Friday, March 31, 2006

Back In Purgatory

I received (semi) good news today. Thug-ass is suspended for two weeks for harassing me. I am still in shock that any action was taken & feel that I am no longer in Hell. I was enraged on Wednesday that I was afraid of myself. Thursday I wanted to cry ( I said I wanted to, I didn't) because my job was not concerned for me at all. Nor were they very concerned about future actions or harassment issues, so it seemed. But, to my surprise, they did take action. I feel so much better now. My visit to Hell this week may have been short, but the impact will last awhile.

Here's Comes Peter Cottontail

Crau had found a great website for the season. You type in your name and it tells you what your bunny name would be. I loved mine. Its Marshmallow Velvet Ears. Sweet. Sexy. Seductive. Yeah, that's me. What's your's?

Post & let me know!

I Have Met More Than Just Five People In Hell

Crau passed along the book The Five People You Meet in Hell on Saturday. I had not read the original work of Heaven, but figured why not? It's quick & easy & I would definitely know I am in hell if I met the five characters, in a row, that Edgy Kreep meets on his travels. Oh! Wait a minute! I AM in hell! The difference between my visit & Edgy's is that he only met five people to signify his location. And the people he talks with aren't that bad. They are annoying & can easily get on one's nerves, but they really aren't too bad. Mine? I want to punch. LOL! He actually does punch the first guy that he meets in Hell. Just because he felt like it & the guy was annoying to him. If I did that this week there would be over 30 people & my fist would be a maracca(?spelling...?you know that little round thing with beans in it that is shaken to make noise? that thing) by now.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Day From Hell

I went to bed last night knowing what it is to truly hate a day. It has been a long time since I felt that way & it made for a horrible night. All went well with my first two classes. The Lit. kids actually read & were able to comment on the first act of Othello. The second class had a meaningful discussion about the Moussaoui trial. After that, a student in the second class asked me if I would please read the poetry he has written. He extended his shaking arm (nerves?) and handed me a bound book filled with poems he has written and titles of ones he plans to write. I love this. This is the fourth nice gesture from my students at that school this semester. I had that standing ovation from a night class, cookies from another night class (homemade), an invitation to a jewelry party that one adult student hosts, and now this. It's nice when they want to allow you a peak into their life outside of school.

Then it happened. I was walking back to Academics from the second class & there were two male students in an empty hallway. One looks up at me and says "Yo, miss, your skirt is too short". I turned around and said "Excuse me. That is not appropriate to say to a faculty member" and walked away. He says it again "I'm just telling you that it's too short". So I repeat in a firm tone that I already told him it is not appropriate to say that to me. He states that he doesn't care & says it again. I asked him if he wanted to go talk about this in Student Services, since we were right outside of the doors to that office. He says "I'll go anywhere wit you. I don't care". So I said, "Let's go in then". He tells me he "ain't goin' nowhere wit" me and he don't care. ACK!! If you are going to be a jackass in college, at least speak properly....dumbass. I do not know this student from a hole in the wall and walk into the office yelling that I have been harassed by a student who is refusing to come in and that I need help. Nobody comes out of their office to help me. I look into the first office in that dept. and ask the guy "DID you hear me? I said I need help." He says "I heard you. Did he have his student ID on?" "No, he didn't and he won't come in." "Well, get him and bring him in. If he won't come with you, get security." Thanks for nothing student services.

I stomp back to Academics & find Peof Crau at the desk. I told her what had happened and she says, in a very calm tone, "Do you want me to help you lok for him?" Thank god, someone who is willing to help. So off we go to look outside & then in the cafeteria. There is the student sitting on the radiator with his friends. I said, as calmly as I could, "You are wanted in Student Services, let's go." He says "I ain't goin nowhere wit you. What for? I didn't say notin' that ain't true." So I tell him again and he refuses, ever so eloquently. I said that I was going to go find the security guard & he said "You go find that old man. He can't do notin'."

I head into SS and am soon followed by said student(aka thug) and Crau (who conviced him to follow) into the office of Mr. No Clue. Here we sit and the thug is allowed to run his mouth about how he didn't say anything wrong and it was me. He said he was not going to apologize to me but would and wouldn't mean it. He felt that he shouldn't have to apologize to me just because I am a human being and I have a degree because he is earning a degree himself and I am no better than him. I tried to point out that this was harassment and that.....I was cut off as he continued to run his mouth. Mr. No Clue let the student railroad right over us & then let him go. Crau was of very sound mind.....I wanted to knock the kid's block off. Thank goodness she had been so calm because that is what actually kept me from knocking this kid down. The thug leaves & MNC says "It's their culture. He doesn't understand. But it's good that he had to come in here and talk about it." OH GOD!! Are you kidding? He is over 18 and in college & he doesn't know any better? So what is this...boys will be boys? Give it a rest. I was harassed and disrespected by a thug student and I am the one who has to suffer? MNC did not even write this up in a report. Guaranteed he doesn't even remember the student's name.

I was boiling. I then had to endure a presentation from a publishing rep. Very nice presentation, but I was so far gone by this point with anger & rage. I then went out for lunch with RB, another Lib. Arts teacher. We scarfed down a big salad & then headed over to Uniondale to see Scojen's gallery exhibit. The ride there & back put me over the edge. RB is a great person & I love working with her, but she can't drive. She taps the gas pedal and then coasts. Taps, coasts, taps, coasts. I was so motion sick from accelerating and gliding. BE CONSISTENT! Hit the damn pedal and drive on the freakin' road already!

