Monday, December 11, 2006

I Am Not Into Playing Games

So, I had sent Mr. NJ my cell # in hopes that we would not play the email game. That was Thursday night. He emailed me on Saturday and answered my questions rather bluntly. He is a "junior", does live in NJ, and that's all he wrote. He asked me to tell him about myself. So, I replied about two hours after he sent it (that's when I got it) and told him that I like a lot of things. "I'm a total girly-girl", love the color pink, adore animals, reading and going out. I can talk a little bit about a lot of things like sports, cars, and current events." Then I asked him to tell me about himself. I have not gotten a reply. I can't figure out if he's doing that "three day rule" crap. I don't play these games. I can't be bothered with someone who does. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt and will see what the next email holds, but what kind of guy asks to be set up & when he is does not use the number provided? What is it with men?

I have not heard back from Cowboy at all. I had sent him that text and then called him (foolishly) at 5 am on Friday, but he has not replied at all. He said he wanted to "be friends", and a friend should call you back.

But I am becoming more and more wise as to who true friends are and who just calls when they don't have anyone else to go out with. I am tired of these people and hope to be rid of them in 2007.