Wednesday, September 13, 2006

They're Back

So it was Day One back at -----------------. I can't even bear to say the name of the location. You all know where I was. Oh yeah. And it was brutal. The classes are HUGE. The students were not always told to go to the correct classroom on their schedules. How can a place that is in business as a higher ed. institution get so many simple things wrong. I had two classes there beginning at 8:25......then ran to do 2 at the farm.......then went back til 10:30 at night at ---. I am so tired. I am too old to be keeping such a rigorous schedule.

I could do thins a couple of years ago. But it does take it's toll on me. I crashed 10 minutes afer getting home. This will keep up for the next eight weeks. UGH!

I must say that I have moved into a new cube. It's spacious. It has cabinetry. It has a phone. It's MINE! And--even funner--Crak is an aisle away on the other side of someone else's cube. We're going to drive him crazy. As it is, she came into my cube to find out my number & then called me. I could hear her over the cubes & on the phone. We were cracking up! I feel so bad for the cubby people. Crak & I agreed (in fits of giggles) that they will petition to have us crammed back in to some random office together because there will be no rest. Ah--good times.