Scojen's exhibit was great. Of the six exhibitors I saw, her's was the best & that is not a biased statement. It best fit the description of the exhibit "Nonliteral/Figurative Figures". The others seemed to miss the concept.

I went back to work & sat for an hour waiting to get in to the dean's office to tell her I was angry and unsatisfied with the outcome of this situation. I didn't get in her office until after my last class. I was in there then from 5:30ish until 6:55. She said she will do something about this, but I will not be holding my breath. I told her that I will be wearing jeans from now on so that nobody can say ANYTHING to me about my skirts. I may be making a big deal out of this. I don't know. I will say that I have worn a skirt twice all semester. The first time I wore one, some of my students, in a classroom setting, said "Hey, Prof., you are wearing a skirt today. How come?" I told them that it was nice that they paid attention to my clothes more than the lessons, but that it isn't really appropriate to point out such a thing, but thank you for understanding. They were quick to apologize & didn't know that they should not do such a thing. That was fine. They did not say it in an inappropriate manner. They were making an observation. This thug said it in a rude & condescending way. After I told him that it was not appropriate to say, he continued in his thug-ass way.

I came home so late & shaking because I hadn't eaten in awhile....and you all know how I am with eating on schedule.........and then I call Cowboy. I am so wound up & needed to vent. So, he picks up and says "What up, baby?" Ummm.....who did I call? He has never said anything like that to me. In the five years I know him & the 3+ we dated, he NEVER called me baby. It sounded as if he had just been talking/laughing with someone. So I asked if I was interrupting & he said no, but that he was close to home and his phone was going to die. Could he call me back in a bit? Sure, I say. I hang up and begin to wait. And wait.......he never called. I know this because I was up until 1 waiting for his call. At 5:30 this morning I woke up from the stress & restlessness & looked at my phone. He didn't call. I fell back to sleep angry and hurt. At 8 this morning I check my email. He emailed me at 1 am his time (4 am here) and it just said "Sorry I didn't call you back. I didn't want to wake you." Thanks for nothing.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

There's A Return At Register 3

Crau has been hounding me for months to read Steve Martin's Shop Girl. She has been waiting to watch the movie together, but will not do so until I read the book. I made a special trip to my favorite Barnes & Noble last Wednesday specifically for this purchase. I figured that I had better get a move on otherwise she'll go crazy. I started reading it on that insanely early morning commute into the city to that conference (see Death by Lecture) and was able to read about 40 pages on the ride. It's a quick read, I'll give it that. I don't see what all the hype is about. It was good, but too short for me & too vague. The book seems to skim over issues & time in such a fashion that it appears as if the characters' lives are not really worth reading about in the first place. Granted, it is a novella and meant to be short, but I was just getting into it when it ended. This is one purchase that this customer would gladly return.

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Different Impressions of the Same Event by Both Genders

I spoke with Scojen...the infamous matchmaker...about my "date" (oh--don't call it that) with NYU on Thursday. Remember, he ate the nachos & ALL of the sourcream? Yeah--didn't think I had to remind you. He sent me a lame email that did not have my name at the just began "It was nice to finally meet you & Peof Crau. I hope you got home safe. NYU" That was it. I figured good, he isn't interested in me & all is right with the world once again. Until Scojen tells me that he emailed her about the encounter. She received a longer email than I did. My name was in the subject line of the email to email from him had no subject at all. CLUNKY! He has the first 1/2 of an English PhD and can't figure out how to use words. He said that he finally met me (& friend) and that I was nice ("and pretty!") ...duh... ;) and that we may meet again. When did we say we'd meet again? During the awkward goodbye where I tried to shake his hand & he hugged me? When I bolted for the train? Is that when? Or was it when I received the socially inept email that said NOTHING? I left thinking "he was nice but thank god I don't have to do that again". It now seems that he left with notions that there would be a second meeting. Drat! Why am I cursed with such charisma?

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Relationship That Isn't

So, I hung out at Peof Crau's place on Satuday night. We decided to take it easy since everything else is non-stop in our lives. I have been fighting with (and losing to, I must say) a migraine that just doesn't quit. It wipes me out completely & I am of no use with it. She had received "The Aviator" on her queue from Netflix & wanted to watch. I did not want to see this movie, but figured we never hang out in a mellow manner & this was perfect. We are always running around & never really accomplishing anything, so it was nice to sit & relax. She said we would make wine spritzers & snack on stuff while watching. Now she's talking my language! She had broken up with TLS back on my anniversary, but he had recently returned from Fla and brought back a wine she & I had tried while on a cruise to Key West last year. Watermelon wine. FANTASTIC.

I had to pick up Sprite & Tostitos on my way over, which seemed simple enough. I entered Waldbaum's and found both items immediately. I walk up to the registers & found eight people on one line. Not one customer had a small order. UGH! I had to wait sooooo long for these people, their coupons, and someone still writing a check in the archaic fasion -- with an actual checkbook. Hello! It's the 21st century & we have check/debit cards for this purpose. Get on with it already.

Okay~~So I arrived at Crau's place (late thanks to the check writing woman)& got the grand tour of her redecorating furniture & everything! She had it set up so cute.....totally jealous. We watched the movie but spent most of the 2 hours & 45 minutes confused. If I hadn't known better, I would have thought this movie to be a Peter Jackson flick.......2 hrs & 45 min for what? A movie that just stops--not ends? I was frustrated with this & remember why I had been avoiding the film in the first place.

We talked briefly after the movie about our upcoming trip to Munich. We still have no clue as to what we are doing there. We just pray that the snow will melt before we arrive. I left aorund 12 and drove home to my empty house. It's so odd how you hear EVERY noise when you are the only one in the home, yet the same noises take place when everyone else is there. Security is such a nice thing.

