Monday, July 31, 2006

Empty August Looms While Sept. Is Already Booked

I was looking at my planner this morning. First off, I have to get a new one because it ends this Friday. So then I have nothing to write in. But I realized that all I am doing in August is working & hanging out at random times. Nothing major. How Boring!?!

Let me start by pointing out that Summer Session II (that I begrudgingly decided to teach) will not end until Aug. 28th. EW! Okay, okay. I thought I was fine with it seeing as we don't go back until Sept. 12th. But then the letter from Farm came in and they start the 28th of Aug. And then I checked my schedule at 5T and they start the 31st of Aug. There goes my two weeks off. Drat!

However, There's Labor Day Weekend which I am going to try my best to get a flight to Portland to see Cowboy. I won't be able to go until Christmas otherwise. Then, the following week a brewery that I really like is coming down & doing a NYC Bash on the 9th. The following weekend starts a Longaberger/Boyds Fest in Gettysburg that I am doing a daytrip for & the following week I am in Foxwoods for the Nick Lachey concert. The weekend after that, you ask? Nope. Crak & I are so hoping to be at the Nassau Coliseum Fair with OUR OWN BOOTH! Way too excited & too early on in the planning stages to really talk about right now. Two and a half weeks later I have obligations out-of-state to attend to. And then it will already be midterm time at all three colleges. So that weekend is reserved for grading & getting in midsemester reports. By that point November is looming in the near distance &, as everyone in my profession knows, things just snowball faster until we hit the end of the semester & the major holidays. Sad to say that the remainder of this year is pretty much packed already & there will be so many other things I'll want to try and cram in there.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Just For Laughs

I just read the link to the Wall Street Journal online. There was a Harris Interactive Poll that asked people which occupations do they believe to be the most prestigious. Teachers came in at 52%...the only occupation that has seen any increase in the last four years. I am so tempted to send the writer an email scoffing at this poll. What prestige? How prestigious can teaching be when it gives you ulcers, does not afford you a home to call your own, has you working a second (or third--in my case) job to pay the bills & save for the home you will never own, offer little increase in pay, demand you have higher educaiton & continue to pursue it with no reimbursement, and has you battling with bosses, students, and parents that it is more about the education than it is making them feel worthy & special? I'd love for this person to follow me around for one semeter (it wouldn't actually take him that long to figure it out but a good solid dose may make it that he never forgets) and see just how much prestige goes into this. More like insanity & a touch of masochism. BLAH!


I haven't seen KDP in three weeks. We just haven't connected. But I had received an email from Godiva to try their new Caramel Chocolixer & forwarded it to her. I always pass along what I think people will appreciate & I know KDP appreciates anything with chocolate in the subject.

She immediately sent it back saying "When & Where?" so we settled on today at Roosevelt Field. We spent three and a half hours in that mall. We chatted & caught up on her exciting life. She has a lot going for her right now. I told her was short because I have nothing to really talk about (did you not read the last few posts that tell you I have no boyfriend to take me out?).

She even let me listen to a message from this guy "J" that she has gone out with three times. He called her this past Tuesday & left a message saying "Hey. It's "J". Just wanted to say that today is our one month anniversary. Happy Anniverary."

Ummmm.............I almost dropped the phone. I said "I didn't know you were an item." She said "I didn't know either". She & I are both in shock that she has a boyfriend but didn't even know it. ???????????????? Didn't we stop doing things like that in college? I think the last guy who did that was freshman year & we did not have cellphones.

An hour had barely gone by & already I had three bags from various stores. We were doing pretty well & it was time to get the Caramel Chocolixer. We grabbed a bench (a rare treat & nearly impossible feat to do on a Sunday at that mall) and sat to enjoy our frozen treats. It was yummy. However, for $5.15, I will stick to my iced caramel macchiato.

KDP has been looking for a new pair of sunglasses for (at least)two months now. We went into Solstice & she tried on a few pairs & settled on a great looking pair of mirrored beige ones. Very chic & fits her well. I, on the other hand, found a Gucci pair that I love love love.....but will not be getting any time soon because they are $250. Oh I need a rich guy.

I must say that my best purchase of the day was the little lipgloss I got for my cellphone. It is a real gloss but has that string & clip to attach it to your cell. So me!

Crak's Big Bash

Crak threw her "Adult But Not Quite" party last night. It was, as summer bashes are, held in the backyard. She has the perfect set-up for this. The backyard has a nice size table & plenty of chairs to go around. The garage is spacious & holds a few tables of munchies & elixers.

JW was finally back on the list for invites. He had been blackballed, I believe two years ago, from the list because he would always call & cancel last minute. So, I don't know what he has done since to receive redemption, but he's back. He just got a new MDX & was all excited about driving it. So he said he'd pick me up & drive us to the gathering. That's fine by me because then 1) I don't have to drive, 2) I save gas, & 3) I can drink (whoohoo--my whopping one strong drink).

He was supposed to pick me up at 8 & at 8:20 there was still no sign of him. I can't stand it when people don't at least call when they are already 20 minutes late. So, I sent a text that asked "are we going or what?" He finally called & said "What's your address again?" UGH~~men.

So I hop in to the VERY nice MDX & he begins playing with the Navigation system. It's a great tool, but the screen is distraction & the voice that directs the driver is obtrusive & can grate on one's nerves rather fast.

