Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Amazing Shirt

I had coffee with Crau today at Starbucks & she showed up in this fabulous shirt that I wanted to take right off of her. But I didn't have anything to cover her up with, so I didn't take it. However, it was a black shirt with a martini glass that had a rhinestone olive in it & a phrase that went something along the lines of "I like my drinks stiff and dirty". Again~~something to that effect. The "dirty" was in rhinestones, too, as was a red heart on the back. So cute! I have some pretty amazing shirts but would have loved to have added this to the collection!

Briefly onto other things: Had coffee with MIU Thursday night. Stayed out WAY too late talking & catching up...always good to see him. Then spent my ENTIRE FRIDAY afternoon at work until after 6:00............UGH. Then I have graded papers all weekend because it is the end of the semester & all of the work is coming in by the tremendous pile. Life has taken an odd turn & made me boring rather quickly, wouldn't you all agree? Back to living it up by next weekend!