Thursday, June 07, 2007

No Good?

Cameron called last night & left a message: "Hey. Just calling to say hi & see how your day went. It was nuts at school all day so taht's why I am calling you so late. I am bartending ALL weekend. But, if you & Crak want to, come on down & hang for a bit. Call me tomorrow. Talk to you soon."

Aw. How nice.

But, I didn't plan on hearing from him so soon. And I didn't want standing plans to go see him at work. I think I am being picky........I don't know. But I said I am not looking for the 'instant history' or a serious relationship just yet. If I was really really into him, I'd be thrilled that he called so soon. But I'm not. No good.

The Mechanic made an appearance yesterday. This is not good. He called. Was all charming. Demanded I hang out withhim last night. Became angry that I had to work until 11pm. Said he'd call today. Never did. No good.

Mr. Italy read my email describing a date & the stipulations under which I will go out with him on one and did not respond. Surprise surprise. Why stipulations? Because he is the type to set something up and then blow you off. He is the type to email--rather than call--you after the fact to say he couldn't make it even though you were there waiting. Yeah--he's a real catch. No good.

CrazyJoe & I had coffee last night. We kabitzed about dates that we've had recently. We ended the evening nicely until he said "So call me if youa re in the mood to make out one day. I know I'm good & you are pretty good yourself." Ummm......he isn't good. Who told him he was good? I know I didn't No good.

The Detective has not called since Monday. I am happy about this and hope he loses my number. That would be good.