We chatted & laughed & rolled into Crak's around 9:10. There were six people present & we sat down to start talking with the bunch we haven't seen in awhile. I got to speak with the CandyMan. She makes such yummy candies & does all sorts of interesting things. I got to hear about her latest chocolate experiments, her new blackberry (issued from work--must be nice to have a company that is willing to spend money), and her roadtrip to LA. So much!

I had to excuse myself for a few minutes so I could mull over all of the delicious snacks that were there. I ended up with a quesadilla, some carrots & spinach dip(sooo goood), and taboula. Even better! Crak also made me a rum & Coke that was way more rum than Coke (or glass for that matter). But JW was driving so I had no worries.

Another group of party-goers arrived & formed their own circle. Scojen defected to that circle & we were never introduced to the newcomers. It was a bit weird & it appeared to be two separate parties going on at once.

The Candyman & LL (Crak's long-time friend) were talking & we wondered who else was coming. We speculated on the possible arrival of Gary. He's Crak's ex. He's 40, 'own's a business'..........livery driver but never seems to have a car....., and not very social. I really didn't think he'd show up. And with those words out of my mouth, there he was. Gary came lumbering up the side of the house with Crak calls him....Gunther the Wonderdog. Gunther is a rottweiler & fantastic. I am a HUGE dog lover and was in my glory with this pup's arrival.

Gary sat next to me & didn't say anything. So I started talking to him (and the pup) and asked him about business & fun & band & dog. He answered. Then I introduced him to JW. JW tried to chat with him but it didn't go very far. Candyman & LL asked if we (JW &/or me) wanted to go to ralph's for ices. JW went with the two & I was alone with Gary & the dog. We got Crak's brother & another girl talking with us & things were running smoothly.

The Ralph's run group came back & somehow the other group wanted Crak to read her infamous poem about Rosario Dawson. She had to run it past Gary first, seeing as it was about him, his ex (Rosario) and Crak. He said fine. She told a few of us that we didn't have to listen, as we have heard it three or four times now. But Gary wanted everyone to be quiet. I tried asking the other group that had their own party going a question or two & never got a response. I chalk it up to they either didn't hear me or they didn't want to know I (or the rest of the table) existed. It was a bit odd.

Anyway, Gary couldn't hear Crak begin to read & told everyone to stop talking. So did Scojen. Crak shot him a look & told him to stop it. He then told her to stand up. She didn't look pleased with his behavior and just read the poem. It's a good poem....funny & have to know Crak & the story behind it all.......and I wanted to look for a reaction from Gary but I didn't out of respect for my friend.

Immediately after, JW & I had to leave. He had to work at 6 am (ew!) and was tired. I was okay with this. We chatted on the way home about the party......the ex being there......the split in groups & the fact that Scojen really seemed 'put out' by me being there...(I have this theory that she doesn't like me...which is fine because it really does not have any impact on my life).....and that it's nice to see people you don't get to see very often on a nice evening just chillin' in the backyard.

I had a message from Cowboy to call so I did. It was 12:30 here and we talked until 2 am. I accidentally asked him my "What's wrong with me? Why can't I find anybody?" question because when I am so tired (& have had more rum than Coke) I just say whatever comes to mind. I had to quickly cover that up .....I don't remember how I did it......and we talked about how he misses me & why he won't go out with anyone there & whether or not we will see eachother soon. It was an odd conversation & one that we probably shoulnd't have had in the conditions we had it.

I am left with more questions than answers & beyond confused.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Coffee & Conversation

I was fortunate enough to finally touch base & meet up with the MIU. I think the last time he & I sat down was some time in April. Here it is, the end of July, and so much time has passed.

We met up at our usual Starbucks location. I have gone over two weeks without Starbucks & was totally craving the iced caramel macchiato. We met around 7:30 and as we walked up to the door, he holds it open & points out that "chivalry is not dead" and I am allowed to proceed through. Now, he would have held the door anyway, because he is a gentleman & has good manners (not to mention a good upbringing), but did this because of my post about EJ from last week.

We ordered our iced coffees & he paid (again.......I am so paying the next time! ...thank you again) and grabbed a table. It was so empty there & nice because we could actually hear one another. But not for long. It filled in so quickly and was packed and a bit loud for me. But, that's okay. We had a good spot & I could have sat there all evening.

We talked about our new businesses. Yes, MIU has incorporated with two friends. And is going back to school. And works a full-time job. And is interviweing. And has a girlfriend. And hangs out with friends. He is a busy man! He actually has me beat out with juggling activities & responsibilities. And that isn't too easy to do.

We talked non-stop for over two hours. We've gone longer, but I had to meet my brother (who booked me for a time & never does that so it had to be pretty important). The MIU is easy to talk with. We can go on & on for hours & not really breathe much. It's amazing. One plan he mentioned is moving to the left side. If it happens, who will I have 3+ hours of conversations with? All things seem to finally be falling into place for him, and this is very good because it's a long time coming. So, we left with a "have to do this again sooner" & we will. We have to because Cali is far to drive for coffee.

