Thursday, January 03, 2008

Out With The Old, In With The _____

I don't know how to finish that since it is so cliche and I have done the cliches so much for the new year.

Today I got rid of any and every number of a guy I was either interested in or had gone on a date with. It's a new year. A new start. Well.....I haven't started anything yet. But I tried. I had been receiving texts from a guy for the last two weeks. As of yesterday, it stopped. We always began regular & it always turned flirty. Yet, when I'd make some move, such as 'hey come hang out friday', the texting would stop.

I take it I am only good for a texting turn-on. Not much else.

So, his number is out. Why text me and flirt with me if you don't really want to go out.....make out......anything? It just doesn't make sense.

I'll spend January going out with the ladies to see if anything happens. If not, I am afraid that I may be tempted to sign up for my unmatch deal again. Oh the horror!