Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"sometimes goodbye's the only way..."

So with that fight with Cowboy, I said I can't be in a friendship like this. It's all about him & never about me. I needed him to listen to me and instead he ventured into topics that had no place in the conversation. He, again, made it some white trash, twisted fantasy thing of his own rather than just doing as I needed at the moment. Listening to me.

I thought he was a good friend. He had been ........ what I thought was ....... my best friend at one point in time. But I was wrong. Duped. And I admit that it is my naivete that causes this sometimes. But I like being that way. Some things one just does not need to know. Not everything in life has to focus on sex, trashy behavior, and sub-standard topics. It is okay to be intelligent. To enjoy good, clean fun. To not turn to the perverted view of things all of the time.

And that was it. Granted, it's only been a week since we have spoken, but it may as well be six months. I don't know why I feel that way, but I always do. Don't get me wrong. This is not a crying over the loss of something situation. It's just another sigh and shrug point in life where you say 'why does it have to be this way' or 'why didn't I just learn the first time?'

That's all. But, it's goodbye, for now, to Cowboy.