I did manage to ask him my "question of the month" that I have asked a few people. And that would be "what's wrong with me?" I can't get a date. I don't even know where to find one. And the miserable two (potential 3rd that never materialized) are not setting up a good future or even giving me hope. BLAH! He didn't have an answer for me. Well, he did, but it's the same one I have gotten from others~~"Nothing". Well, if there's nothing wrong with me, then why am I sitting home on 'date night'? Hmmm.........this is one to ponder.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I Never Would Have Guessed

I just read that Lance Bass~~from boy-band N'Sync~~is gay. He has always known & says that he hid this from everyone. He didn't tell his family, friends, bandmates, nobody. SHOCKER! He dated Danielle Fishel (topanga from 'boy meets world') for a year! I can't believe this. It doesn't matter but it just doesn't seem to fit. Now, all of those boy-band haters are saying 'how could you not know? he's in an all-guy band' were the Beatles, the Beach Boys, and my most recent concert of Bon Jovi. How come nobody questions their sexuality? So, yes, color me stunned that Lance is now off my potential dating list.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Reason to Celebrate

Dad is five years remission today! I can't believe that it was five years ago that we held our breaths to even find out if he survived the surgery. So much has changed since then. And, yet, so much has yet to change. Milestones do that to us, I guess.

Cheers to Dad! Love you bunches!

Literacy Campaign

I should run for some political office & literacy would have to be my platform. I know you are tired of hearing my rants about students who do not read (yet another tale from the last week of teaching that I could share but will spare you) but why is it that people don't do this simple task that has been taught to many of us since we were two-ish or three years old? Crak sent me an email telling me I had to look at the emails sitting in our website's box. I had just checked it the day before & wasn't planning on looking again for another day or two, but when she says to look, I do. We had an email from some dealer who is selling diamonds from Africa & "you too can get in on the ground floor of this operation". Ummm.......did you even bother to read the email address that you are sending this crap to? The other odd one was from a father who needs a tutor for his son. They live somehwere on the west coast (completely slips my mind at the moment & I will probably never recall it anyway so just go with me. I do know that there were three time zones between.) Anyway, he is transferring to China (or some eastern country~~again, not going to recall it anyway) and his son is going to live with relatives in Raleigh & he will still need a tutor. Hello? Can you read the site that you looked at and used to contact us? We do not have anything about tutoring on the site. We do not travel to meet you & family members if you are outside of Nassau County. Sir, it's not just your son who needs a tutor, now is it? I'll have to confer with my partner but I do not believe we are offering family package plans.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hunting Season Is Officially Closed

I am so tired of hunting for a house or condo to purchase. I have passed my shelf life of living at home but there isn't any place to go. I was in Florida recently & saw a great condo complex right near all that I would want. There was a sign that advertised 2, 3, and 4 bedroom units for sale. I figured that this was a "sign" and I wrote the number down as quickly as I could. I contacted the real estate agent & she sent me wonderful pics & not so wonderful prices. Try a 2-bedroom there is also $390,000 & there is not garage or anything. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living/dining area & kitchen. That's it. I was trying to get a house for that price & became discouraged. But now? Don't ask.

Things Are Weird When

You pass Caesar walking down a side sreet by your house. I was driving home just now & saw something shiny/flashy walking on the sidewalk to my left. I turn & it's a guy (early 20s) in a toga that looked to be made of satin with the olive leaves on his head. The last time I saw anyone in a toga was when I went to a toga party way back in.................not disclosing my age or anything here so just go with it was a long time ago......................while visiting a boyfriend at college. What a flashback to see someone dressed that way~~~let alone in a neighborhood that is nowhere near a campus for parties. I should have asked him for the address.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Dining in Style

These past two weeks were Restaurant Week in the city. My mom & I participated back in February by going to Tavern on the Green. It was wonderful. So we went to the Tavern again this time.

It's just so upscale movie-like in my eyes. It's ornate....a bit gaudy...and just so picturesque but my words don't begin to do it justice. I love it. My mom does too.

Anyway, they have a prix-fix menu of $24.07 for lunch (as opposed to the $35 one they normally run). The price represents the hours that NYC operates. We had lobster bisque as the appetizer. Roasted chicken was my main course with amazing potatoes & some tomato dressing while my mother had the lamb shank. We finished off with chocokate mousse cake & fresh berries. The cake was very good but the berries hit the spot!

Last time we dined inside & this time we ate in the garden. oh so pretty. I even found out that they have happy hours on Tuesdays & Thursdays out in the garden in the summer. I have to go.

I would die a happy gal if I could spend one cool summer evening sipping a martini in their garden.

Is This The End?

Since Cowboy moved, he calls practically every night. I say practically because I sometimes call & there have been a few times where I was away that I couldn't really call due to schedules & privacy. Well, this week he hasn't called at all. He called Sunday night & that was it. I don't like to call him because of the time difference & he's at work. It's just easier for him to call me when he gets out & is on his way home. I've become used to the routine & liked it. It's familar & comforting.

So, since I hadn't heard from him, I called him on my way home from the Bon Jovi concert. We talked. It was okay. He seems to be getting more distant for some reason. But, he even said "Why are you calling me?" I said "Well, you haven't called me so I figured I'd see how you are & what's going on." He said "I think it's that you miss me. That's why you are calling."

When one becomes used to a pattern, one expects it to just continue. The pattern is breaking fast this week & I am not sure why. I asked him if it's that he's found someone to ask out. Nope. I asked is it that he's are going out with coworkers. He said no. So we talked a bit more and that was it. He said "I'll call you tomorrow. Have a good night." He didn't call. I tried calling him but it just kept ringing. I didn't leave a message.

It just seems that things in the program have changed & I have yet to receive the updated version.

Now, we aren't together, but we aren't really pursuing anything with anyone else either. I don't meet anyone. Period. I would like to, but I haven't. And he had so many good qualities that I don't want to meet anyone, but we don't seem to have a future as it is. So I need to find someone. And when I ask "is this the end?" I refer to the friendship we have had going for now. I know friendships change (apparently overnight in many cases) and I just want to know if that's what's happening now.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Want to know what bugs me?