My mother had pointed out to me this past week that I am doing quite nicely for someone who is not in a relationship. I am busy all of the time & can't find time to get to the things that I want to do that require me sitting down for a stretch to work on them. I really am doing well without a relationship. I am out three or four nights a week--not work-related. I am going to shows, restaurants, bookstores, musicals, poetry readings....soon to be at art galleries..., parties, and all of the spring seasonal activities that are taking place locally. I don't know how I'd fit in a relationship. I get so much from my friends, but find that I am craving someone to hold me. Now, I am sure they'd give me a hug, but it's not the same. I talked about this with Cowboy on the phone last night. Okay, I actually cried about this to him on the phone last night. I wish I did have that "someone" to go out with, eat meals with, and have hold me after a long day.

Ah~~at least I am too busy having fun to realize this.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Ape-Man Cometh

KDP & I just returned from the opening night of previews for the new Broadway show, Tarzan. We were literally the first audience to see the show in production. I keep telling you all that I am ahead of the do you believe me? I am a Disney fan, so I know you expect this to be tainted & biased, but the show was really good. The effects for landscape were so innovative! For example: they wanted to have a scene where the head gorilla, Kerchek, takes Tarzan away from the "family" and leaves him in the jungle all alone. He believes Tarzan to be dangerous to the group. So he leads him to a waterfall & river so that he may always have fresh water in his new surroundings. They have the two charactes walking around the stage & as they come forward, a "fairy" in all white with long white ribbon/streamers comes out of a hole in the back wall of the stage and "flows" forward, swirling the banners with her. The stage opens up and she goes down through it, leading this white cloth down with her. Then other cloths followed so that it appeared to be water flowing. Beautiful. The singing was hypnotic. There were two songs, in particular, that really brought tears to my eyes. And, as the men behind me would attest, Tarzan was so easy to look at. He's a hottie with tons of muscles in a loin cloth. Does it get better? This was the preview, though, and they are still working out the kinks of the show. The sound effects were not always insync, the cloths that create the jungle foliage were tangled for one scene, and a character called someone else on stage by his own character name. First night jitters. Still, it was so good & a fun night. Tarzan rocked my world.

Death By Lecture

I attended a conference yesterday at the McGraw-Hill building in Manhattan. Now, I chose to go to this.......I have no idea why. Oh--to be "developed", that's right. On a normal Thursday, I do not have to be anywhere until 3:00. So I can wake up late (7:30 am) and take care of all of the papers, bills, errands that I do not get to juggle all week. This odd day I decided to cancel my two favorite classes, wake up at 5:00 am (yes....apparently there is another 5 in the day), and hop on a train with all of the other weary-eyed people who question why they do this transit each day. I have been thinking how cool it would be to get a job in Manhattan & commute & meet interesting people (a future husband) on the train & go to happy hours at different bars in the city instead of my solitary commute & no happy hour situation. This one day has done me in. It was too much of a production for me.

My English colleagues all met at the conference that was supposed to give us ideas on how to interact with students in the classroom & not bore them to death. Sad when the conference that is supposed to teach you how to be energetic & entertaining & involved fails to do so itself. Don't get me wrong: the people were nice, the experience was fun, & the food was a treat, but I was bored out of my mind! Sticking my finger into my eye and swirling it around would have been more appealing.

But, when it was over, Peof Crau & I were exactly where we wanted to be--Manhattan at the happy hour! We trecked around for a bit--deciding where to go. we stopped in at the Visitor's Information booth in Times Square & picked up a $13 calendar of NY for free. It's going to make a great collage on my wall. We also found some good brochures & discounts for restaurants that I plan to use in the future. We settled on going to Heartland Brewery & Chophouse to grab a bite, a drink, and a man. Heartland had some private event going on, so a man who worked there & was "manning" the door escorted us to the restaurant that they own next door. "Spanky's" is the last place you'd catch Crau & myself, but it fit the bill for the hour. It's a BBQ joint all decked out with pigs. Pig railing to get in, pig lights, pigs on their tshirts & get the picture. The waiters were HOT but so gay. Which is good for them, but fails us in our quest for potentials.

Remember Scojen had passed my email to NYU awhile back? Well, he called & I told him where we were. He met Crau & me for a drink. We ordered fantastic nachos & salads for our meals before he arrived. As soon as he walked in I knew he was not "it" for me. Very nice guy & okay looking......I'm not one who can judge.....but not for me. He sat down & started talking & asked if he could have some of the nachos & we said okay. He took a 1/3 of the nachos & ALL of the sour cream. Can you believe it? That takes a lot of guts to just meet a woman & her friend & then help yourself to a decent portion of their dinner & ALL of the sour cream. That did it for me. Not to mention that he thought he was being funny when he was describing the concept of foos(z)ball(?) & how to score a point in the game. I laughed a bit when he started the explanation but he kept right on going. Thanks, Captain Obvious! I think I got the rules down now!

