Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Some People Never Learn

I got an email from Peof Crau yesterday that said "Don't freak out" Thanks. Now I am going to freak out. Power of suggestion, you know? In the email she writes of how Mr. Thug-loser (I am trying to be nice) was spotted in the cafeteria yesterday. Now, orders were that he was suspended until April 17th. He was specifically told that if he set foot into the building, he would be expelled. Well, the powers-that-be had better follow through. I went into the office of Mr. NC & mentioned that I had heard of this incident. His reply: "PC claims she saw him." What? She claims? So you believe she is making this up? Idiot. I asked him "What is going to be done?" He said he spoke to the man-in-charge & that the student should be expelled. I went to two other offices to let those powers in on it. They both plan to follow up on this & see that something is done. How can one be so determined to be head-strong & do what he would rather do than help himself out for a better future? And, does one really believe that he can win this issue? Come on. I will not let this rest. Promise.