People who say that they will help you & then they don't. I had to lift two very heavy boxes of books & carry them from the inner sanctum of the office to my car. I went & asked EJ if there were any male student aides to help. He said no. I said, "Then maybe you could help me?" He laughed & said no. The girl sitting next to him said "What? Are you serious?" He said "She knows I'll help her." So I said "Okay, thanks" and started walking. The girl came with me but EJ didn't move. I looked at her and said "So, he's letting the women do the heavy lifting?" She said "Yeah, I guess." So we each carried a box out & I had to go back for the third, which was a bit lighter. We go back to EJ and say "I thought you were helping?" He says "No." I said "Why did you say you would?" He said "I never said I would help." We both looked at him & said "Yes, you did." He said "Oh well."

So much for chivalry. Then I asked him where a particular form was and he put his arm around my shoulders (don't touch me after you were just so two-faced & lied) and showed me where it was located. I said thanks & went to leave. He then yelled after me "Are you coming tomorrow night?" I said "No." And left. I wasn't going to tell him either way if I was going to Crak's reading or not.

But everyone's always like "Oh, he's so nice. EJ is so helpful." Well, I needed help today & didn't get it. And he was quite smug about it. That's it for me. EJ is off my list.

Have A Nice Day

So I got to finally see Bon Jovi in concert. This is a band I have listened to before I even knew who they were. I can remember being in second grade waiting on the line at recess to file back into the classroom with a girl in the group singing their songs. She had sisters & brothers in middle school & was "up" on all of the latest & greatest, while the rest of us were playing with My Friend Jenny dolls. You just don't realize how many songs of his you do know until you see him perform.

I had to work until after 3 and the concert (as we only realized on Tuesday) started at 5, so this was a bit of a rush job to get there. I flew home, packed something for dinner on the road, and jumped into my car to get to Crak's house (yes...this is Crau, but after last night she is now with a "k")by 4:30. I hit traffic in the most odd spots. And why am I hitting west-bound traffic on a Wednesday afternoon? Doesn't anybody work anymore? Or stay home because of gas prices? Whatever.

I finally get to her house & the four of us (Crak, me, her cousin and another "C") piled into her cousin's car & off we go. We took the strangest route there. We drove from Valley Stream up the Cross Island to the Throggs Neck & over to the Cross Bronx. That lead us to traffic. However, I must say, the traffic was not as bad as I anticipated. We then hit the Turnpike & Cousin is so funny. She had to ask if we needed to go south & where was route 3? Oh no! I can drive & I can get to places but I can't do it from the backseat. It was just too funny. But Cousin got us there very nicely & in under an hour and a half. Very nice, indeed.

Crak's friend, Jersey Girl, was there already (having the advantage of only working until 12:30 ish & living in Jersey) with her friend, J. They had saved us a parking spot so we were happy. BUT, when we finally arrived, security wouldn't allow us to go to it. We had to park whereever they were funneling us in. And that would be far. We parked right infront of the Continental Airlines Arena. This would have been great if we were going there. But we needed to be on the OTHER SIDE of the turnpike at the Meadowlands complex. So we had to hike it. In cute espadrilles. They weren't made for walking a mile and a half. But I had no choice.

We get to the other side & Cousin & C have to go in because they refuse to use the temporary facilities set up in the parking lot. They wanted a real ladies room. So we said "see you inside the gates" and waited for Jersey & J to find us.

When we finally got our group together & went in it was 6:45 and Nickelback was on. They sounded really good but there was a bit too much feedback from the amps so it was hard to hear them at times over their equipment. So good. They played for about an hour.

Then we had to wait. While we were waiting, a movie promo geared up. It was for the Al Gore "An Inconvenient Truth". ????? What???? So depressing. It was just so odd to have this play. And not once, but twice. Jersey was not too pleased with this as it was a bit of a downer. But, as Crak pointed out, JBJ is a big democratic supporter.

While this was going on, we got a bit of a sideshow. A group of six moved right infront of our group of six. But these were 3 couples. All seemed normal until the man from one couple groped the woman from another couple. And she giggled. And so did his woman. What? Wait a minute. Crak leans over & says "They're swingers". Oh no. I cannot have swingers swapping in the aisle infront of me during a concert. EW!

At 8:oo, Bon Jovi came on. So so good. I can't tell you what he opened with, nor can I tell youthe playlist, but I can tell you it was amazing. The whole band was so peppy & lively & they sound just like they do on their albums.

Their stage was awesome. To me, it looked like the city skyline. And they had images of the buildings on it at one point, colored lights most of the time, flames during one song, and shots of Jersey for "Who Says You Can't Go Home?" Very appropo.

But, we got more than just a JBJ show out of this. We had the drunk swingers in the aisle below us who were swinging & swapping the entire time, we had pot smokers to the left of us, we had screamers (at eachother --- not to the band) and a guy who wouldn't shut up behind us, and we had two extremely drunk girls to the right of us. They crashed into J five times. Then they decided to straddle the men's shoulders infront of them. These guys were late 40s-early 50s and with their wives & out of nowhere come these drunk amazon women climbing up on their shoulders. Security did come but Jersey said it took five security guys to remove the two drunk amazon women. Jersey & I both asked Crak what kind of section did she get us seats in? It was all too nuts!

