Thursday, November 23, 2006

It's the Holiday Season...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you & your's a very yummy day!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Take A Number

I met JW at Friday's....heeheehee....on Friday. I haven't seen him in like two months and we had a lot to talk & laugh about. Friday's has gone through a renovation....for the better? I am not sure. We got there to ener the PACKED building and went up to the host desk. They asked "How Many?" I said "2" and they printed up a ticket. On this ticket was a number.....72. I look around, wondering why I had this number, and I see these red, flashy boards with numbers. this a deli? Nope. It's their new system. No taking names. No handing you a pager/buzzer thingy. Youwatch for yoru number to pop up on the board & then proceed to the desk. Weird. And they were on #40 when we got our number.

We were seated realtively fast. 20 minutes was all it took. Not bad! JW & I shared lack of dating stories, I got yelled at since he was my cover for going out with Gameboy, and I showed him pcitures from Gettysburg & Cleveland.

He whined.......a lot......about not having a girl so I suggested he try to talk to the waitress, Jasmine, since he kept drooling over her. He did what I think was flirting, but left with me & no number.

JW did treat to dinner, which was totally unexpected. I do not hang out with him so taht he'll pay & pointed this out. He said I have to pay for coffee next time we get together. That's a fair trade for me.

Workshopping It

I was invited by KDP's sister, "the librarian", to come & give a two-part workshop for writing a college application essay. It paid well. It is so easy to instruct something that people want to attend. It's even nicer when they come with questions that are relevent to the topic. And, they were all 16-17 years old. Not the 19-24 yr. old yahoos I deal with.

I have so many ideas now to send out to other libraries & make this business work. Keep all fingers crossed for me!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Worlds Collide

Last night, Crak, MIU, and Mr. Baseball all met. MIU has been hounding me to get together & meet Crak since like June & it just hasn't materialized. Well, seeing as he is planning on moving to the west coast soon into the new year, it's pretty much now or never. And, his friend, Mr Baseball, wanted to put a face with my name before they go, so this was it.

We met at 8:30 at trusty old Starbucks...which I have had enough of in the last week (4 times in 6 nights..........and sat in the back at a cozy table with chairs & benches. So glad I had a bench to sit on because those chairs are too hard for me.

MIU treated to coffee for Mr. Baseball & me....Crak had already purchased her gingerbread latte..............and we sat & drank & talked. And talked. And talked. We sat there swapping stories for two hours. Lots of giggles & stories (funny & embarrassing) and just enjoyed the evening.

It was nice to see MIU twice in less than a week......something that has NEVER happened before.......and to finally meet his sidekick. Another fine bonding experience at the local Starbucks.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

4 Things About Me

Chummlee sent this to me today. Crak always puts up stuff like this, so I figured why not I? Here it goes:

Four Jobs I Have Had:
1. dance instructor
2. disney cast member
3. victoria's secret salesperson
4. campbells sales rep.

Four Movies I Would Watch Over & Over:
1. clueless
2. miss congeniality
3. never been kissed
4. italian job

Four Places I Have Lived:
1................same one all these years......................

Four TV Shows I Love To Watch:
1. CSI (Las Vegas only! I can't stand the Miami or NY one)
2. Seinfeld
4. Frasier

Four Places I Have Been On Vacation:
1. Bahamas
2. Florida
3. Paris
4. Vermont
(I love love love to travel & had to leave so many out

Four Of My Favorite Foods:
1. salads
2. soup ( new fave is @ cheesecake factory~~~cream of chicken & artichoke...yummy!)
3. corn tamale cakes
4. chicken (depends on teh mood how I want it prepared)
(I love love love to eat so I had to leave out a lot here too...drat!)

Four Places I Would Like To Be Right Now:
1. the city
2. Disney
3. Paris
4. Portland

Four Things I Hate:
1. students who do not listen to me after I have said something 5 times
2. blatant stupidity
3. liars........or people who ask me something & when they are not satisfied with my response say I am lying)
4. idea....................

Sunday, November 12, 2006

What A Week!

I have not had a moment's peace this week. It has literally been one thing after another. Here's the recap:

Worked. Was stressed out. Forgot to finish midterm grades for had to do that. Lots of grades. Low grades. One whole class failed their midterm. Yup. Not one passed it. Had to go to the doctor because my eye was swelling shut. Itchy. Painful. Not good when you are vain & have people staring at you as your job.

