Saturday, January 13, 2007

And the Bartender Wouldn't Serve Me the Drink I Wanted.............

So, it's been a whirlwind of a week. Remember, keeping busy so I don't think of/call/email Cowboy & make a fool of myself? Yeah, it's wearing me out. Monday night KDP & I went to FOUR. We had fondue and flatbread & it was so yummy. We did it all wrong, tough. Apparently, this is the place guys go to to watch games on their movie screen behind the bar. In their suits from work. Men. All over the place. Where did KDP & I sit? At a table........that was reserved for us. We had a great time together, but wanted to try and get some attention. But since she had an hour's drive back to her place & it was 10:00 and she gets up early to work, it didn't happen. So, come "game night" (whichever night that happens to be) you can find me on a stool at FOUR.

Tuesday is when I signed up for Match so I have been sending back a number of replies to people who contacted me.

Wednesday was Croxxley's with MIU & Mr. Baseball. MIU has been telling me for a year and a half to go & I finally broke down & did. I had a lot of fun. The two of them are very sweet & polite & their sense of humor runs along the same path as mine, so they entertain as well. Good times. I was supposed to meet Gameboy after but that did not materialize. Am I shocked? No. Am I tired of this. Yes. And he's mad because he was ready a 1/2 hour later than I was & I refused at that point. We set a time & you screwed up. Too bad.

Thursday brought dinner and coffee with Codegirl. She is a riot. And a lot of fun to be with. We went to a restaurant in Woodbury called Graffiti. I had a delish California wrap on a spinach pita. Ooooooooooo and it came with sweet potato fries. This platter doesn't get better.

And on to last night. Oh my head. Oh my stomach. I drank a fishbowl of a drink--literally--and it was not a wise thing to do. Okay, Elaine's friend's birthday was yesterday & she wanted to go to Porky's in NYC. E. said "Grotter, you have to come along" and since 2007 is the year of the buzz for me & going out as often as possible, I went. They had gone in August for Candyman's brithday but I had been away, and after the stories I had heard from their last excursion, I had to attend. I drove to her place & the 3 of us caught the train in to Penn. We met up with LL, another friend of E.'s and Candyman's, and hopped the V to 23rd to walk the last 2 blocks.

When we got to Porky's, it was pretty empty for almost 8:30 on a Friday, but that was fine because it meant we could get another table to link up to the party & have stools, too. We got proofed, checked our coats, got our hands stamped, and then made our way to the bar to order these bowls meant for sea life. There are five to choose from & I wanted the pink one (yeah--you order by color--should have been a sign that this is not the drink for me). The girl behind the bar made a face. I said "Why? Don't you like the pink one?" and she says "No. I don't like it at all. Pick another one. The red and the purple are really good." Is it your job to critique my choice of beverage when I didn't ask? And, is it up to you to tell me that the one I wanted is not good? No. Just serve the darn bowl.

Needless to say, I got the red. We each carried a bowl back to the table and began to drink. This is when two guys sat at the next table. E. went over and asked them if they wanted to do shots. So, LL, E., and the Birthday Girl went with Charly & Danny to do shots.

E. comes back saying that Charly is a loser & a prick & the guys didn't come back with the girls because some other girl walked up to them and said "You picked up girls?" Shortly, Danny came back while Charly tried to (unsuccessfully) pick up a waitress, and I said Danny could sit with us if he wanted. So, Danny joined us & we started talking. He was yummy. He asked me if I had been there before & I explained to him no & the review it had gotten. I asked him & he said once with his ex and that it was PACKED! Then he asked my age. I told him the truth....idiot. Why did I do this? Because I pegged him for 24 and amnot into the young guys anymore. Wrong! He was 22. He didn't believe me, so I asked him how old he thought I was & he said 23-25. Don't I wish. He asked for my id & I showed it to him & he said it was fake. So I said that it scanned fine when they proofed me & he said "They proofed you? They didn't check me!" Thanks. And then the conversation stopped there because the Porky's people were moving our tables whether we wanted them to or not. They crammed the tables into the center of the room. I don't know why.

So, Charly & Danny had no place to stand/sit/whatever & I said they could sit with us since there were like 12 of us & just the 2 of them. Charly was being rude & I pointed this out. I mean very rude & I verbally slapped him back into place. He then claims a girl he was supposed to meet called & he was not happy & didn't want to meet her but he'd be back. So he left Danny with me (us). I felt bad for the guy. He made a call or two and had a couple of his school buddies come down (hey--he graduated in May from Poly so back off). We sat. And talked. And flirted pointlessly. I kept telling him I'd try and hook him up with someone in there if he needed help. He said "Did you think that maybe I want to talk to you?" and spent the rest of the night talking with me & his friends. Then we started dancing. A lot. He was good. He was yummy. He was freakin' 22 & I couldn't deal with this. E. kept telling him & me to make out but that never happened. Am I glad it didn't? Sort of. Do I wish I had anyway? Yeah. Hottie little (well.....6'4'') Danny helped me to have a lot of fun.

So 5 of us leave together & walk back to Penn to try & sober up BDay Girl just a bit. We just made the train & stood the whole way home. Our car had a number of drunk 25-year olds on it & they were fighting with people their parents age. So sad. I then recognized two girls with the group who are former students. I said their names and told them to control their friends. It was getting scary in there. They said they can't so I told them to just grab their shirts & move them somewhere else. Then, some random guy who was not involved at all starts mouthing off to me. I had to put him in his place, too. His best comeback after that? "oooooo" under his breath. Not loud, so I knew he was a wimp. Had he wanted to really get into it, he would have been louder to impress his girlfriend.

We got off the train...........I drove E.'s car & played taxi to 3 of the 4. I got E. home, grabbed my keys & drove home, too. It was 3:20 when I got in & fell asleep around 4am.

I hope E. will post a response to fill in gaps I may have. She drank a fish bowl and three other drinks but I was not always aware of what was going on. I was dancing with Yummy Danny.

I am too old to be out this much & this late. But did I mention that Danny was yummy? Just incase you didn't know.