Thursday, August 03, 2006

What The Heck....Is 'Pants Off Dance Off'?!?

Why is Jodi Sweetin the host of "Pants Off Dance Off"? This is some show on fuse that people try out each week to be a stripper. They all get $200 for dancing on tv & taking off all of their clothes. There are the usual scrawny girls who just haven't bought their tickets to Vegas yet. But then there are the larger people....the not-so-pretty people, and the old people. EW! And why is Ms. Sweetin the host? I asked that already but I had to say it again because it's so odd. Tell me you don't know who she is. 'Stephanie' from "Full House". Why why why are people taking off their clothes? Don't we have enough of that on television already?

And~~sorry for the interruption but I am watching 'Friends' & Crau will love this: they are playing "Phoebe Ball" and she just asked Monica 'what is your favorite thing about trees?" And the answer that Phoebe is going for is........?

Okay~~back to tacky tv & stars who ar trying to make some kind of comeback & going about it completely wrong. I can't believe that people will strip for $200! I am not sure why I am surprised by this but I am. What is happening to society? Whoah...loaded question. Chalk this all up to the heat.