Monday, March 13, 2006

Cowboy Rides Into The Sunset

Cowboy came out here from Portland to visit, get away from the boring Portland life, and to help celebrate my anniversary. He's been here since February 28th & I just dropped him off at the airport. He didn't want to go back to the west coast. I didn't want him to go back. I am losing my best friend all over again. But it is for the best. He needs to establish himself a more firm base before he comes back out here. Sinatra did not lie when he said "If I can make it there, I can make it anywhere...". It's hard here. So many of us struggle to find a job, nevermind find one that pays you what you are actually worth & enough to live. So many of us work two or three jobs to survive. And, we have a foundation. His foundation is in Portland. I feel so sad & empty but, again, it is for the best.

He'll be back. I know he will. And it will be even better next time.

Ride safely, Cowboy. We'll be waiting for your horse to mosey on this way again soon.