Bon Jovi played for 2 hours and 40 minutes! Amazing! I mean they played the whole time. And each song was good to dance to. Oh yeah we danced/bounced. Crak couldn't be as "out there" as she would have liked to have been because the strap on her tank top broke with the first chord JBJ struck. And there wasn't any real way to repair it & make it stay up. She devised some knot into it that held until the very end. Wonder if she ever wanted to be a sailor. Anyway, the concert ended at 10:40 & I was tired but filled with energy from watching him perform.

We left our seats & said goodbye to Jersey & J. Then we waited for Cousin to decide whether or not she wanted to buy the tour tank top. It was really cute. She did & we made our way back down & out & across the NJTP back to the car. Cousin was able to maneuver us out of a jammed lot & onto the turnpike but we didn't know if we were headed north or south. This could be a problem. But not for us! We managed to take the Lincoln Tunnel & cut through Manhattan. After one wrong turn & then having to navigae one way streets, the Midtown Tunnel appeared. Yippee!! We got back to VS around 12:30 & I still had to drive a half hour home. I managed to talk to Cowboy for most of my ride & crashed into bed afer 1 am.

So tired, so happy, & could do it again tonight.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Double Date Dilemna

I am up for anything once. As long as it's not skydiving or bungee jumping, I'll do it. And I am trying to find things to do each day so that I have an eventful summer. I am also looking for either cost-effective or free things to do because I need to start supplementing my $$ situation. So, I got an email from VS & it said to apply immediately to win free passes into their MTV Pink Pajama Party. I did. I love their Pink line. I have a lot of it for two reasons: 1. cute stuff & 2. it's named "pink" This is totally me. I got the passes to the event in NYC for when? Tonight. When am I going to NJ to see Bon Jovi? Tonight. Drat! The Bon Jovi concert has been on the books for awhile now. I want to go. I've never seen him perform & I have wanted to. I like his music & who he seems to be (at least in interviews). So, I had to send back the email to VS & tell them to allot the tickets to someone else. Oh--how cool would it have been to get free tix & free stuff at this party? Mr. Jovi, your show better be good.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

My Shoe Search

Who wants to go to MJM, DSW, and L&T? I am hunting for the perfect pair of adorable shoes. I want a fun, flirty pair that do nothing but make me look good. I have been craving a pair since Devil & have yet to accomplish this task. The pairs I find & love....nobody has in my size. The designer ones that are now affordable because we are already looking at parkas & Ugg boots in July? Not my size. The shoes that are still cute & completely manageable to walk in? Not my size. Are you sensing a pattern here?

The Ups & Downs of Life in the HIlls

I was a fan of "Laguna Beach". I adored watching the first season with LC & Steven, Lo, Trey, Morgan, and others. I wanted LC to finally get together with Steven rather than have Kristin get her way again. I saw as she lusted after him and he disappointed her each time.

I begrudgingly watched Season 2 wih Kristin as the lead & her friends Alex & Jessica whine along side her. I saw Jessica play the fool to Jason time and again. He hurt Jess, another Alex, and even LC. How could any girl even consider dating him?

Well, LC is now a bit older and goes by Lauren. She moved to Hollywood/LA and lives in a great gated apt with her immature friend, Heidi. She goes to college for fashion & design & even landed an amazing internship with Teen Vogue (like she wouldn't with having her own show). Big surprise.

What annoys me is that she has allowed Jason back into her life. Why? Who knows. She is a very pretty girl who seems to be level-headed until it comes to romance. He is rude & hurtful in a deliberate way. She goes home crying quite often.

Ofcourse, when it comes right down to it, they are all just spoiled kids running wild with Daddy's credit cards. She bought this 19 yr old Callaway clubs for his birthday. She blew off the second half of a photo shoot to go to his bday party. And what is he doing at the party? Ignoring her....flirting with another girl...... and drinking way too much. He ends up going out after with two other people to continue partying rather than spend time with the girl who wants so much to please him.

Christmas? She made....custon made....him dog tags with black diamond initials. What 19 yr old with no real job or education needs to sport what must have cost $900-1500? He doesn't seem to do much of anything except ridicule her & act like a jerk.

Granted, I know most of this is staged & we only see a portion of what goes on. But they haven't been dating that's all so inconceivable.

LC~~~dump him. Get serious about this once-in-a-lifetime internship. Spend daddy's money wisely. Not on Jason.


Mom & I had dinner at Qdoba the othe rnight. Pretty good, I must say. It reminds me of a mexican Panera. The prices were very good, the portions were HUGE, and it was tasty! I had a chicken quesadilla & had to bring home half of it for lunch the next day. I love meals that allow you to enjoy for two days.

We then ended up at L&T & while it was me looking for shoes, it was my mom who found 3 pairs at fantastic prices. She went home with all of them & I got to carry the bags. Something's wrong here.

You'd Better Shop Around

I went to Crau's in the teeming rain & thunder on Wednesday night to watch the ever-anticipated "Shop Girl". She loved the novella, written by Steve Martin. I said it was okay. She put this on her netflix & said we had had had to watch it when it came in. She is a girl of willpower. It came in on Friday & I wasn't able to go see it until Wednesday. She held out for me. That's power. We talked for about an hour and a half.....I snacked......and then we watched the movie.

I love lounging on her neat couches & just chatting with Crau. Nothing to interrupt us (which is what usually happens). I like watching movies with her....although I will ask questions out loud & expect a response & I think she likes to stay quiet....I'm not sure but we haven't established a movie rhythm yet.

