep picturing him living with her, her pregnant with no job & now he has no job either. I do not see him coming back to me---although want that-----and this whole thing will not let me sleep tonight.


Do You Want To Know Why I Call Him Gameboy?

He was supposed to meet up with us on Thursday night at the Katwalk. Well, we never made it to he Katwalk, but he had said call him no matter what because he was going to drive me home. Nice! So I call & text him & get nothing. He had a meeting. So he calls me the next day & leaves me a message apologizing & says to call him abck. So I do, but he doesn't return the call.

St. APtricks Day, I got a text from him to call when I had a moment. So I called on my way out with KDP & ended up leaving him a message. I then called him again when she & I were finished & could barely hear him. He was slurring his words & said somehting along he lines of his friend likes me and he feels bad & doesnt know what to do & he is angry with me because he thinks I am seeing someone..........blah blah blah..............and then hagns up on me.

I sent hima text today & have not heard back from him. Oh the games we play!

A Belated Wish

Happy Birthday Little Brother!

I Am In Love............

with Shecky's 'Girls Night Out' event. Crak had gone to it back in October & made it sound sooooooooooooo good that I wanted to go, too. I saw in February that it was being held in mid-March & asked her & KDP if they wanted to attend. The three of us got tickets, made travel plans, and met in Penn. My ride in was uneventful, but I must point out that too many people use the lavatories provided by the LIRR to suite my needs. That door open & closed so many times! I felt as if I had some bacteria crawling on me...........ew!

We met & headed off to catch the two subways 'downtown'. We jetted across the street on W. 4th and into the Puck Building. Showing i.d.s (because this is a 21 & over event only) we got our tickets at the door and turned to enter. Standing at the entrance to what was promising to be a fun night out (on a Thursday no less) were a couple of male models holding trays of alcohol. Oh my! Its already a little slice of heaven & I am not fully in the event! I grabbed some fruity finlandia vodka concoction & began to sip. Crak said that there were two floors to explore & recommended that we head on up to the other first. That's where we'd be able to pick up our goody bags as well. (Side note--Crak & I learned at the rooftop party back in August to grab your bag & lug it with you all night. Otherwise you may not get what you paid in not get one at all.)

KDP & I had already finished our vodka elixers on the ride up & were ready for an Amarula on ice, provided by more cutie models. Gay? Probably. But they were still good looking. We made our way around the second floor & I found an adorable necklace & some eye shadow that I wanted. I waited on the necklace but pounced on the shadow, as the one I wanted had only that one left in stock.

We headed back down to the first floor where KDP & I saw a line for fondue. I was hungry & could count on her to want something, too. So we hopped on a line for some fruit & sweets dipped (by us) in a vanilla champagne mixture. So so good. We met up with Crak, who was perched at a table on her phone harassing someone that I had just spilled info about (while sober) and then was on with another hottie that she has kindled flames for--just a bit.

It was then on to the main room on the first floor where the crowd was going strong. Some guy (Crak knows who he was.......) that goes by the name of MIG from 'INXS I Wanna Be A Rock Star' was performing as we passed by. We wound our way through tables & aisles there and KDP & I found more necklaces that we liked. UGH.....decisions decisions. We then decided to stand near the bar & have more of those wonderful berry drinks.........mmmmmmmmmmmm............and chat about how guys suck & why do we lend them money. Or was that upstairs still semi-sober? I don't recall but it was a covnersation. Anyway, while conversing, there was cute bartender who, every time I looked up, he was testing the latest batch of berry fizzy stuff he made & then would look over by us. Probably because I was watching him. Anyway, he waves me over & asks me why I was laughing. So I told him. I also pointed out that the last one we had was not so good. He asked if he made it. I said, honestly, no. So he made a batch and gave me a sip to test & then filled my glass.

Crak has 2 of my business cards to hand out to cute guys .....we call them the "Hottie Danny" that events like the Porkys incident do not happen again. She gave one to KDP who went up , found out his name, found out he was signel, and then gave him my card. I will get her for this.

Eight drinks later and not being able to pick up my stuff off the floor very well, we had to head back up to check out the necklaces one more time for KDP to make a decision. She decided on the one that was right near where we had been drinking on the first floor. Crap! Back on to a line for an elevator. While we were being ushered down the hallway, I saw two security guards with some kind of sandwich wrap & asked one if he was going to eat both halves. He smiled & didn't know how to react & then his friend said he was holding the guy's other wrap & that he won't share with his friend. So I guess I wasn't getting any either.