He walked back with us to Penn & Crau bolted for her train. It was 8:03 & her's left at 8:06. LUCKY! I was left standing with NYU in the station that was filled with good-looking men who now saw me interacting with him & not them. What a waste. For some reason, my quick-witted nature was out-of-sync last night. I say this because had I been smart I would have pretended to be on the same train as Crau & walked off with her. DUMMY! I curse getting up at 5am! So, it was 8:09 & I pointed out that I did not want to stand all the way back home & I had to be going & he hugged me. Oh please don't touch me! I don't know you & you are touching me. And you ate ALL the sour cream on two women whom you do not even know! You really shouldn't be touching me!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Ahead of the Trend

I always say that I am ahead of what is to come and everyone roles their eyes & laughs at me. Well, Peof Crau was telling me that the latest edition of Time Out NY lists bars to commit one of the 7 deadly sins. Exciting. Intoxicating. Seductive. Yes, I want to do this. Anyway, I digress. I went to the site to see what I could access, and the first thing listed in "New Openings" is the little bistro at the Time Warner building that KDP and I had lunch at yesterday. I knew that it was new, but did not realize that it was "cutting-edge" new. Bouchon, by Thomas Keller, is his latest in that building. He opened Per Se, which is a very upscale restaurant where the prix-fix lunch menu is for $244 per person. Hahaha~~not on a teacher's salary (unless anyone wants to take me out for a fine meal? anyone?). But Bouchon is extrmemly affordable. And yummy. And very "al fresco" inside a major building with picturesque views of the multi-million dollar landscape. Watch out all of you celebutants! Grotter is setting the trends!

Thank You, Mr. Beutel

ABC Channel 7 news anchor, Bill Beutel, passed away this weekend. He had a viewer answer the age-old question of how much wood a woodchuck could chuck. Mr. Beutel then posed his own on Groundhog's Day & answered it as well. I found it humorous & wanted to pass it along:

How much ground could a groundhog hog if a ground hog could hog ground? Only the shadow knows.

Thank you, Mr. Beutel.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

A Visit With The Madame

KDP & I went to the outer-reaches of Harlem today to shop at the Madame Alexander Company Store sale. So worth the trip! There were too many dolls to choose from & one was prettier than the next. I have collectible dolls, not many, but enough & wanted to actually buy a M.A. doll. I have a prototype from a friend who used to work for them, but that's it. And, with the dolls being 50-60% off, who could resist?

There was a tour bus, that pulled up just as we did, from Boston. I had a blast at this thing, but I would not have travelled four and a half hours for it. Scratch that...yes I would. I have travelled that distance for many other things, so I guess I am lying.

KDP bought a doll for her mom---to replace one (sort of) that she had "played with" when she was MUCH younger. She also got her a collectible statue. And, since KDP is a follower of the "1-4" rule, she bought two adorable dolls for herself. I love KDP's rules & did the same. I found two (well, actually five) that I wanted. One is the "Country Club" doll & the other is the "Fantasia Ballerina". They have the sale again on soon & I want the Cissy doll in the parisian ensemble. Oh--gotta start saving!

We drove all the way down to the Time-Warner building at Colombus Circle & had lunch at Bouchon. We got to sit right by the edge that overlooks the city & KDP even let me have the seat that faced 59th St. so I could watch Manhattan go by. AWESOME! We then trapsed all the way down to 46th & 5th so that we could go to Build-A-Bear & I finally built my "friend to be made" & she looks somewhat like me. I am such a big kid.

The highlight of the day, for me, was the chocolate bouchon I bought to go. Yummy & going back for more next week!

Why The Food Network & Travel Channel Are Evil

I got sucked in to Rachel Ray's "$40 A Day" last night. I should know better than to watch her, since she visits a city & then travels far out of it for a meal for the show.

Let me explain: she had done a show ages ago visiting Orlando, FL. She stayed away from the touristy stuff and went to some obscure breakfast nook in Winter Park. Then, she visited some historic stuff & ate lunch somewhere (can't remember). She then visited Sea World & met a family who goes to a fondue restaurant for a "snack" after the park. Yup. I pass Sea World numerous times on my trips to the sunshine state. It isn't far from the Disney complex. And this woman followed a family an hour away for a snack. My brother & I went there last May to try and find this place because it looked so amazing on the show. And who doesn't love a good fondue? I thought so. So, I mapped it & began driving. It was in the most obscure area. And if you blinked (literally), you completely missed it & ended up in a slum. Scary. She then finished the show on International Drive, back in Orlando, in the heart of the night-life. Almost a 45 minute drive back from the fondue place. Nobody drives 45min-1 hr away for a "fondue snack". They just don't.

But, somehow, I found myself watching her show (against my better judgement) last night. She visited South Dakota. So gorgeous! I started planning my trip there until her next show came on, "Tasty Treats", and she was in Anchorage, Alaska. I want to go there, too. But, I want to go when they have 20 hours of sunlight. This way I can cram in a whole bunch of stuff in a few days and not have to enveloped in darkness. Both cities looked like such great destinations!

The Travel Channel was thrown into the title just because it is about travel. My lack of money & my job (lacking in other aspects besides money) are getting in the way of all of these fabulous destinations! Very frustrated.

I always made fun of the people who said that when they win the lottery they want to quit their job & travel around the world. Who cares about winning the lottery? I just want to travel.

Friday, March 17, 2006

A Wee Bit O' Everything This St. Patrick's Day

I am sorry to have ignored the blog for a couple of days, but things have been hecthic (as usual) and I can't say very fun or eventful.

We begin with Cowboy leaving this week. I still miss him. And I thought it was his presence that kept me from getting around to doing the things I should have done. Nope. It was the week's excuse to not do the things I thought I would have accomplished had he not been around. It is pretty quiet without him in the same town. Blah.

Work is what it always is.....nuts. It's amazing that I haven't found a shrink to unburden all of the nonsense onto & still stay as sane as I do (this is not an invitation for all of you to post comments save your time & breathe).

