Monday, September 11, 2006

Continuing the Literacy Campaign

I just read and assessed the diagnostics from the farm tonight. Can anyone read and comprehend the words in front of them anymore? The essay topic posed to the two classes was something along the lines as follows:

Select a story from your childhood. Discuss it's significance in your memories of your childhood. Was this a book read to you? Was this a family story passed down through generations? Summarize the story and respond to the topic.

I read the first essay & it was about a book called "Freddy the Frog". Good! The next essay was about the Shining, then Night, and then Twelve Angry Men. It continued from there. I had one about The Green Mile, another of The Catcher in the Rye, and two about Go Ask Alice.

These are not childhood stories. These are middle/high school required readings. I believe one-third did the assignment as requested. The other 2/3? Don't get me started. And these are supposed to be my smart students.

A Looooonnnnnnngggggggg Semester Lies Ahead!