Saturday, April 07, 2007

Cocaine Cowboy

Cowboy is in an inpatient rehab for the next 30 days. He asked his mother to call me & let me know what's going on. Turns out his fiance is into hard drugs & he jumped on the bandwagon with her. Things he has told me versus what his mother told me do not add up. He says he wanted to marry her. He told his mother he did it for two reasons: 1. to not be alone & . she wouldn't leave him alone until he proposed.

He told me he had given her jewelry he already had in possession. His mother said no way. It was all new. He got settlement money from one of his accidents here & blew it all on jewelry, alcohol, and drugs. I mentioned to her that he owes me money. She said "Are you kidding?" I said "No, ask him." She flipped. She also said she found tons of empty bottles in his half of the house, as well as a dollar bill rolled up very tight. She says she took it to have it tested, bc Oregon has an anonymous program that you can take things in you suspect someone used for drugs & they'll test them. It came back positive for coke.

His Ohio friend, Nick, is still in the picture. They never stopped talking. He lied to me. About a lot of things. His mother said he is beyond skinny, having to wear sweats under his jeans to keep them up. She said he is basically a skeleton. She said I can call her anytime. She also emailed me his address at the clinic. She said he has his cell in there with him even though its against policy & I should try to text him.

So I did. And he said "Thanks. Isn't it sad you contacted me before exFiance did?" I sent it back "She a waste. Stop thinking about her. She is a user. Get over it." He then sent one saying he's sorry he let me down. I sent it back saying he didn't let me down but pissed me off in an amazingly huge way. He said he'll call tonight. Let's see.