Registration for the summer & fall schedule was this week. That is always a blood pressure boiler. The students came unprepared as they always do. It bewilders me for individuals to have reached the end of their educaitonal career, only need four or five classes in the final semester before they may graduate, and they do not know what classes they still must take, how to read their degree map, how to select a class that fits into their schedule, and just sit there as I plan their life away. All the while they receive the "don't you think you should have taken an interest in your own future, career, college goal? Shouldn't you be able to do this if you are supposedly earning a college degree? What happens if you decide to continue on for another degree at another institution? They will not do this for you." To which they sit there, stare blankly at me, and then say "So, I am done? Cool." Yeah, buddy, that's it. Cool.

I will tell you all that it was a new employee that put me over the edge this time around. I had to hear four times "I've been doing this since 12:00 and it's now 6:30". Ummm....he had breaks. He had lulls in the day to relax. He had a whole department helping him and it's not even our degree program. This is his first time experiencing such mayhem & he has only worked for the school for two weeks. Yes. Two weeks & he is complaining as if he has been there for two years. i can understand that, to a degree, in that two weeks in the looney bin does feel like two years. But, sorry, he is WAY TOO NEW to start this garbage. I pointed out that we used to do a three-day block registration where we sat there from 9-9 the first two days & 9-4 on day three. He wasn't impressed and just replied "I've been doing this since 12:00 and it's now 6:45". Shut up. Stop being such a baby. It's part of the job. I actually did say that last part to him. "Well, you wanted the job and this is part of it." He was quick to say "IT's not the job, it's that I've been here since....." Thank you, Big Ben. I know. I know. You are the only one who was sooooooooooo dedicated to the task at hand all day. He is also very good at trying to delegate his tasks onto others. He had a "problem student" (I know, a bit redundant since they are all problems, but this one really was a space case) and he had apparently dealt with her on the phone and she ticked him off. He tried to explain things to her and she just didn't get it. He finally raised his voice and said "WHAT CLASSES ARE YOU DROPPING!?!?" That is when I stepped in and took over. I used the voice I would on kindergarteners and helped get her through while he tried to make copies of the paperwork by pounding the "print" button three times. He's a patient man. He then pointed out, to me, that he wouldn't be in the building on Thursday and I could give the info to the dean. I told him I wouldn't be around either. He decides to point out, again to me who doesn't care at this point, that he'd be out on the eastern Campus. So, genius, you are still being paid by the College and working for them on Thursday, do your own job. I just said "I'm not working for the school at all tomorrow. I have another school for work tomorrow". I have to point uot--once again--I do not work for his department. Do it yourself.

He is not the only new person who likes to delegate to others. There is a person incharge of distance ed. She had Peof Crau & me pick out two classes each for our scheudle for the fall. It was a "pick the class you want & we will make it distance". Nice! So we wrote down two classes each. Said person was to call the registrar & alert them to the change. No. Crau calls me between our registration blocks to tell me that the sheet is all wrong. How can one person who has a PhD in distance learning & ed. not know how to send a simple email? How can one with a terminal degree not know how to transfer information from a handwritten note on a sheet of paper to a typed electronic letter? So, I call said terminal degree person to point out this error. She was shocked & said "Oh no. Well, what can we do?" What does that mean, what can we do? This part of the "we" did her job the day before. She asked if I had a computer handy. I said no. She asked if I could send the email to her & she'd forward it on. I said no. She asked if I'd tell her over the phone what the classes were to have been. I said yes & told her. Uh-huh. Still got it wrong. How? I have no idea. It's two letters & five numbers. That is all. If one cannot get a two-letter five-digit code correct, how did said person earn a PhD? And can I attend that shcool to earn mine?

It was my brother's birthday yesterday. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCHMOOEY! I can't believe he and I are at this stage in life. Yuck. He made out well with gifts. And he will be having a whole Birthday Weekend because of the family schedules. He worked & had school last night & I had work too, so I raced home between classes for 40 minutes to see him, give him his presents, and inhale a bit of dinner. When I had finished class for the night, he was just starting. So, presents yesterday. I know we are having lunch out & cake today. And, then we are having dinner out with family/friends Sunday for him. I still have yet to pick my day of celebration. It will be soon.

Happy St. Patrick's Day and all that blarney to all of you! May your bread be irish and your beer be green.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Cowboy Rides Into The Sunset

Cowboy came out here from Portland to visit, get away from the boring Portland life, and to help celebrate my anniversary. He's been here since February 28th & I just dropped him off at the airport. He didn't want to go back to the west coast. I didn't want him to go back. I am losing my best friend all over again. But it is for the best. He needs to establish himself a more firm base before he comes back out here. Sinatra did not lie when he said "If I can make it there, I can make it anywhere...". It's hard here. So many of us struggle to find a job, nevermind find one that pays you what you are actually worth & enough to live. So many of us work two or three jobs to survive. And, we have a foundation. His foundation is in Portland. I feel so sad & empty but, again, it is for the best.

He'll be back. I know he will. And it will be even better next time.

Ride safely, Cowboy. We'll be waiting for your horse to mosey on this way again soon.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Just a bloggin' fanatic today

I ran up to Kohl's with my mom today. Here was the experience at the cash register:

"Did you find everything you need today?"
"Yes, I did, thanks."
"Are you old enough to apply for a Kohl's Charge?"
(confused look on my face)"Yes, I am."
"Are you sure? (odd look right back at me) Would you like to apply for one?"
(insert giggling & eye rolling here) "Thank you, but I don't think so."

Just when you feel old & frumpy & have celebrated the anniversary of your 29th birthday (again) life throws you this littel chuckle. Ah--gotta love it!

My 575 Entry & A Limerick for Mother Crau

Haiku Master

Five Seven Five Guy
cocktail beverage napkins
Can I join your club?

