Tuesday, May 23, 2006

So Much Nonsense But All Necessary

This week is great! I have off from work, in a sense. I teach two hybrid classes & that means that they meet in the traditional sense some days & online other days. This is an online week. Yippee!!

I have so much of my own stuff to work on, though, so I am not really free. That's okay because it's for me.

Saturday was graduation, which was more like an unorganized three-ring circus. People have no tact or class anymore & the end was a shambles. I believe highschools need to start offering classes in decorum. Dn't you agree?

I was finally able to watch "Good Night & Good Luck" as well as "Born Rich" this weekend. BIG accomplishments there. I have been waiting & trying to find time to do so, and it happened.

Swarovski had their debut party for the new Luvlots line. I went after the graduation & it was so pretty. I ended up getting one of the ones I had wanted. There are three more that I like but will wait to purchase.

Crau & I went to a funeral on Sunday. It was actually the Jewish version of it but because I cannot spell the word, I am going with the first explanation out of respect.

I saw KDP last night, who has so much going on. She was offered the position of Summer School Principal for her school. She is moving by mid-June. And she joined Match and has had a few dates from it. They may have been okay, but it's better than what I have been doing, which is nothing. She has so much going on & it's all good. Congrats & good luck to her!

And, today is a business day for me. I am trying to work on all aspects of the business so we can wrap this up & start soliciting & drumming up money. Busy busy busy~~but nothing to speak of.