Monday, April 28, 2008


At least I do right now if what I think is happening really is................

Back in March, the Dept. sat together to create our summer schedules. We've done this for years. And whatever's left goes to the adjuncts. This summer, not much is running. And there may not be any classes for adjuncts.

Until now.

We had to "put in our wish list" to see if the dean would approve it. The decree came this evening. Of the four (minimum) I need (for financial purposes), I got two.

This is not acceptable. I need the classes for money. I need the classes so I do not go broke. I didn't take them for the fun of it. I took them because I need to live. And what they pay me as a full-timer is criminal. Forcing me to work in the summer.

Ummmm...........that's every summer until now.