Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

I signed up for a 4-day workshop in the city. It's to learn how to take your own video footage, edit & splice it together, and make it, you know, viewable. I have always found that sort of thing interesting & when I saw a workshop for it, I figured why not? It may open a door or two for me. In any way. Meet a man, get a new job, find a new friend, just be a super cool experience.

However, now that the time has come for it to begin I am kicking myself. The class starts at 9am & I must be there by 8:45am. So I have to be on the 7:06 train. Meaning get up no later than 5:30am. Yup. The class is ten hours long. That's 10. One Zero. 1. 0.

Long long long day. And that is for 4 days. Four. Quatro.

I will then hope to catch an 8:15 home to get in at 9:00. Yeah. Long day. I just figure that this will be worth it in the long run and I do not have to wake up Monday so I hope to recover some of the hours of life/sleep that I will be losing now on that day.

Pray for me. Or my sanity. Whatever. Or just wish me luck.