Friday, April 04, 2008

Neuroses on DVD

I was trying to fall asleep last night and just couldn't do it. So I popped in a dvd that I had bought ages ago for $5. "Because I Said So" almost drove me to a therapy session. It was just the oddest thing I ever tried to sit through! Basic plot is single mother with three daughters. Two daughters get married and she is worried about that last one because she can't pick the right men. So, meddling mother goes to the internet and screens potential men for her hopeless daughter and ofcourse does not tell her.

The daughers and mother have an odd relationship. They talk about kissing "down there" on a conference call, go to a naked massage parlor (with Piper Perabo in a thong), and a sort of discussion about the "Big O" between the mother and hopeless daughter.

There are some cute parts and there are plenty of parts that mothers and daughters can relate and see themselves.

But all I felt was a slip in my IQ and a taste of what ADD is like.