Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Double Date Dilemna

I am up for anything once. As long as it's not skydiving or bungee jumping, I'll do it. And I am trying to find things to do each day so that I have an eventful summer. I am also looking for either cost-effective or free things to do because I need to start supplementing my $$ situation. So, I got an email from VS & it said to apply immediately to win free passes into their MTV Pink Pajama Party. I did. I love their Pink line. I have a lot of it for two reasons: 1. cute stuff & 2. it's named "pink" This is totally me. I got the passes to the event in NYC for when? Tonight. When am I going to NJ to see Bon Jovi? Tonight. Drat! The Bon Jovi concert has been on the books for awhile now. I want to go. I've never seen him perform & I have wanted to. I like his music & who he seems to be (at least in interviews). So, I had to send back the email to VS & tell them to allot the tickets to someone else. Oh--how cool would it have been to get free tix & free stuff at this party? Mr. Jovi, your show better be good.