Sunday, July 16, 2006

You'd Better Shop Around

I went to Crau's in the teeming rain & thunder on Wednesday night to watch the ever-anticipated "Shop Girl". She loved the novella, written by Steve Martin. I said it was okay. She put this on her netflix & said we had had had to watch it when it came in. She is a girl of willpower. It came in on Friday & I wasn't able to go see it until Wednesday. She held out for me. That's power. We talked for about an hour and a half.....I snacked......and then we watched the movie.

I love lounging on her neat couches & just chatting with Crau. Nothing to interrupt us (which is what usually happens). I like watching movies with her....although I will ask questions out loud & expect a response & I think she likes to stay quiet....I'm not sure but we haven't established a movie rhythm yet.

This movie, she loved. I thought it was okay. She said "Oh this is one to watch over and over again". I saw it once & that was plenty for me.

We have such opposite tastes it's funny. But, I would keep on shopping bfore stopping at Shop Girl again.