Saturday, July 01, 2006

Yummy Celebratory Week

I think I ate my weight in food this week. I went out to eat quite a bit. Mom & I wanted to go to the outlets on Monday. By the time we crossed the Tappan Zee, it was pouring. You can't do the outlets in the's just not fun. So we ended up at the Palisades Mall...a decent substitute. I wanted my grilled chicken & avocado sandwich from The Cheesecake Factory, so lunch was decided. Tuesday, Crau & I went out to Chilis to meet RB, a colleague of ours. We sat & ate for two hours. Lots of fun...expecially when we don't see most of our coworkers for about four months. Tuesday night was dinner out at California Pizza Kitchen. MMMMMMMMMM. I love eating there. Wednesday was lunch, again, with Crau & Codegirl. We work with her, too. It was a brazilian restaurant called La Finca & I ate such a HUGE lunch that I didn't eat the rest of the day. I know!!! That's not like me at all. Arroz con pollo, fried plantains, and empanadas all around. A pitcher of sangria topped it all off. We were there for almost three hours! And the waiter was soooooooooo nice. I'm telling you all to check it out.

What was I celebrating? Summer session I was finished as of Thursday. Wednesday night almost did me in, though I had two of my students verbally assault me because they did not like their grades. I don't mena they whined. They actually started yelling in the classroom, startling the other students. I didn't raise my voice. I didn't change my demeanor at all. And for that I was called "cold & distant"....."uncaring"........I told them that yelling and being emotional to the point that you are making accusations is unprofessional & this is a job, not a personal matter for me. However, I was shaking. My hands were going nuts. How they didn't see that is beyond me.

Thank goodness it's all over. I can't stand it when people are ahppy the whole way through & know theyir grades & then they are shocked at the end results & start screaming. It's just lunacy.

Today I'll be at Cracker Barrel enjoying a hearty breakfast & then some shopping for necessities...........mmmmmmmmmmm..................catch you all later!