Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Oh, It's March!

Can you believe it? Already two months of 2006 have passed us by. And what do I have to show for it? An ulcer. Yup...that's about it.

I received an email today from my Man In Uniform (MIU). He decided to read the blog (and has been following it for a bit now, from the way the email read) and thought he would point out a spelling error to me that is in my "Drew Crew" post. is not the time to be all smarter than me. It's midterms for many of my classes & finals for my accelerated night classes. I have no patience. I have no control. And when I have read COUNTLESS bad essays, I am bound to spell something wrong. Phew! Okay, I am actually venting about things I can't really post right now because I need to calm down. I don't mind that MIU has pointed this out to don't get all worried now...and am glad somebody is paying attention out there.

Cowboy finally rode into town last night. It was so good to see him. It's amazing how much you can miss a person and not really know it until all you can think about the minute they step into view is that you want to hug the stuffings out of them. It was good. We met at Starbucks and had coffee for an hour. His friend, a woman who remains nameless, had picked him up & was with us. Very nice but sort of awkward. She is a former student of mine & I had no idea. Neither did they until she said my professional title. Oops! Oh yeah, weird.

Peof Crau and I have officially been moved to our shared cube. It's cozy (that's the nice way of saying beyond cramped). We met the new chairperson who is taking our office...way too cute & way too married.......dangerous combination. Not to mention that his wife is still about 2000 miles away until she finishes her job. Yeah--I'll be staying far away from that office. But, when I actually leave it behind me tonight I am hoping for a good send-off from a visitor that has spent a lot of time in there the last smemster and a half. Nothing major....nothing just helps to pass the time.

Speaking of Peof Crau, we had to figure out what we are doing for the summer, financially speaking. That didn't go too well. So, trying to find new ways to make $$ for those 4 months. Any ideas?

Scojen gave my personal email to a man she went on a blind date with. She said he was very nice & more my type than her's. I dont mind that she did this; she told me she would. It was that or she was going to spring him on me at her party next week. I can't stand surprises. I like surprises as much as Peof Crau likes people dressed as characters. Oh--back to the guy. His name on here is Mr. NYU for now. He works there which sounds very impressive. We have exchanged about three emails and all are the typical pleasantries. He seems nice in writing, but I have yet to meet him. And it may be some time before I have the time to actually meet him in person. I am all for having more people to go do things with and go exploring. This may be a new addition.