Saturday, January 26, 2008

Missing The Wide Angle Due To Focus & Fixation

Now that this idiot has been taught Michael Rosenblum's secrets to filming, I am seeing it in every show I watch. I look for it. I wait.........leaning then say "There it is!" and sit back so proud of myself for having found it & then thinking how predictable all of these shows now are. And then it's over and I have to say 'What in the world did I just watch? I missed the whole thing! Drat! I hope they run it again so I can actually see/hear the story.'

Yes, I have become so distracted by his method of camera shots that I see things in 3-second windows and a sequence that I knew was there but didn't really know? And I am watching half-hour shows not paying attention to the show even though I wanted to see a particular episode. And because of my distraction and analysis, I have to watch it again. Doubling my tv watching time. That can't be good.

And I know that some of my fellow TCA mates are doing this as well. So, thankfully, I don't feel so alone in my new-found hobby as a couch potato.