Sunday, March 09, 2008

Sheckys. That's All I Have To Say.

Tuesday and Wednesday were blurs with work & meetings and grades because Session I was ending Thursday night. And I wouldn't be there. I would be on my way to the Puck Building to enjoy a Girls' Night Out with ..........none other than Mom. She has watched me empty out bag after bag from Sheckys and Rooftop parties and wanted a bag of her own. So I got the two-for-one deal and it was one of her Christmas presents.

We headed in on a 5:25 train and got to Sheckys close to 6:30. UGH! Only three and a half hours of drinking time? I told mom we'd have to catch up to the others. I shuffled her through and around to get to the elevator so that we'd be whisked up to the 7th floor to get our goody bags as soon as possible. I have seen that they run out of things that were in the early bags and I would like to get as much free stuff as I can.....for pass on...whatever.

NEW BAGS! They billed this Shecky's as the one to have new bags. We have three of the old white one and did not need any more of that. Crak had attended on Tues. night and she texted me that she had received, yet again, the old white bag. No new bag & no clue as to whether or not it would look like the advertisement. I got there and saw them putting the old bag....filled with lots of stuff......into the brand new brown bags. So we got two bags, one filled with stuff. Mom had a ball. She had her bags and then began to try the dirnks. She is a lot like me. She wants to try new things and know what she's doing when she orders things out. And, yet, does not want to pay for something she isn't sure she will like or something that will taste really bad. That is why this event is so fun. You can try drinks you have never had & see if you like them....all for one price. She started with a Chambord Margarita. She said it was good but sipped my chambord martini and liked it a lot better. The Lion, whom Crak has been following at these events, was the one mixing and making and pouring. So I got a glimpse of him, too. Meh--he's okay. Not my type. But it's nice to see that he's now a staple at these events.

We walked down an aisle, finished the chambord and moved on to Bacardi. I had their strawberry mix while mom had the mojito. Mmmmm........aisle two and three done.

We then went downstairs and went to the smaller room. There we were able to get a seat at the Bud/Michelob tasting and had their new raspberry pomogranite beer, with fresh raspberries to add to the taste, their grapefruit beer with a chunk of brie, a light beer with a sharp white cheddar, and an amber (too strong for me) with a mild swiss. All were so good.

Mom and I moved on to the Finlandia set-up and had a good time there.

We left around 9:30 to catch a train home. We got in around 11:30 and collapsed. She commented on not knowing how we (meaning me & friends) do this whole commute thing after working & then go to work the next day. Hmmm.....she had no trouble getting up & out before 7am to be on time.

Looks like mom is one of the 'girls' after all.