Well, the elevators filled up & we were escorted around to a third elevator. Oooooooo! One of those old-fashioned ones with a real operator & a lever, not just buttons to push. Keep in mind I have 8 drinks in me & saw a stool in the elevator & exclaimed "oh! A Stool! I can sit down!" To which, Crak & some random girl (who did not find me amusing......but I didn't care) said "That's for the elevator operator." well, duh. But I didn't see the operator, so there.

I then said how cool that would be to operate the elevator. He heard me & offered me the controls. I declined and said "Thank you, but that's okay". Well, somewhere between he 3rd & 4th floor of our 7 floor ride, he stops the elevator & says "Go ahead. You push the level. " And he was not going to operate the thing. So I got to take us down to the first floor! I am so cool now because I operated the elevator. How many random people get to do that?

We left the Puck Building and ended up looking around for the correct subway entrance in the freezing rain. Yuck! We had to take 3 subways to get back to Penn. On the one that crosses from Grand Central to 7th Ave, Crak offers us gum. Two older gentlemen see this & stick their hands out for a piece. They then break into a story about how they went in to a charity event for children & the one guy started the evening with hair & decided to shave it off for the 'children's sake'. He then leaned in & had Crak & me rubbing his newly shaved head. Interesting.

We made it back to Penn & KDP & Crak scurried off to catch their train, while I had a bit of a wait. No problem. I made it home a bit after midnight sobered up & safe.

Three adventurous women + unlimited, good-tasting alcoholic drinks + shopping in NYC on a random Thursday night=priceless.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Mechanic Is So Cute

Now this guy has it down. He texts. First or in resposne. We are both busy & know that even a text to try and figure out more about the other is better than nothing (Mr. Unemployed.....). He called Friday night to tell me to have fun & be careful getting home. He knew I would never hear the phone if I am in a bar, but he made the effort...................(Mr Unemployed? Hear that? Effort.).

Crak listened to his message while we were at Anchor & she kept making petting motions with her hand towards me because he is that yummy on the phone. Yes he is WAY TOO YOUNG but I can still meet up with him for a drink & a teddy bear, can't I?

Mr. Unemployed is Mr. Way Too Something

It had been awhile since I had heard from Mr. Unemployed. Remember, I had called him & he didn't pick up the phone because he didn't recognize the number. Then he had no problem texing me that same night only because I had chatted with him online. I then called him again and spoke for a bit.

He sent me a text saying good morning the next day & then sent me an ecard for my birthday. That was it. I have not heard from him since. I sent him a 'thank you' email for the ecard. I then sent him a text Friday night that he responded to he 'didn't know who it was contacting him'. Don't you have my name in your phone? I have his.....I have all of their's so I know who it is calling & which ones to pick up & which to avoid.

I've seen him online numerous times all week & figured I was not about to continue being the initiator in this because is should be a two-way deal.

I got tired of the nonsense & sent him an email last night saying it's been nice chatting but I'm not feeling anytihng because there's no effort on his part. It was a nice email but still not somehting someone wants to get, I guess.

He emailed me back all of the reasons why he has not contacted me: I have a hectic schedule, he's seen me online but didn't want to bother me, would call my cell but I may be in class, and he has been adjusting to his now work schedule. Remember he was unemployed for 6 months.

So I sent it back saying he did not have to break it all down for me, but people call people all of the time at all hours. And usually people getting he call will answer if they can or call back later if it isn't a good time.

He sent it back that he has enough friends, did not want to chat with me if we are not going to try and meet & that so far the score is 1-0, me up, because we talked once on the phone. EW!

So I sent it back that if he wants to be technical, then its 2-0 with zero for him. I also pointed out it was me who sent the texts, not him.

This is all so silly. I have no time for games. I want people who are paying for this stupid site to put some effort into this....not let it all be on me because I "might be busy".

Anchors Away!

Crak & I trekked into the city on Friday night to go to the Anchor Bar. The weirdness of the evening began when I was standing on the (freezing) platform and had 4 minutes left before the train arrived. An announcement came on that the train was running on time. When 8:39 came & went, the signs still pointed to an 'on time' arrival. The 8:42 came for Huntington and even the 8:49 for Port Jeff. came and went. We then get the announcement that our train is 15 minutes late. Yeah, thanks for letting me freeze out there.

The train arrived & i got into my usual car when riding in to the city. My car was PACKED with spring break college kids & high schoolers heading in for a night of mischeif. weirdness #2 was when the train pulled in to Penn & dropped us off at the farthest reaches of the station! I had to haul it pretty far to our meeting place. On the way, Weirdness#3 happened when some guy climbed in my face & said "Hey Baby". ACK! I have issues with strangers in close proximity of my face........and this set me off a bit.

