Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fear & Loathing In L.I.

Have I mentioned how much I despise my students? I received email afer scathing email this past week from those who "were not satisfied" with their grades and how they "already contacted the dean because she will do the right thing".

Was 'doing the right thing' doing the work that had been assigned at a collegiate level?
Was 'doing the right thing' keeping up with posts that would be worth 40% of your final grade? Would 'doing the right thing' be having read the syllabus and knowing fully the responsibilities to earn the grade of your desire?
Would 'doing the right thing' include reading the seven announcements, the two extra ones strictly for posting, and the two emails that told you as a class that you were not even close to earning the 40%?
Would 'doing the right thing' be contacting me when your midterm eval was an "F"?
Would 'doing the right thing' maybe be contacting me with an appropriate worded email as opposed to the nasty ones I received?
Would 'doing the right thing' be the dean not entertaining the students (I use that term-students- VERY loosely) and sending the students back to me to discuss the situation first?

I have been summoned to the provost's office at 11:30 Monday morning. This doens't look well for me.....I did my job, have copies of the announcements, emails I sent, and the syllabus that was posted the first week. I have copies of the students' emails. I did my job and I did it well. Yet it will be me who pays a huge price tomorrow. I may be jumping the gun. They may just warn me to not have such high standards next time. They may pressure me to change the grades. That isn't good in that it undermines me completely as a professional. I'd be sunk each semester simply because people would be able to say "Oh, you don't like it that you did not do any work and she had the nerve to fail you? Take it to the provost...he'll do the right thing". They may remove me at the end of the semester. They may remove me now.

The waiting game is taking its toll on my sanity.

Ever want to just run away? Wanna come with me?