Monday, July 31, 2006

Empty August Looms While Sept. Is Already Booked

I was looking at my planner this morning. First off, I have to get a new one because it ends this Friday. So then I have nothing to write in. But I realized that all I am doing in August is working & hanging out at random times. Nothing major. How Boring!?!

Let me start by pointing out that Summer Session II (that I begrudgingly decided to teach) will not end until Aug. 28th. EW! Okay, okay. I thought I was fine with it seeing as we don't go back until Sept. 12th. But then the letter from Farm came in and they start the 28th of Aug. And then I checked my schedule at 5T and they start the 31st of Aug. There goes my two weeks off. Drat!

However, There's Labor Day Weekend which I am going to try my best to get a flight to Portland to see Cowboy. I won't be able to go until Christmas otherwise. Then, the following week a brewery that I really like is coming down & doing a NYC Bash on the 9th. The following weekend starts a Longaberger/Boyds Fest in Gettysburg that I am doing a daytrip for & the following week I am in Foxwoods for the Nick Lachey concert. The weekend after that, you ask? Nope. Crak & I are so hoping to be at the Nassau Coliseum Fair with OUR OWN BOOTH! Way too excited & too early on in the planning stages to really talk about right now. Two and a half weeks later I have obligations out-of-state to attend to. And then it will already be midterm time at all three colleges. So that weekend is reserved for grading & getting in midsemester reports. By that point November is looming in the near distance &, as everyone in my profession knows, things just snowball faster until we hit the end of the semester & the major holidays. Sad to say that the remainder of this year is pretty much packed already & there will be so many other things I'll want to try and cram in there.