There once was a mom from Kentucky
Who thought her life was just ducky
As a matter of fact
She wore a red hat
Which didn't make her look yucky.

(you had to be there)

Where Were All The Men? (aka: Jen's Party or the First Official Meeting of the 575 Club)

When one throws a party & entices the single women to come because "there will be single lawyers there", one goes with the anticipation of meeting said single lawyer. Not the case last night.

Scojen threw a birthday party last night at the infamous Preserve House. GREAT HOUSE! I was on my way to pick up KDP when I realized I have never been to the preserve house & I left my directions at work (remember the semi-spacious office for three to the cozy cube for 3?). So I call the house & ask for directions. I am told that the Haiku Master has planted signs for us to follow. Yeah--that didn't work. The first sign past the guard booth was a bit in the shadows (from my viewpoint) and we missed it. So we drove around the preserve in the dark. For a bit. And I don't know how to work my highbeams beacuse I have never had the need to with this car & while trying to stay on the tiny road & not land in the dirt because I do not think that my car is the off-roading type of vehicle & I can't see if there are holes or ditches that we may not be able to get out of because my cell has no service in this osbcure area and the little woodland critters that go scampering by with my lowbeams (& some other random lights that apparently turn on if I pull the knob out), I manage to break a nail. I don't get all nutty over breaking a nail, but it figures. It goes with my whole not-being-domestic thing.

KDP and I kind of saw the Hempstead House (in the dark), a huge driving circle (in the dark as we drove on it), a few houses/lights in the distance (couldn't tell you where exactly because it was dark without highbeams), and then a gas pump with two sort of houses. We had to do a circle at the gas pump. Finally found a sign leading to the party. Stumbled in my sneakers into the house & then had to roll down my extremely cuffed 7jeans and put on my gorgeous Delman shoes. Oh I love these shoes. So did a lot of other people, as I received compliments a-plenty on them.

We got a rapid tour of the house on the way to filing my nail. Scojen's house is amazing. I can't stress that enough. It's the old laundry house on the estate. She has five semi-bedrooms that each have a different aspect of her in them. The only one I did not like was the room with the Tree People. I just kept thinking "Night of the Living Dead". I could NEVER sleep in that house with those things up there--but it is part of her creativity & that's cool.

The party was fun & she made some yummy vegeterian thing (which I need the name & recipe for) and had an assortment of dessert goodies to satisfy munchies.

There was an eclectic group of people......some yoga, some work, some friends of friends (got to see candyman/fred after so long)....and all mingled quite nicely. However, I did notice that there were no single men as originally advertised. Somewhere along the way the evening turned into the Haiku/Poetry presentation of none other than the Haiku Master & President of the 575 Club & Peof Crau. The Haiku Master read his collection that he has written in bars on cocktail napkins. Interesting. And we should all be members for having sat through it & counting syllables with him. Peof Crau read some of her poems. Good & amusing--as usual. I don't expect any less, though (no pressure Crau). There were lessons on how to use the T9 function on your cellphone--an eye opener for many of us. And we also had a session of trying to figure out the limeric of "There once was a man from Nantucket...". So, if anyone out there knows it, please fill me in. Thanks!

KDP & I decided it was time to bail around 11:30. I had been up early that morning, had done a lot of running around, and have been battling sinus headaches & migraines for the last two weeks that keep draining me. I had to change back into the sneakers...thank goodness I had walk back to the car. We got in the car and began to drive. You can't see the signs that lead you in to the party so how in the world do you get out of here? We made one wrong turn and ended up on a dead-end. I was afraid to turn around, so we drove backwards until we found an area that looked like the car wouldn't sink down & get stuck in anything where we'd have to call for help but woudln't be able to because of the lack of service in the obscure area (and I always wonder on soap operas how is it possible for these characters to always get into a dilemma where they can just pick up their phone & try to call for help but they never have I get it)and turned around. We did this just at the right time because another party car came by & knew the way out. Yippee! We wouldn't be stuck on the preserve. Or so we thought. As the cars approached the guard booth, the gates had been drawn & we saw the chains across the fence. Oh No! Luckily, the woman in the other car decided to call the Haiku Master who came whizzing down and swiped a card (or turned a key) and the gate opened! Phew! We made it.

I will sum it up by saying, even though there were NO SINGLE MEN, a good time was had by all.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

"Sun's down, a little after 10"

"I pick up all my friends, in my Mercedes Benz. People say, they say that it's just a phase. They tell me to act my age. Well, I am."

So, I got a car about two months ago. My lease was soon to be up on the Acura & I had to get new wheels. I lookeda round. I really did. The only car in the same price range as the RSX was the C230 4door. I hemmed & hawed & drove myself (no pun intended) mad. I got the Benz. I felt so guilty. On the day that I picked it up, the car guy (Spence--who is an idiot) asked me how did I feel about this new car. I told him honestly--I felt sick. I had been sick all day. I had freaked out. I have this thing about buying stuff that I know others are going to look at & say "who dos she think she is?". Especailly with my job. I cry about money all of the time. Maybe because I am grossly underpaid. But, I only have myself to care for; no spouse (like I have to remind myself about that), no kids, no mortgage. And then I began justifying having leased the car. I explained to everyone how it was financially the same as what I had been driving & doing for the last six years. Why am I justifying myself to others? I have no idea. It's that guilt thing I have. I always want others to feel good & don't want to steal their thunder. And, I want to deflect the attention from me as best as possible. At work, I know of three people who got new cars over the break. They told a lot of people. One even insisted on taking me (and I am sure many others) for a ride. I haven't told anyone at work except Peof Crau (who has yet to ride in it).

