Thursday, October 11, 2007

Reactivating "The Year of the Buzz"

Last night KDP & I attended the ever-popular "Girls' Night Out" at the Puck Building. This was a much anticipated event and I was hoping it'd be just as good as the last two.

I originally wanted to let my 3:30 class out early so I could run home, change, eat, and get to the train without falling on my face. Then I got the email that I was being observed by the former chair of the dept. and there's no way I could get away with letting my group out early.


Now I'd be nervous & wound up all day anticipating this observation. The EngDoc came & sat in the back, smiled and said he'd try not to talk to the classmates & be disruptive. I had told him that I'd only be teaching about half the time because the other half was a research paper workshop. I was hoping he'd get bored & leave.


He stayed. Until 4:45. Thanks. My three girls that are so disruptive were their typical selves and may have ruined my ob. for me. And, as usual, when you have to be somewhere NOW don't they all stay AFTER to ask questions? Could they have asked while EngDoc was there? NO!

So I did my best & then ran like the wind (well...okay.....I ran like an exhausted Grotter who'd been wearing heels all day & just had a big shot watch her try to maintain order) to my car to drive like a nut to get home.

I made it home just in time to jump into jeans and fly back out the door. The escalator wasn't working at the station so I had to "haul ass" up that too. I did end up falling into my seat on the train and had to take a few minutes to catch my breathe.

I found KDP at 6:20 in Penn and we were off to grab the D to head over to Lafayette. We made it there without incident & hustled into the Puck Building.

Ah! Drinks! We did a quick once around in the place and found the bar where we'd had such a good time in March. I asked some cute (but curly-haired...I'm not a fan of...personal preference) bartender to serve us. I asked him for something sweet...and true to form he said "Besides me?" Sober, I flirted mercilessly with him. KDP & I then walked away and sucked that baby down so fast because neither of us had eaten nor did we have anything to drink. A Grotter haulin' ass becomes a very thirsty Grotter. We did one aisle and made it back to the bar for Round 2. More terrible flirting. Shameless. But I had to do it.

I won't go any further but I will say that five drinks is all I managed. I have done eight at the last two events so I am quite disappointed in myself. The goody bags were just okay. Not even close to as good as the prior bags. I did get a cutie little tank for $7. The bartender asked if he could see it. Oooo.....we also scored free flip flops from some new line coming out at Macys. He wanted to see those, too. We told him to go get a pair for his girlfriend. He said he's single. Hmmmmm................well.................nah. I didn't bother. They are supposed to flirt with the women. And I was now buzzed. Buzzed

We made it home a bit after 11....... weak, I know. But I have been out of sync for a while and this may be just what I need to get me back into the Year of the Buzz!