Friday, June 01, 2007

Mr. Finance's Calls Have Been Disconnected

Mr. Finance (MF) was the guy who two weeks ago said he wanted to take me to Four. He wanted to go wine tasting in the Hamptons & to some fancy restaurant out there. He said, like oh so many, that he'd call. Well, in two weeks, he called twice. Once was at 1:24 am & the other at 11:30pm. That's calling? I don't think so.

I called him on my way to work at 12:00. Here's how it went:

MF: Hey! What's going on? How ya doin'? (as if we talk everyday for six months)
Me: Hi. I am good. Can I ask you a big favor?
MF: Sure. What is it?
Me: Would you please delete my number from your phone? I'd really appreciate it.
MF: What?
Me: Yeah, well, you said you'd call. You said you'd set up one of the many great-sounding
dates. You didn't. You finally called me at 1:24 am & 11:30 pm? That's a booty call.
That's a two-bit hooker call. Of which I am neither.
MF: I am so sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I should have called.
Me: Well, whether you meant it that way or not, that's what it said. When you are interested in
a woman, you call her at normal times & set up dates. You know you intended it to let me
know that it was going to be for one purpose only.
MF: I am so sorry. I am so sorry. Yes. I should have called. I'll delete your number. I am so
Me: Okay. Great. Thanks so much! Have a good one!

And, that's about the size of it.