Friday, February 15, 2008

Love the Dress......All 27 of them!

I am adding another movie to the list that will have to be purchased on it's release day & will spend many a day playing in the dvd player. "27 Dresses" was such an adorable flick. James Marsden..............I can't get enough of him. "The Bella Mafia" was my first encounter with him and while he scared me with his twisted mind, he intrigued me and has stuck with me ever since. Seeing him recently in "Enchaned" was great! He was so corny and while his Jim Carey-esque facial movements irked me (can not stand JC) I noticed that I was still hooked on this talented individual. And now, just a few weeks later, here he is again.

The movie? Adorable. The cast? Great. The dresses? Like backstage at a dance recital with ruffles and lace and head pieces and colors....and more ruffles but typical of a local production. Their karoake rendition of "Benny and the Jets"? Like so many weekends out at dive bars.....too many to count. Making this film easy to relate to and one to go see.