Monday, January 15, 2007

Gosh! The Most Mind-Numbing Experience Ever!

My plans on Saturday night were changed on me & I had nothing to do. I was talking to E. and said this and she fist said "How could you go out?" My thinking is "How can I not?" So I was pouting that I had nothing to do. She said I could go by her & watch a movie. I said "great!". So we ended up watching Napolean Dynamite.....which I think was a dud. I don't get it. How was it great? Why was it so popular? I wanted to cry about 20 minutes into it & said this to E. and she is so not sympathetic at all. Her reply was "You wanted to watch it". How did I know that sticking my finger into my eye and swirling it around would be more entertaining? (That was the match date last night, too. I'll be blind by my own doing before I know it.)

I even said to her "We can't get a book published but these people wrote nothing and got millions in ticket sales and products".

If anyone can explain this freakin' movie to me, please do because I just don't get it.