Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Farm's Verdict

I have been waiting with baited breath for some response from the former Eng. chair at the Farm. He observed me last Wednesday.....the night of Shecky's.......and I was panicked beyond belief. I don't mind people sitting in on my classes, but I freaked out with this one.

I ran into FC in the doorway of the building Monday and he was very eager to tell me that I had done well. He said that there is a lot of "positive buzz" about me on that campus. I asked how that is possible since I am only an adjunct & breeze in and out rather fast twice a week. He said "Just as students gossip about teachers, full-timers gossip about adjuncts". EEK!

He complimented me the entire time. He even said that he could learn quite a bit from taking my class. I almost passed out. Right there. And I told him that. I said that it has been ages since I had one nice thing said about my skills as a professor.....as a professional even.....and this was such a shock.

I had all to do to not cry on the man. And then I ran to my class. Many of my students had passed through the door where he & I had been standing and they asked, eagerly I might add, how I did. I told them that he was happy & he even said that they are a nice group of students. He did. They felt good, too! I explained to them how it feels to be observed. A few said that if they had to go through what I did, they'd just not show up. I was so wound up that I had to put my head on the desk for a minute. They laughed along wiht me & gave me a minute to compose myself.

Oh....it felt so good, if even for an af ernoon, to have someone genuinely compliment me.