Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Mr. Italy Just Won't Give Up......Or Grow Up

I came home late last night to find an email from Mr. Italy. Huh? I have not heard from him in two weeks. He wants to know if I want to get together. So I sent it back saying that if he wants to get together, he has my number and can call. I pointed out that I don't believe he really wants to get together because if he did, he would not play these sad games of his. He emailed me back that he wants to cook dinner for me & then we can go walk on the beach. I sent it back saying I want to go on a real date or like two friends getting together to catch up.

He ims me today "What do you mean 'real date'?" Are you serious? I told him I am not doing this. That if he wants this to actually go through, he has to call me. He wanted to know why I won't go to his place for a nice meal. I pointed out that evenings like that are for people who have gone out on a few dates & I have not seen him in 5 years and do not feel comfortable doing that. He pressures why. Didn't I just say why? Moron.

He may call. I won't hold my breathe. Why? Because he can't follow through with anything. Ever.

And now my blood pressure is up. UGH!