Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Beginning of My Ulcers & the End of My Sanity

It's Sunday morning. I have today & tomorrow & that's it. I return to (as Crak calls it) Briarcrap on Tuesday for our first day of the semester. I am NOT HAPPY. I have already been there for a meeting & a change of office cubicle. I have had agita heaped upon me in person, on the phone, and in letters that pay me $20k less than it should be. I can't sleep. The pounds are packing on much easier than they should. I have little tolerance for anyone or anything that is in front of me. I can't concentrate.

Think I have problems with my job? Sorry~~my sarcasm is running on overdrive today. I know. You look & say "It's only 10:15 am on a nice day. How can she be this strung out with things?" Believe me. If you had to face the realities I will be facing on a daily basis & know that this is what life has been reduced to, you'd have run crying to the sanitarium ages ago. My family can't figure out why I haven't cracked yet. Four reasons: 1. supportive family & friends/colleagues who either listen to or will commisserate with this garbage 2. good food that I have been having 3. shopping & the latest fall fashions. Sounds shallow, I know. I don't care. Pretty colored fabrics & accessories always make me smile. And 4. I am a fighter. I don't back down easy & I don't quit. I try to do what's ethical/moral and best for interested parties. I can't take it that the voice of reason exists in so few that I work with.

I have sent out letters & requests, talked to people & even became an entrepeneur, but nothing has caught on yet. My patience is wearing thin. My waistline is not. I will be the woman on that "relacore" commercial if things don't pick up. I used to lvoe the first day of school. It was so exciting, so fresh, and so open to possibilities. What happened?