This movie, she loved. I thought it was okay. She said "Oh this is one to watch over and over again". I saw it once & that was plenty for me.

We have such opposite tastes it's funny. But, I would keep on shopping bfore stopping at Shop Girl again.

Take This Group & ~~~

Something told me to not work the second session of the summer. A little voice (no, not Crau's) told me to call & have them offer the class to someone else. But...with that shopping spree at Ralph Lauren, I need the money. BIG MISTAKE. This class is evil. A majority of them are brand new to the school. They began in May & have been with us for seven weeks. I had one, in particular, answer his phone and have a conversation on it just after I went over the classroom rules. I had to ask/tell him twice to leave, which he did & had the nerve to come back. They do not want to buy the books. They do not want to do the homework assignments. They do not want to listen to me. I came home so stressed that I was sick the next day. I have to change careers.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Coffee Clotch

Saw KDP Sunday night for our (what is becoming a nice routine) Starbucks at the bookstore. We sat & chatted and I got to hear all about her new match guy. He sounds nice but weird. But, hey, at least she is getting calls for dates. What am I doing? Typing a blog. She was preparing for her first week as a principal of a summer program. This is BIG. We earned the certificates and all, but to actually apply it & do the job is so overwhelming! I am so happy that things are going well for her.

St. Augustine

Oh my---I had to get up at 3 am for this one. I got home the night before from CT & had to do laundry & managed to go to bed around midnight. I set the alarm for 3 because we were leaving the house at 5:15 am to catch a 6:50 am flight. We flew down on lovely Southwest & their cattle call herd. The flight went smoothly, I think. I was asleep before we pulled away from the gate. We landed & I was hungry. SO we grabbed a snack & took off on what should have been a two hour drive to our destnhation. Nope. Traffic on I-4 stopped us & added an hour to the journey.

St. Augustine has nothing. It is the oldest & first established city in the country, but they didn't even have one Starbucks. Now, I don't need a Starbucks, but when you come from an area that has one on every other corner, you expect to find an iced caramel macchiato somewhere in your travels. Nope. I couldn't even try for a Dunkin Donuts coffee. There wasn't one for 15 miles. I shopped in the outlets & spent more money than I ever planned, but I got such good stuff. Two sweaters for the fall, a tank top, a handbag, and 2 pairs of socks. What should have been $425 was approx. $100. SO GOOD! So excited. I either hit it big at the outlets or find absolutely nothing.

I saw the famous trolleys in St. Aug, the Lions Bridge, the Spanish Fort, the road leading to the FOuntain of Youth (but it looked creepy so I didn't go), and George St, which is strictly pedestrian & reminds me of Key West. Tacky but fun.

The flight home was the same as the one going. I was out cold before we took off. I have a knack for being able ot fall asleep almost anywhere.

So, to recap that week of lunacy, I went to CT on Satruday for the day, went to NYC for a concert at night on Sunday, went to NYC for a non-Shakespearean day, went to CT/MYSTIC?Mohegan Sun for Tues & Wed., and then Fla for Thursday through Satruday (late). I was so tired that it took me this long to finish my post!

A World At Play

Tuesday morning brought a new day & a new trip. I was headed to Mystic, CT for the 4th with KDP. I picked her up at 9:15 am and we were on the road. Surprisingly enough there was little traffic to contend with as we drove the 3 hours to Mystic. An easy ride, it really went fast.

We got up to the Seaport at 11:30 much for 3 hrs. We ate a quick lunch & went in to see all of the ships & historic houses & life in general for the early 1800s. I love going to Mystic.

We stayed there until about 4 o'clock. Then it was time to head over to Mystic village, where they have 60 little cottages of shopping. KDP found a few items in their all Irish store but wasn't sure what to purchase. I told her to sleep on it as we would be back there on Wednesday.

We then got back into the car & headed 20 minutes back west to Mohegan Sun. I have been dying to visit their casino for one reason: they have a 3-story mountain with a martini bar at the top & a planetarium on the ceiling! So we check in to the casino & there's a problem. They had us down for a package of two nights---$74 for the 4th of July & $259 for the 5th. I couldn't go for two nights.....only one....and when KDP called to change the reservation, the woman told her the price would remain the same. We both knew this was incorrect, but who are we to opt for $189 for the one night? So as we check in, the two women working on our reservation pick up on this and become confused. They aren't sure what to do with us. We stood there quiet as they debated the matter. The result? Leave the room price blank & let the check-out people handle the situation. Fine by us.

We head up to our very pretty room with a great view of the mountains & settle in briefly. But it's 6:30 & I am starving. We pull out the binder in the room to see what they have to offer in the way of restaurants. HOLY COW! Three are about seven restaurants, two buffets, five fast-food sites, and four clubs. We couldn't decide what to eat, so we went for the buffet. Which one? I have no idea. We wandered until we found one. And we hit the right one because the one we chose was doing a special of 2-for-1 on Tuesdays....and the 4th just happened to be Tuesday! So we ate SO MUCH FOOD for very little $$. Nice!

It was now time to gamble. Neither KDP or I are very good at gambling, and our night of Texas Hold 'Em from last year is proof that we are horrible, so we stuck to the ever-popular slot machines. I was doing okay for a bit but somehow lost it all. Ah~~that's okay because I only put in $20. No big loss. KDP, however, came out on $1.42. Hey--at least it's more than she started with!

