Monday, December 18, 2006

The Most Interesting Cards I Have Ever Seen

I was in the card store near my house this afternoon looking for a card for work. I walked down one aisle and a group of cards caught my eye. I always like to stop and read the ones that are the water color know the ones that are all muted colors and one shade leads into the next? Yeah, those. Anyway, the topics started out pretty normal..."Thinking of You", "Missing You", "Sympathy" and then it got to "I'd Like To Get To Know You Better", "Sorry I Hurt You", "This Could Be Going Somewhere", and "I Am Not Sure This Will Work Out". It's like I walked down the reject aisle.....or better yet.....similar to the movie "Rudolph and the Island of Misfit Toys". These were the most misfit cards I have ever seen.