Saturday, July 01, 2006

Attack of the Clackers

KDP & I saw my much anticipated "The Devil Wears Prada" last night. I can't wait for it to come out on dvd. I know I have a long wait.....but that's okay. It was so good. However, it was very different from the book, which I always like better. But--oh--the clothes, the jewelry, the SHOES! I came out with such an urge to buy a new pair. Thankfully, as KDP pointed out, it was after 10 pm and all of the stores were closed. DARN.

I did get to see the preview for the Sept. 11th movie that is coming out. It was sad. I didn't know that Nicholas Cage was in it. Weird to see him in such a role. I am not going to see it. I have no need to see it. My big reason for not going is that Maggie Gyllanhall(spelling?) is in it. She had passed some disparaging remarks about the people of NY, the victims of September 11th, and the government as a whole. I do not need to support her work in this case. I like her as an actress. I really do. But for her to be so rude with the situation rubs me the wrong way. So I won't be going.

Okay, back to Devil. Differences from the book to film didn't make sense to me. Andy, (AH's character), was supposed to have an apt. with 2 med. students who were never there. She lived with the boyfriend in the movie. He was a teacher in brooklyn but was now a chef at some restaurant. Lily (who was played by the same woman in Rent--I think) was to have been white & a phd black & an artist opening a gallery (made no sense to me). There was another guy friend with the group to make it an even 4, but he served no purpose. Miranda Priestley was evil to the core in the book & yet here we see a tender side of her, a divorce, & even a positive letter of recommendation for Andy.

Anne Hathaway was good in this role, although, it reminded me a lot of her Princess Diaries role. She starts out frumpy & turns into a label-wearing diva. She has a best friend named Lily, is very clumsy, and has to be true to herself & what she is really meant to be.

Oh~~the shoes! I even saw a Chanel necklace I would love to have. Oh, I will have a devil of a time not buying something couture after this experience. I will also have to be anorexic for the next three months. Skinny, stylish women everywhere! Oh to quote Emily Blunt's character, "I am one stomach flu away from my ideal weight".....I'm more like six of those, but I'd rather not get into that.