Well, after all of this time, I think I am over it. I went out last night with my friends in my car & had a blast. I have to work through this guilt issue I have, and my car may be the first step in the process. I hope so.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Men Are A Mystery

NYU had given me his phone number last week. I then sent him mine & explained that I am "old-fashioned" and prefer the man to make the first move. He asked me why there's a 3 in my screen name. I emailed him that it is for my birthday. He asked when it was & what I was going to be doing. I told him. He doesn't call. When does he finally call? Sunday night at 9:00 pm. I was sick & watching the Oscars in bed & did not hear the phone ring. I listened to the message on Monday & called back on my ride home from work. The machine picked up & I left what I thought was a "perky" message. He has yet to email or call me back. Now, when Scojen emailed him about me he sent me an email almost immediately. The first two were returned quickly. Then it became the waiting game. I'd send one & he'd take three days to reply. So, I figured I'd take two or three to reply as well. He called & the mesage sounded as if he wanted to chat. I call & leave a similar message, cuirous to actually talk to him. I don't get it. They act interested. They say they want a woman who works, can have a conversation, thinks for herself, and earns her own paycheck. When they get the chance to interact with one, what do they do? Nothing. They don't write. They don't call. Nothing.

I feel like I am Cher in the movie "Clueless". She goes out to the club with Christian on a Friday night & they listne to the Mighty(x2) Bosstones & dance. At the end he says to her "You are a down girl. I'll call you tomorrow". Cut to the next scene. She is packing her father's suitcase for a business trip & the phone rings. It's Christian. Cher says "Christian said he'd call the next day, but in boy time, that meant Thursday". Is that what this is? "Boy time"?

When you hit the age of maturity (whatever that may be for you) one returns a call when he or she is interested in another person. So, this is not looking good for me. I mean if he's away or something, then fine. But if it's one of those "Oh, I was really busy"....lines then whatever. I can't be bothered with games. Either you want to get the show on the road or you don't. Either way, let me know.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

It's Not A Fantasy, He Is The Real Thing

Oh, I love a day in the city. The sights, the sounds, the shopping. I always have a good time, whether I am there for an expo or exhibit or I am there to wander & shop. Cowboy & I went in on this blustery Saturday as an official "Welcome Back to New York". We got there around lunch time (so I had to stop & eat, first thing) and then we were off. My actual mission was the grand opening of the Container Store. Good for me that it is on 58th & Lex. & we were at Penn. That meant lots of shopping along the way. It really wasn't as windy as expected & not nearly as crowded as usual. Wanna know why the streets weren't crowded? They were all IN the Container Store. Cute store, poorly set up & laid out. But, I did manage to buy my mom these odd, well, ummm, containers that look like cupcake wrappers to us. Leave it to my mother & me to see it as something for food. I figure we can pop a hole in the bottom & they will make adorable planters. We stopped in all of the major stores: Sax, Build-A-Bear, Macys, Trump Towers, Abercrombie...missed out on Bergdorfs, though. I did a little post "happy birthday/anniversary to me" shopping. Did you think I wouldn't? I got a shirt from A&F that says "cute & classy" because I am. I also got a new LV wristlet that is the shape of their clamshell bag only much smaller. I saw it at our first pass through Macy's & thought about it for the next five hours. I bought it. I love it. It is me & if you get the honor of seeing it, you will say "It's Me", too!

We were supposed to meet up with KDP for dinner. Cowboy had fallen ill by 5:30 and he decided to go home. KDP & I grabbed dinner at Penn. at some pub named Kabooz. Very cute. Easy to get to. Good prices. It was so convenient & we had a relaxing meal. Then, on to the show! How nice is it when you really don't need a coat from the moment you get on the train until the evening is over? I have to remember to eat there next time & not be so bundled up. OH~ side note~ this is definitely the place to have a drink on a Thursday at rush hour because you can see that every business man is going to stop off to have a beer before the ride home. This could be a new watering hole, ladies.

We entered MSG at 7:00. The crowds were overwhelming! And, yet, when we settled into our seats (very good view of the stage & Billy) the place appeared to be empty. We sat & waited & watched four men (maybe five) climb to the top of this skinny rope ladder & wondered how one gets a job like that. They were the "spotlight crew" and did a nice job. The people in our section were odd, I must say. Some were drunk before the show began, but many did not arrive until well into the show. And I do not know how that is possible. It was on a Saturday. The show didn't start until 8:00 (actually, it began at 8:15...not happy about that because we had already been sitting for an hour and fifteen minutes...and they had bought the tickets way back in January. They knew they were coming last night. How do you arrive late? I have no idea. People need to start planning better.

Ah~~Billy Joel. If you are a Long Islander, especially from Hicksville, you are a fan. It's not a question of "do you listen", "do you like", or a demand of "you must be...". You just are. Listening to his songs is a reminiscent trip of your youth. He opened with "Angry Young Man" & "My Life". So good live! Then he did the resume builder of song by release date/album. We heard "Ballad of Billy the Kid" and "Zanzibar". Oh, MSG was silent for six minutes. That was the only time that there was silence. It then picked up with all of the greats, starting with "NY State of Mind". I have the children's book that he had illustrated to the lyrics of that song & it is beautiful! At one point, he asked for our patience and brought out a guy from the road crew. Joel billed this man as "Chainsaw" and Chainsaw did quite the rendition of 'Highway to Hell'! Interesting. Joel rocked out on the guitar.

All in all, Billy sang 24 songs + played in the ensemble for Chainsaw. I was ecstatic! He did monologues between songs, leading up to songs & what inspired him, and after songs to toy with the audience. There was a woman who played what looked like every instrument on the stage. Her name was Crystal something & she was awesome.

