Tuesday, March 28, 2006

There's A Return At Register 3

Crau has been hounding me for months to read Steve Martin's Shop Girl. She has been waiting to watch the movie together, but will not do so until I read the book. I made a special trip to my favorite Barnes & Noble last Wednesday specifically for this purchase. I figured that I had better get a move on otherwise she'll go crazy. I started reading it on that insanely early morning commute into the city to that conference (see Death by Lecture) and was able to read about 40 pages on the ride. It's a quick read, I'll give it that. I don't see what all the hype is about. It was good, but too short for me & too vague. The book seems to skim over issues & time in such a fashion that it appears as if the characters' lives are not really worth reading about in the first place. Granted, it is a novella and meant to be short, but I was just getting into it when it ended. This is one purchase that this customer would gladly return.