After working up a huge thirst sitting there at the one-armed bandits, we climbed the mountain for our drinks. At the top of this pretty mountain is a small lounge with cute bartenders. We ordered our martinis & just sat back & enjoyed. I had watermelon & you think I'd know to stay away from them because they get me into trouble every time. I was so excited to be there & planned on drinking more than one since we had a room right there............but I was soooooooooo tired. So I only had one! I am so disappointed in myself. But I did have to walk back down the mountain in heels after this drink, so it was probably better that way.

We got up the next morning & went to check out & were right back to the original problem we had when checking in. The woman didn't know what to charge us. It took her about twenty minutes to finally come back with an answer that she was not too happy with. We were! She had to give us the room for $74! The grand total was $82.88! Sweet! We LOVE Mohegan Sun!

Yuck~~it was raining out & we were headed back to Mystic to visit the aquarium. The problem is that everyone else was there, too, because of the rain. I adore the aquarium. We saw fish, jellyfish, sea horses, the penguin exhibit, beluga whales, and an octopus. And we got to see the Sea Lion Show. Cowboy & I saw that two years ago & they have the same ones performing still. There had been a young one...about 2 yrs old back then named Rider, who couldn't do any tricks then but followed the big ones around. Well, he's now four years old & can do a couple of his own tricks. He was sooooooooooo cute! I could watch them all day.

We finished up at the aquarium & went over to the Village again. KDP got her irish stuff that she had been pondering. I got chocolate for the ride home. We hopped on I-95 & started back. Along the way we stopped at the Clinton Outlets for a stretch & a little bit of shopping. KDP got sandals. I was proud of myself because I didn't buy anything. This is a rare occurrance, but when it happens, I pat myself on the back for being so good with $$ and then plan what I am buying myself as a reward.

I dropped her off at home aorund 8:15 in the evening & got home close to 9:00 myself. I had such a good time & want to go back again.

Not Quite Shakespeare in the Park

So, after getting home late the night before from the taping & only having about 5 interrupted hours of sleep, I had to be on a train back into the city to meet Crau. We had finally set a date to see Shakespeare in the Park. This year's performance was Macbeth. I enjoy Macbeth....I understand it well having taught it. So I thought it would be good to see a live performance of it. And, this would be another free event to check out. Crau & I are working our way through what seems to be a free list. This is fine by me since I am not teaching as many classes this year. Free (or a rich man who wants to pay for me) is good.

So I hop on the 11 am train to Penn & it's jammed with people. Hello? It's July 3rd. Aren't any of you off or staying home or going to the beach so I don't have to stand all the way in? I spotted a seat between people & I actaully made them move so I could sit too. I was not standing in my cute, yet totally inappropriate, sandals that I would be walking all over in.

I meet Crau at the station & there she is.................

wearing the same exact outfit as me. Well, her tank had spaghetti straps & she had on shorts while I had capris, but we had the same colors & all. It was a bad doublemint twin commercial. And we had to walk all of Manhattan like this. It's either a case of great minds or we have confirmed what our colleagues have assumed all along...we are the same person & just don't know it.

We hop a subway to 81st & 8th & cross on over to the Park. Where it was easy enough to find the Delacourt Theater because it was right there & there were hundreds of people outside of it. We begin walking to the end of the line. The ned was approx. 2 miles away. Oh darn. Who actaully likes Shakespeare other than nerdy people like us? So we wait. And wait. For an hour. This is when we find out that there aren't any more tickets. So now we don't get to see Macbeth. I was upset, but we made the most of it.

It was well past lunch time so we walked up to the theater to at least see what it looks like and rounded our way to the right into Shakespeare's Garden. A lovely little spot that had brand new benches. We picnicked there for a bit. Then we climbed up to Belvedere Tower. There is an information booth inside of the tower, but it was closed that day. So we walked down the steps on the opposite side & off we went. We saw the turtle pond, the great lawn, the literary walk, the Bethesda Fountain, the Children's Garden, Cleopatra's Needle, the boat basin, and then stopped at the Dairy. We managed to get free posters there & directions to the carousel. Round & round we went on a horse that was way too high for me to have climbed up on, but I managed.

I couldn't tell you what else I saw that day because it was so long ago. We did manage to find our way out of the park & into a Starbucks for some airconditioning & refreshments. Then we walked (well, Crau walked & I stumbled in my too cute sandlas that are made for 6 blocks of walking....not 60+) down to Penn.

I was hot, tired, and had many blisters, but I had fun wandering for the day with my doublemint twin.

We are so getting a hotel next year.

More like 101 Degrees

So, I was able to score tickets to the taping of the Macy's 4th of July Fireworks performances of Lionel Richie & Nick Lachey. The taping was on Sunday night at the Waterfront Plaza at 8 pm. I offered a ticket to my mom who adores Nick & has seen Lionel Richie in concert. She mentions this to my dad & two of the 4 tickets are now gone. Thanks. I offered the 4th ticket to Crau because she's up for stuff like that & anything free. So, we picked her up last week & headed in to Manhattan. For some odd reason, I remember the fireworks show being held on the west side of the island. So I just figured that is where the Water Plaza would be as well. So my dad zips us over to the other mother all the while panicking that we won't make it in time. Well....there is nothing but a construction site on the west side at 27th & FDR. Hmmmmm. Guess I should have looked this up. But, I also was under the impression that the FDR was only on the west am I supposed to know it runs BOTH sides of the island. So we get back to the east side & it's raining. It was gorgeous all weekend & now it rains? Not just rain, mind you. Lightening as well. Great. I get the free opportunity to see Nick & his amazing biceps up close & it may not happen? UGH!

