Sunday, July 30, 2006


I haven't seen KDP in three weeks. We just haven't connected. But I had received an email from Godiva to try their new Caramel Chocolixer & forwarded it to her. I always pass along what I think people will appreciate & I know KDP appreciates anything with chocolate in the subject.

She immediately sent it back saying "When & Where?" so we settled on today at Roosevelt Field. We spent three and a half hours in that mall. We chatted & caught up on her exciting life. She has a lot going for her right now. I told her was short because I have nothing to really talk about (did you not read the last few posts that tell you I have no boyfriend to take me out?).

She even let me listen to a message from this guy "J" that she has gone out with three times. He called her this past Tuesday & left a message saying "Hey. It's "J". Just wanted to say that today is our one month anniversary. Happy Anniverary."

Ummmm.............I almost dropped the phone. I said "I didn't know you were an item." She said "I didn't know either". She & I are both in shock that she has a boyfriend but didn't even know it. ???????????????? Didn't we stop doing things like that in college? I think the last guy who did that was freshman year & we did not have cellphones.

An hour had barely gone by & already I had three bags from various stores. We were doing pretty well & it was time to get the Caramel Chocolixer. We grabbed a bench (a rare treat & nearly impossible feat to do on a Sunday at that mall) and sat to enjoy our frozen treats. It was yummy. However, for $5.15, I will stick to my iced caramel macchiato.

KDP has been looking for a new pair of sunglasses for (at least)two months now. We went into Solstice & she tried on a few pairs & settled on a great looking pair of mirrored beige ones. Very chic & fits her well. I, on the other hand, found a Gucci pair that I love love love.....but will not be getting any time soon because they are $250. Oh I need a rich guy.

I must say that my best purchase of the day was the little lipgloss I got for my cellphone. It is a real gloss but has that string & clip to attach it to your cell. So me!