I met Crak & we were off to the subway. Nice timing, as the train pulled up seconds later. It whisked us pretty quickly to Spring St. where we needed to get our bearings as to which direction we were to walk. Crak recognized the area after walking two blocks bc TLS had played down there often. We walked & saw a few bars, of which none were our destination. We headed back towards the station, thinking we went the wrong way, when I commented about the two bouncers (one oh so hot) and she said "Hey. This is it." Yup. we were looking for the only bar on the street that had NO SIGN. ALl they had was an iron anchor above the door. Oh, sure we'd have found it. Whatever.

Weirdness #4 was that the place was completely empty when we entered. They asked if we were there for the party but when we looked confused they just let us pass. The only people inside, at 10:30 pm was the staff & us. UGH so embarrassing!

We got our very pricey drinks & sat down at a tableish area. Three guys came in shortly after & sat across from us. One was pretty cute (at least he looked so in the dark from across the room) and kept looking in our direction. An hour & a half of this 'looking/not looking' nonsense and he came over to the other side of the room to talk to the girls next to us. They were not there when the whole thing began & we both thought he was finally coming over our way. NO! He segways over to these other women & we're still sitting there.

Don't get me wrong. Crak & I talked nonstop about everything! We laughed, missed a few comments, had two drinks, weren't sure if we could stand for a moment, and then decided it'd be best if we did.

A group of cute, short guys came in and one was staring at me. He came over & grabbed my wrist & said I looked like a girl he knows from dodgeball.........???..... but I'm not her. Uh--no way! I'm not? He then went on to catch up with his friends.

While standing, some Weird Girl approached these two guys, talked to them for a moment (literally) and then waved to Crak & me to join in. Crak, very personable gal that she is, went over. WG introduced her & three of the 4 talked for a few minutes. WG waved me over again & I said "that's okay". She asked if I wanted her help walking & I said no I was fine, just not interested & then WG left Crak standing there with a guy she did not want to talk to. And so it began. Crak's 'fever'. Fever Guy #1 said he had to go do something with his cold that he had (ew! don't come near me if you have a cold...germy freak) and disappeared.

Crak smiled with relief & came back by me. A bit later, Fever Guy #2 saw Crak dancing by our little table & leaned in and said something in her ear. She began laughing. This went on & apparently I did not pick up on the signals that she was skeeved. She then pases him off to me where I said two things to Fever2 and sent him packing back to her. He lasted a bit longer (ew skeevy ear tlaking, spitting, smelly freak) and then she said we had to get going.

We had to go to the ladies' room so bad, but were afraid it'd be another unisex BBR deal and decided to wait for Penn. Mistake! We walked back to the subway & did not realize we'd have to wait. And wait. I began calling Gameboy because he was in Brooklyn & could come get us. Oh if I only had service & battery life!

We just made it back to Penn & ran down the steps to wait for the train to pull in to the station. We then got on & I was told I'd have to change in Jamaica. Huh? But I never change! Weirdness #5. I don't ever ever change & now would have to. The conductor told me to cut through the Hempstead-bound train to ge tto mine. Oh no! Is this doable? I hope so.

I did make it, seeing as I am posting, and got home at 3am. I was so beyond tired the next day. I also had the chills, achiness, and began losing my voice. I blame it on the 'Fevers' that came in too close a proximity to me.

I Just Don't Get It

Mr. Italy made a random appearance in an email this week. It was brief, but went into an explanation of how he's been ravelling for work & that is why we have not goten together yet. It then asked if I wanted to, again, "swing by Brooklyn for dinner". He'd cook. Well, while this is all well & good, I am not 'swinging by' for dinner. Nobody swings by Brooklyn. I have not seen him. I don't trust him completely. Why? Because every conversation is "Do you miss me? I've missed you. Do you remember when .......(insert random whatevers here)..."

I do not miss him. I have never missed him. He was an interim. At best. Hot. Yes. Muscles. Yes. Good for some drinks & such. But he does not call. His ims are focused on one topic only: how to get me to stay the night. And since I am not driving to BK for that, can you say never?

We had an entire im issue on Thursday. He wants me to go to him. I invited him out with me & Crak. He kept begging me to not go & to go by him instead. He won't give me his new # and had the nerve to ask for mine again.

My only thought is that he is still dating the girlfriend & won't admit it because it's not going well & he's looking to just cheat on her for a bit. I don't know but it's all so weird!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Band Names

AOL is running soemthing about creating your band's name. They suggest that you take the name of the first car you owned and then add on your highschool's mascot. This creates the name of your new band!

