Saturday, March 25, 2006

Death By Lecture

I attended a conference yesterday at the McGraw-Hill building in Manhattan. Now, I chose to go to this.......I have no idea why. Oh--to be "developed", that's right. On a normal Thursday, I do not have to be anywhere until 3:00. So I can wake up late (7:30 am) and take care of all of the papers, bills, errands that I do not get to juggle all week. This odd day I decided to cancel my two favorite classes, wake up at 5:00 am (yes....apparently there is another 5 in the day), and hop on a train with all of the other weary-eyed people who question why they do this transit each day. I have been thinking how cool it would be to get a job in Manhattan & commute & meet interesting people (a future husband) on the train & go to happy hours at different bars in the city instead of my solitary commute & no happy hour situation. This one day has done me in. It was too much of a production for me.

My English colleagues all met at the conference that was supposed to give us ideas on how to interact with students in the classroom & not bore them to death. Sad when the conference that is supposed to teach you how to be energetic & entertaining & involved fails to do so itself. Don't get me wrong: the people were nice, the experience was fun, & the food was a treat, but I was bored out of my mind! Sticking my finger into my eye and swirling it around would have been more appealing.

But, when it was over, Peof Crau & I were exactly where we wanted to be--Manhattan at the happy hour! We trecked around for a bit--deciding where to go. we stopped in at the Visitor's Information booth in Times Square & picked up a $13 calendar of NY for free. It's going to make a great collage on my wall. We also found some good brochures & discounts for restaurants that I plan to use in the future. We settled on going to Heartland Brewery & Chophouse to grab a bite, a drink, and a man. Heartland had some private event going on, so a man who worked there & was "manning" the door escorted us to the restaurant that they own next door. "Spanky's" is the last place you'd catch Crau & myself, but it fit the bill for the hour. It's a BBQ joint all decked out with pigs. Pig railing to get in, pig lights, pigs on their tshirts & get the picture. The waiters were HOT but so gay. Which is good for them, but fails us in our quest for potentials.

Remember Scojen had passed my email to NYU awhile back? Well, he called & I told him where we were. He met Crau & me for a drink. We ordered fantastic nachos & salads for our meals before he arrived. As soon as he walked in I knew he was not "it" for me. Very nice guy & okay looking......I'm not one who can judge.....but not for me. He sat down & started talking & asked if he could have some of the nachos & we said okay. He took a 1/3 of the nachos & ALL of the sour cream. Can you believe it? That takes a lot of guts to just meet a woman & her friend & then help yourself to a decent portion of their dinner & ALL of the sour cream. That did it for me. Not to mention that he thought he was being funny when he was describing the concept of foos(z)ball(?) & how to score a point in the game. I laughed a bit when he started the explanation but he kept right on going. Thanks, Captain Obvious! I think I got the rules down now!

He walked back with us to Penn & Crau bolted for her train. It was 8:03 & her's left at 8:06. LUCKY! I was left standing with NYU in the station that was filled with good-looking men who now saw me interacting with him & not them. What a waste. For some reason, my quick-witted nature was out-of-sync last night. I say this because had I been smart I would have pretended to be on the same train as Crau & walked off with her. DUMMY! I curse getting up at 5am! So, it was 8:09 & I pointed out that I did not want to stand all the way back home & I had to be going & he hugged me. Oh please don't touch me! I don't know you & you are touching me. And you ate ALL the sour cream on two women whom you do not even know! You really shouldn't be touching me!