Saturday, August 05, 2006

Like Speakng a Foreign Langauge

I had recently had a couple of text converstaions with the Greek. We haven't chatted in almost a year & have now had 2 of these conversation in a month. As his last text requested the night before, "Can You Talk?" I decided to call him on my way in to the city. I left a message & figured that'd be it for almost another year. He called on the ride home from the city & we talked. About stuff. He works. A Lot. I told him about the new business & the first thing he asks is how much an hour & can he book four. He has a degree. So I asked him why. He said because he can't hold down a relationship & at least this way he'd have to go out since it's paid for. What? My response to him was "Fine. It'll pay for the Gucci sunglasses I want". He asked if I want to get together. Sure. He then asked if I drink. My resposne to him was that it depends on the company I am going to be keeping. This struck him so funny & it's now that we will go out some night this week--my choice---for drinks & conversation. Already I am wondering why I am getting into this.