KDP & I got out of there @ 10:50 pm. The walk down the stairs was quite interesting. The adults were all trashed and making spectacles of themselves. They were goofing around ON the staircase, drunk, disorderly, and pushing/grabbing their friends who were ahead or behind them, separated by sober people such as myself. It got to the point that I yelled ahead/down to KDP "How Old Are These People?!? Grow Up!" Yeah, so I'm a mood killer. It was better than landing at the bottom of the stairs because of the horse-play of 50 year-olds.

I have to point out that the two of us attended Z100's Jingle Ball back in December. The acts there were quite young & a bit rowdy. However, the teens/20somethings leaving the venue were much more behaved. And as for the music? I had no problem hearing anything last time after leaving. This time? Completely deaf. I can't explain it.

We had a few minutes & decided to grab Starbucks. So did everybody else. I wanted to be adventurous & I finally tried the passion iced tea. It always looks so pretty & refreshing. Want to know how it tasted? TERRIBLE! It was so bad, but I was so thirsty & literally ran onto the train a minute later. SO I was stuck with it. YUCK!

I sat on my train & immediately called Cowboy. I had to make sure he would be awake to come & pick me up at the station because he had taken my car. I know, driving my new car? I am either a really trusting person or completely insane. Depends on the day. He was awake & feeling lousy, so it is a good thing he didn't stay with us for dinner. The ride home was uneventful. Typical train with drunk & disorderly adults who obviously do not get out often enough & forgot how to behave in public.

The day was great but I did come home sick. I have that nasty cold going around. I am so achy & stuffy & ugh. At least it's happening towards the end of the weekend & I got to enjoy my birthday & the day after.

I had fun!

The Anniversary (Birthday) In A Nutshell

This year's celebration was the first nice one I have had in a long time. Oh, don't get me wrong. Last year's was good, but there was a MAJOR glitch and it had "rained on my parade" because of others' actions. I can say the same for the few years prior. This year was not like that at all. I enjoyed myself. I had a good time with friends & family. It was what a birthday should be: happy, fun, and memorable.

Thanks goes to those who sent ecards, called with well-wishes, and those of you who spoiled me. It was so sweet of all of you! * And I deserve every bit of it! ;) *


Friday, March 03, 2006

Happy Anniversary To Me!

Yes, it's that time of year again. It is the anniversary of my 29th birthday. Be sure to celebrate on my behalf! Cake & new shoes all around!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Sweet Endings

I had my last session of Monday/Wednesday night classes for the semester. It is so nice to know that I will not have to eat frozen dinners those two nights from now on. My first class gave me a round of applause...literally...and all thanked me for the class. Oh so nice. That'll last until they get their grades.

The second class is small & quaint. I have a particular student in there who has a soap opera name (I mean it) and he baked cookies from scratch for the ladies in the class. How sweet! They were oatmeal chocolate chip & oh so yummy. Adorable. Simply adorable! He is a total catch & it's so sad that he is 20. Works ft in construction, goes to school (serious student), and bakes from scratch! Love it.

Peof Crau & I are celebrating tonight with drinks. I can't believe that we survived. Only eight weeks left. Could be dangerous!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Oh, It's March!

Can you believe it? Already two months of 2006 have passed us by. And what do I have to show for it? An ulcer. Yup...that's about it.

I received an email today from my Man In Uniform (MIU). He decided to read the blog (and has been following it for a bit now, from the way the email read) and thought he would point out a spelling error to me that is in my "Drew Crew" post. is not the time to be all smarter than me. It's midterms for many of my classes & finals for my accelerated night classes. I have no patience. I have no control. And when I have read COUNTLESS bad essays, I am bound to spell something wrong. Phew! Okay, I am actually venting about things I can't really post right now because I need to calm down. I don't mind that MIU has pointed this out to don't get all worried now...and am glad somebody is paying attention out there.

Cowboy finally rode into town last night. It was so good to see him. It's amazing how much you can miss a person and not really know it until all you can think about the minute they step into view is that you want to hug the stuffings out of them. It was good. We met at Starbucks and had coffee for an hour. His friend, a woman who remains nameless, had picked him up & was with us. Very nice but sort of awkward. She is a former student of mine & I had no idea. Neither did they until she said my professional title. Oops! Oh yeah, weird.

Peof Crau and I have officially been moved to our shared cube. It's cozy (that's the nice way of saying beyond cramped). We met the new chairperson who is taking our office...way too cute & way too married.......dangerous combination. Not to mention that his wife is still about 2000 miles away until she finishes her job. Yeah--I'll be staying far away from that office. But, when I actually leave it behind me tonight I am hoping for a good send-off from a visitor that has spent a lot of time in there the last smemster and a half. Nothing major....nothing just helps to pass the time.

Speaking of Peof Crau, we had to figure out what we are doing for the summer, financially speaking. That didn't go too well. So, trying to find new ways to make $$ for those 4 months. Any ideas?

Scojen gave my personal email to a man she went on a blind date with. She said he was very nice & more my type than her's. I dont mind that she did this; she told me she would. It was that or she was going to spring him on me at her party next week. I can't stand surprises. I like surprises as much as Peof Crau likes people dressed as characters. Oh--back to the guy. His name on here is Mr. NYU for now. He works there which sounds very impressive. We have exchanged about three emails and all are the typical pleasantries. He seems nice in writing, but I have yet to meet him. And it may be some time before I have the time to actually meet him in person. I am all for having more people to go do things with and go exploring. This may be a new addition.