Friday, April 18, 2008

Stop Me Before I Do It

All I can think of lately is Cowboy. I wake up to thoughts about him. I listen to songs on the radio and immediately relate them to him. I hear something funny and think of how he'd appreciate it. All I want to do is call him.

And I have been so tempted to all week. Our last contact was March 17th when I texted him that I want my money. That was it.

I haven't contacted him. I probably won't. Because he wasn't a good friend to me when I needed it. And hte last thing I said tohim (his voicemail) wasn't very nice. And he's probably engaged to the latest girl in his life and I just can't hear about it.

I do believe that he will be back in my life one day. I'm not sure how, but he and I did have a connection that is rare and should not be tossed aside.

And I am not sure a relationship, in general, would solve my cravings to call him. Its beyond that. I just feel so icky going as long as I have without contact. Why did he have to be so lousy.