Friday, August 11, 2006

It's Greek To Me

So, the Greek had said he wanted to "get together for drinks this week" and I thought for sure that it would never materialize. And it almost didn't. We set it up on Sunday night that we would go out for drinks on Thursday at 9pm. I got a call on Wednesday at 8:30 pm from him, saying that he was "Stuck at work and would have to cancel". ya don't. So I called back & had to leave him a message. It went something like this: "Hi. It's me. I just got your message that you are cancelling. First of all, do not cancel a half hour before we are supposed to meet up. I would have already been on my way & would not want to have to turn around. Secondly, we aren't meeting tonight. We are meeting tomorrow (Thursday). If you are going to cancel on me tomorrow, you are to call me no later than 7:30 pm to notify me of this change. Looking forward to seeing you" and I hung up. U.S. was sitting there while I did this & she was cracking up.

Anyway, Thursday came & I was on my way to PF Changs for drinks & apps. I get a call at 8:30 (again) and it's "I'm on my way but there's traffic." At least he let me know he was still coming. I would have flipped because I had already left to meet him & if he cancelled that would have been it for him. He shows up a half an hour late. I wasn't too happy, but at least we had chatted a bit during this time period.

He looked good. The last time I saw him he was a mess (and I was soooooooo happy). But he really looked good this time. Darn. It wasn't really that awkward at all. We got a table immediately. I already knew what I was having so I didn't need to look at the menu. He did ask me for help & we talked about (what else) food for a bit. Then it went on to what we've been doing since we last saw eachother over a year ago. We had drinks. A bit too much, I think. Because then we started talking about our dating expereinces over the last 5 years. That's how much time has passed since our relationship ended. We talked the entire time. There wasn't one lull in the conversation. We laughed a lot too.

He drove me to my car & we said goodnight. I said we should get together again soon & not let a year go by. He said "call & I'll make time for you". Now, if you know him, that is a lot. Because he works all the time. And he doesn't come all the way out to Nassau County when he's in Queens & Manhattan at his offices. So I knew the offer was big. It was awkward for a moment, but I gave him a kiss on the cheek & a hug and thanked him for dinner & got in my car. I wasn't home 5 minutes when a text came through "I had a good time tonight. Thank you. Good night". Wow. A follow-up already? Now, some people may say it should have been a phone call but this whole "us talking thingy" started with a text 5 or 6 weeks ago. So this was appropriate. I sent it back saying the usual thanks & had a good time. He then sent it back that he went home right after we left & I should "come over for fun" if I want. Wait a second. Where did this come from? We left with a friendly kiss on the cheek, a hug, and a "let's do this in the next two months" kind of scenario. Did I miss something? Was there something there I didn't pick up on? Ofcourse, any guy who has dated me will tell you that he practically had to hit me over the head for me to see his interest, no matter what it was. I sent it back that I didn't realize that is where this was going & he replied that it can --maybe -- if we want.

Wait. What?