Worked even more. Tried to finish the midterm grades. Went out to dinner with the family. Had a manicure appt. that night. It ran late. Got home late. Had to put together something for the workshop I was teaching on Thursday night that I had yet to plan for. Oops.

Went in to work. Had to teach. It was also registration day. These days are nightmares that we are awake for. Horrific. It was so hot in the room & people with their grimy germs were coughing & sneezing all over the place. Add the heat & no circulation and you have one LARGE incubator. Gross. Got home after 8 pm that night. Found my brother very sick. Had to take him to the hospital emergency room at 9:30. Didn't get home til after midnight. He's on he mend now, not well but getting there---slowly.

Couldn't function because of the hospital run the night before. I was thrown off completely. I only went in to one job to teach one of my two classes (and cover Crak's class too) and I cancelled the farm so I could sleep. Which I did.

I also had the workshop at the library that night. It went well. Met the MIU after for coffee & got home WAY LATER than planned. I could barely keep my eyes open & hit the pillow ten minues later. I was so gone until late the next morning.

Had a meeting. Napped. Ran around doing errands. Met Crak for Unos and Starbucks that night. Went home & watched "Cars" with the patient. I love that movie.

Went in to the city bright & early to attend the 9th Annual Chocolate Show. Ate my weight in chocolate....not good since I weigh more this year than last year. Oh well. It was all very yummy & so worth it. Didn't get home til late afternoon......after having walked off a lot of what I had eaten (wishful thinking) and tried to unwind but didn't have time.

Met KDP for coupon shopping & Starbucks. Got home late.

Trying to function. Heading out to see the Ulitmate Shopper for a few hours. Have a lot of things I need to do before this week kicks up into gear. I hope I get a second wind in here somewhere.

If you need to get in touch with me...or want to try and schedule'll be driving somewhere!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Untitled = Unimpressed

'Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas
and all through the show,
I just kept thinking "Why me?
Can't I just go?"

The glasses they pinched
the floors were so sticky
The characters too creepy
and the seats so itchy.

Okay, so this is not ever going to be published as the "Deranged Words to "Twas The Night Before Christmas", but it was my night. I saw the movie for the first time ever. I must say, I did not need to see it. I am not into spooky, mangled-looking characters. I am not a Tim Burton fan at all. I know this for a fact. His other works, "Corpse Bride", "Edward Scissorhands", "Ed Wood", never enticed me. But, this was a 3-D experience and I was interested in seeing it for that element alone. Meh. I should have saved my $11.25 for a tropical martini.

The nonrelationship continues

So, the greek sent me an im last week, to which I replied with a text over six hours later. My attempt to keep him waiting as he does the world. I knew I wouldn't hear back from him for awhile, so I didn't expect anything. As I am forgetting all of it, I get a phonecall (well, it turned into a message because I do not answer my cell at 3 am because I sleep right through it), and the message says "Hey Tanya. I just got off of work and wanted to see how things are with you. Give me a call when you get a chance to talk. Ciao."

Why? Why would you call me at 3 am? Why would I even be on your mind at 3 am? And this is not a "booty call" kind of thing because that is not me. So can you tell me why? Ofcourse not! Because that is just stupid!

I so need a date.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

So Many Nice Things!

Halloween is not my day. I have never liked it. Even as a kid. I remember going trick-or-treating only because my friends were going & I have this annoying sweet tooth. I would never even ring the doorbell. It's just not for me.

And I have never had a successful Halloween. Until yesterday. I had five nice things happen.................some little, some big--all nice!

A student in my first class remembered (somehow) that I like smarties candy, so she brought me a handful. I won a swarovski ipod nano (that I pick up today) and got the call yesterday afternoon. A student who loves to bake kept telling me she'd bake me something & brought in an angelfood cake on the last night of classes. Eight students asked to take a class with me again, two shook my hands, and one woman gave me a hug.

Finally, Code Girl and I went out after class to celebrate. We went to this really cute italian restaurant & had good pasta & drinks & conversation. When the check came, she grabbed it & paid. I protested a lot, but was afraid to insult her, so I had to let it go. She did not have to do that, and it was beyond sweet of her to do so.

All in all, my Halloween was