Mine would be "Shadow Comets".

Not bad!

The Mechanic

I got an email from a new guy on Match. He's oh so hot looking and sounds so nice. He's an automechanic, can not spell to save his life, and this cutie contacted ME! From what the picture shows, he's a 'Hottei Danny' but here on the Island. He did not do the stupid 'wink' thing. He actually emailed me the first time out. It was simple (kind of like how he comes across) and said " name is mr. mechanic and I just wanted to say hi. Maybe you'd like to chat soon. Let me know. take care."

I sent it back (after I stopped drooling & petting the screen) and kept it short & sweet. He then emailed me back and said that I have a great smile, seem like a sweet heart (yes 2 words) & he'd buy me a teddy bear (bc that's what it says on my profile).

I sent him my number & then my phone died. I know! Well, I got a phone/car charger for my birthday so that will not happen anymore. He called & left me a message. I LOVE LOVE LOVE how his voice sounds. The catch? He's 21. But I said I needed a toy. So I guess this is it. God is smiling on me & sending me my birthday present. Oh how fun this may be!

The Ride is Over

I had sent Cowboy a text a couple of weeks ago about the $$ he owes me. A week later when it had not arrived, I called him & wrote the nauseaus post. Still no money. I sent him a text this past Monday saying 'if you aren't going to send it, just text me no'. I explained to him how hard it is for me to do this & how it takes me 3 days to get over it. He texts me back: "I meant to send it to you. I've been trying to work up the nerve to call you. My life is all kinds of different now. I am sorry. I wanted to call and say happy birthday . I didn't forget I just didn't think you wanted to hear from me. I will try to send some money soon."

I sent it back "Don't contact me. I wish I could talk to you but I can't. I hate what youdid and am not over it. I am glad you are happywith your new life/gf but it's not what I thought was going to happen and it's not what I was promised. Just send the money. You wanted me out of your life. You got it".

And now I have been crying since Monday. I really really hate this!

Happy Birthday to Me!

Oh so much to recap! Let's start with I went away for 4 days/3 nights to Fla. I left Thursday morning.......had chaos at JFK...........rode down on the same plane with the guy who plays 'Rex' on OLTL. Got to the airport with no problem & then went off for the day. I finally got to eat at Sonic. I am so tired of seeing their commercials and not having one local to try out. It was interesting, to say the least. There is no other way to order your food except to use the voicebox thingy. I had a burger....pretty good....and a cherry-limeade drink. Yummy! I wish we had Sonic here just for that drink.

I then went off to the Mall where I found the most awesome birthday shirt and bought it for myself. Then I pulled out a map & went house & townhome hunting. I found gorgeous homes all affordable. The only problem is that they are in Fla and I'd be 100% alone.

That night I went to Universal's Citywalk. It's a more 'adult' Disney Marketplace. I ate at Margaritaville & had a fantastic Coco Cabana dirnk. Some pineappley/coconutty drink that was good. I checked in to the hotel at 11pm & crashed.

Friday brought a trip to Epcot, meeting up with Dad, who was there on business, and some good rides & food. That night I went to the 'Priate & Princess Party' and rode the rides & got candy & jewelry by following a treasure map. So so cute.

Saturday & went to the Magic Kingdom where I picked up my birthday button that I wore throughout the park. My brother came down the night before, so he joined me fo rthis. we then went house huntng again & found more beautiful complexes. Ah--have to really think about this. We ate a late dinner at this cute place called bahama Breeze where I had fantastic coconut shrimp and a pineapple/coconut martini that I wish they could have put in a sippy cup for me to dirnk the rest of the night. It was amazing.

Sunday was busy but sad. We went to two more parks and then did some shopping & went back to the airport to come home. Getting back to NY was nearly impossible. OUr plane was to have taken off at 6:30 and arrive home at 9pm. We find out it's delayed in taking off by 1/2 an hour. They board us & say they'll still have us home by 9. well, the flight was smoth ubtil 9 rolled around and we weren't on the ground. The pilot comes on the speaker at 9:30 to say that JFK had us in a holdng pattern for 45 minutes and needs us to stay that way for anotehr 45 minutes. We have no fuel & have to land in Philly so we can refuel and fly in.

We finally land at JFK nearly midnight & it then akes almost another hour to get the bags. I can't stand that airport. I rolled in sometime before 2am to be up & teaching by 8:30.

It was a crazy but so well worth it trip!