We were held in a room with a smaller crowd than I anticipated & candy. What was to start at 8:30 pm only began at 9:40ish. and there he was. All of him. Oooooooooooooo. So goodlooking! He sang his song. Twice. Then they filmed the crowd (us) for the playback. Then he left. But--ew(!)--there were quite a few men in our section blocking our view a bit & dancing. I thought they were there with girls & just mocking it. Nope. They were there as a group themselves to see Nick. One guy who had to be about 6' tall was right infront of me & kept backing into me as he was dancing. doesn't work that way. And stop dancing! There's no room to dance! LIke Nick would want him anyway. When Nick left, so did quite a few of the men in our section. Ah--breathing room. And just in time for Lionel Richie. He did his new song (title slips my mind at the moment) and then "All Night Long" & had the whole crowd singing along. So good. He was very peppy up on stage.

The rain held out for the concert & we had a ball. Such a good time. My mom had the most fun, if you ask me. She remarked a number of times after we dropped off Crau that she "got to see Nick....up close......he's so darling". My dad enjoyed it simply for the fact he loves to take pictures of anything going on around him. So he was snapping away. I couldn't focus on much the next few hours because the sight of Nick Lachey had my temperature rising. Gotta love being in the Nick fan club & living in NY. Where else could you have a night like this?

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Attack of the Clackers

KDP & I saw my much anticipated "The Devil Wears Prada" last night. I can't wait for it to come out on dvd. I know I have a long wait.....but that's okay. It was so good. However, it was very different from the book, which I always like better. But--oh--the clothes, the jewelry, the SHOES! I came out with such an urge to buy a new pair. Thankfully, as KDP pointed out, it was after 10 pm and all of the stores were closed. DARN.

I did get to see the preview for the Sept. 11th movie that is coming out. It was sad. I didn't know that Nicholas Cage was in it. Weird to see him in such a role. I am not going to see it. I have no need to see it. My big reason for not going is that Maggie Gyllanhall(spelling?) is in it. She had passed some disparaging remarks about the people of NY, the victims of September 11th, and the government as a whole. I do not need to support her work in this case. I like her as an actress. I really do. But for her to be so rude with the situation rubs me the wrong way. So I won't be going.

Okay, back to Devil. Differences from the book to film didn't make sense to me. Andy, (AH's character), was supposed to have an apt. with 2 med. students who were never there. She lived with the boyfriend in the movie. He was a teacher in brooklyn but was now a chef at some restaurant. Lily (who was played by the same woman in Rent--I think) was to have been white & a phd black & an artist opening a gallery (made no sense to me). There was another guy friend with the group to make it an even 4, but he served no purpose. Miranda Priestley was evil to the core in the book & yet here we see a tender side of her, a divorce, & even a positive letter of recommendation for Andy.

Anne Hathaway was good in this role, although, it reminded me a lot of her Princess Diaries role. She starts out frumpy & turns into a label-wearing diva. She has a best friend named Lily, is very clumsy, and has to be true to herself & what she is really meant to be.

Oh~~the shoes! I even saw a Chanel necklace I would love to have. Oh, I will have a devil of a time not buying something couture after this experience. I will also have to be anorexic for the next three months. Skinny, stylish women everywhere! Oh to quote Emily Blunt's character, "I am one stomach flu away from my ideal weight".....I'm more like six of those, but I'd rather not get into that.

Yummy Celebratory Week

I think I ate my weight in food this week. I went out to eat quite a bit. Mom & I wanted to go to the outlets on Monday. By the time we crossed the Tappan Zee, it was pouring. You can't do the outlets in the's just not fun. So we ended up at the Palisades Mall...a decent substitute. I wanted my grilled chicken & avocado sandwich from The Cheesecake Factory, so lunch was decided. Tuesday, Crau & I went out to Chilis to meet RB, a colleague of ours. We sat & ate for two hours. Lots of fun...expecially when we don't see most of our coworkers for about four months. Tuesday night was dinner out at California Pizza Kitchen. MMMMMMMMMM. I love eating there. Wednesday was lunch, again, with Crau & Codegirl. We work with her, too. It was a brazilian restaurant called La Finca & I ate such a HUGE lunch that I didn't eat the rest of the day. I know!!! That's not like me at all. Arroz con pollo, fried plantains, and empanadas all around. A pitcher of sangria topped it all off. We were there for almost three hours! And the waiter was soooooooooo nice. I'm telling you all to check it out.

What was I celebrating? Summer session I was finished as of Thursday. Wednesday night almost did me in, though I had two of my students verbally assault me because they did not like their grades. I don't mena they whined. They actually started yelling in the classroom, startling the other students. I didn't raise my voice. I didn't change my demeanor at all. And for that I was called "cold & distant"....."uncaring"........I told them that yelling and being emotional to the point that you are making accusations is unprofessional & this is a job, not a personal matter for me. However, I was shaking. My hands were going nuts. How they didn't see that is beyond me.

Thank goodness it's all over. I can't stand it when people are ahppy the whole way through & know theyir grades & then they are shocked at the end results & start screaming. It's just lunacy.

Today I'll be at Cracker Barrel enjoying a hearty breakfast & then some shopping for necessities...........mmmmmmmmmmm..................catch you all later!