Sunday, February 03, 2008

It's Time To Move To Where Nobody Knows You When....

I was at Roosevelt Field Mall yesterday and had a coupon for a free lipgloss at Victoria's Secret. I went in to the store and found a pair of panties that I wanted. But they didn't have any in my size on the table. So I turned to the sales associate, who was straightening the merchandise, and I asked her "Excuse me, (dangling the desired pair from my fingers) do you have this in a _________". What? Did you think I'd divulge my size?

Anyway, she turns towards me and begins to say "Let me................" and freezes. She says "Oh my god! I am so embarassed." And I realize that it is a student I just had at Farm back in the fall. I freeze, too, and then say "Why are you embarassed? I am the one waving underwear around and now you know what size I take. I should be the one embarassed".

She giggles nervously and a coworker comes over and then she introduces me as "this is my professor".


So I said, "Well, to keep this from being more awkward, I'll let you help someone else". I put the item down and walked out dying a bit inside. That beats all now, doesn't it?

Cops in NYC, hosts & waiters, random approaches in Penn and the mall, but my unmentionables? This is now where I draw the line and something needs to be done.