Thursday, February 07, 2008

I Was Supposed To Make A List?

I was able to catch 'Oprah' yesterday and she was focusing on how to bring positive things into your life. And one segment of the show was titled "Love List". Martha Beck wrote a column for O Magazine and it is called just that. It focuses on a woman who made a list of 100 qualities she wanted in a partner. She then put the list away and went about her life. Some time later, this very man, possessing almost all of the 100 attributes, walks into her life.

She goes on to say that you should make such a list of your own. Write the list, look at it a bit, and then put it away. By doing this, you know what you want, have affirmed it with writing, do not need to dwell on it because it is already written down, and then the Universe knows what it is you are truly asking for. Now there are two possible lists you can create: the shallow "needy" list, which she says never works, or make a list for your 'core of peace'. This is that list with true qualities in a person...not looks or money.......but thoughtful or good sense of humor.

Is it that easy? Why didn't anyone tell me I had to make a list? Isn't that what I did last year around this time? I did not get anyone that closely resembled it, otherwise I would not be doing this now. you think the Universe just sees my mental health as a sick game?