Sunday, March 19, 2006

Ahead of the Trend

I always say that I am ahead of what is to come and everyone roles their eyes & laughs at me. Well, Peof Crau was telling me that the latest edition of Time Out NY lists bars to commit one of the 7 deadly sins. Exciting. Intoxicating. Seductive. Yes, I want to do this. Anyway, I digress. I went to the site to see what I could access, and the first thing listed in "New Openings" is the little bistro at the Time Warner building that KDP and I had lunch at yesterday. I knew that it was new, but did not realize that it was "cutting-edge" new. Bouchon, by Thomas Keller, is his latest in that building. He opened Per Se, which is a very upscale restaurant where the prix-fix lunch menu is for $244 per person. Hahaha~~not on a teacher's salary (unless anyone wants to take me out for a fine meal? anyone?). But Bouchon is extrmemly affordable. And yummy. And very "al fresco" inside a major building with picturesque views of the multi-million dollar landscape. Watch out all of you celebutants! Grotter is setting the trends!