Saturday, December 16, 2006

How Interested Is He?

NJ finally wrote back to me from two days ago. I notice that days pass before he'll respond. I don't get it. This isn't a major conversation of emails taking place. Its along the lines of where did you last travel....last movie you saw.....pets & siblings..........that's it. He asked a few questions in his last email that I answered & asked him a few. This time he only asked me why I went to Fla so often & then if I had any weekend plans because his weekend is BOOKED. Don't worry, Mr. NJ, I wasn't planning on asking you out & I am geting the feeling you don't want to meet up at all. Which is fine because you live in Jersey & I don't plan to commute to see you. ;)

Almost forgot to mention that I added him to my buddy list in case he wanted to chat. I figured he could initiate it. My one list is linked to the other so I can see the same names on both. Well, isn't it odd that he has me blocked on the email account I gave him but he doesn't know I could see he was on with my other name. Yeah, he popped up on that list & I was confused. So, as I asked, how interested is he? Not very!