Friday, August 31, 2007

The Great Escape

Sunday night the Marine and I met up for coffee. He hounded me late Saturday night & then Sunday to find time for him, so I suggested Starbucks. We had a great time talking (for two hours) and laughing. Then we had a beter time kissing for a half hour outside. Yeah. Sweet. And then it was the request of him wanting to take me to dinner. Uh huh. I said call me during the week and we will set something up.

But then things changed.

Work stressed me out beyond belief. My chairperson had yet to get my schedule correct, they cancelled classes on me, said I had to attend some workshop thing in the next three days (that they just decided to create and force upon some of us) and then took classes away from me altogether. I was flipping out......and then Crak drops the bomb that she is quitting to take a new job. ACK!

The Marine was still texting me all random questions about past relationships, what was I looking for, and what do I want in a future mate......I felt like I was being interrogated.

Life was becoming a tornado that swept me up and insisted on spinning the sanity out of me.

KDP went to Ft. Lauderdale on Saturday morning & was begging me to join her. I didn't want to go, was too tired & stressed, and still had to teach summer classes.


I couldn't handle the garbage anymore and last minute I bought a ticket to meet her down there. I arrived Wednesday afternoon & crashed. We did random activities there but it was so nice to go away and not tell anyone. I didn't bother to say much about it to anybody...I consider it my celebrity-ish retreat from all of the recognizing, neediness, and crazed scheduling.

If Paris can do it (without a job) why can't I with my so-called life?