Friday, September 08, 2006

An Evening With The MIU

I believe this is the first time I have ever seen the MIU twice in less than a five-week span. We usually go six months at a clip before going out to catch up on all the latest events. We met at our usual Starbucks & sat for 2 1/2 hours chatting away. He has a lot going on. He's had a few bbqs in the last couple of weeks. He went to Buffalo over Labor Day weekend to have wings at Duffs & beer in Canada. He started a new job on Tuesday. Congrats to him! We talked & compared stories, and laughed a lot. It's always a good time. And--to top it off--he finally let me pay for the coffee. Chivalry is not dead (MIU thinks he has to keep it alive on his lone shoulders) but it is nice to have someone reciprocate, isn't it?